Friday, August 28, 2015


Though it is a long while until Easter, I thought today of the two men on either side of Jesus as he hung on the cross. Both were, as Jesus, sentenced to be crucified, but they, unlike Jesus, were guilty of a crime. As the three hung there in the throes of death, one mocked Jesus, while the other protested, "Don't you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die"? Then he said, "Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom." And Jesus replied, "I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:42

It has been almost two years since the passing of my brother, Jonny, but one of the last things he did before he died, still sticks in my mind. I am so grateful I was able to talk to him about his soul and one evening he asked Jesus into his heart. I will never forget the tears that ran down his cheeks as we prayed. Tears of regret for the years he had not served Jesus, but tears of joy because he was finally where he needed to be.

Jonny reminded me of the man on the cross next to Jesus. Jesus, seeing that the man believed, promised him a place in heaven. As the man on the cross, my brother did not have time to go to church, teach Sunday School or tithe on his income, but none the less, he would soon be ushered to heaven. 

As we gathered to be with him as he took his last breaths, his last words will always be with me. He looked up and asked, "Who are all these people?" Though his family was there I will always believe he also seen a multitude of angels gathered around, that had come to take him to paradise.

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