Thursday, January 30, 2020

Go Tell Of The Feast

It was a trip he was not to forget.  It was a fishing trip to Canada with my husband and some other guys from the church.  My dad was the greatest fisherman I ever knew.  He fished on the hottest of days or would drill a hole in the ice to catch them on the coldest of days.  He had so much patience when it came to waiting them out for just a nibble on his line.  I shared with my grandson, Kellan, a saying he had.  He would say, "Throw right out there, right on his front patio".

One day he went out with Larry and he insisted that they go out to the shallows of the giant lake while their fellow fishermen fished deep.  As he directed my husband where to where to set anchor, they looked down to find a huge school of walleye just beneath the boat.  As Larry excitedly readied his fishing gear, my dad said the most incredible thing, "Let's go get the others so they can catch some too."  My sweet husband reluctantly did as my dad had suggested.  The group caught many fish that day except for my husband who caught none, which we laughed about for years.

I thought of this story, as I was introduced to an account in 2 Kings 7 in a devotion I read awhile back.

It tells of four men with leprosy, a terrible affliction at that time.  These starving men came upon a camp that was set up with lots of fine food, but the men of the camp had been frightened away by the threat of an attack on them.  The starving lepers ate until they were full but finally said to each other, "This is not right.  This is a day of good news and we aren't sharing with anyone".  "Come let us go back and tell the people".

How many times have I feasted on God's word, His blessings, and His truth but don't go and tell others?  I enjoy the warmth of the sanctuary as I listen to the messages from God, the singing of praise and the wonderful fellowship but I am fearful to go and tell of God's plan to receive all who ask, into His kingdom.  In this time of famon in our world, we have the Gospel, the good news of Christ.

  Help me not feast alone but go tell others what I have found in You, O Lord!

It was a trip he was not to forget.  It was a trip of his dreams, a fishing trip to Canada.  My dad was the best fisherman I ever knew.  He fi

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Don’t Be Afraid, Little Flock

I’m a sucker for those sweet, hidden, little morsels that God has left throughout His Word.  Yesterday I rediscovered one that melted my heart as I visualized it.

So don’t be afraid little flock.  For it give your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.  Luke 12:32

I remember trying to move my “little flock” when we had to go somewhere especially church!  The phrase “herding cats” came to mind sometimes but for the most part we had a system.  The kids were bathed complete with hair washing.  I would give them their bath, Larry would blow dry the hair and  brush the teeth and send them on to be dressed by me including shoes shined.  As they grew older the feat was to get them from primping in the bathroom and slowing the whole process.  Believe it or not, we usually made it on time if not early.  Some would joke as all the kids jumped out of the van that the other church bus had arrived.

Hectic? Yes!  Oh, but for the days of having our “little flock” together.  Oh, to pull them up close under our roof and hear those “Walton style”. Good nights!

Now, of course they are all grown and have “little flocks” of their own. But the memories I still carry now in my prayers like sweet, fragrant flowers in a basket.

But as the verse in Luke says, our Heavenly Father gathers us and proclaims “Don’t be afraid!” Little flock don’t be afraid when the diagnosis is bad, the bank account is zero or when you find yourself with a prodigal.

Don’t be afraid because your Father WITH GREAT HAPPINESS gives you the Kingdom.  There is nothing greater than the Kingdom.

I believe that verse is in the Bible to show us His great tenderness and love and His willingness to happily give us what we ask for, even and including the Kingdom of God!

So “Little Flock” rest and don’t be afraid!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Moses, Hold Those Arms Up!

A year ago in March, after I had just taught my Sunday School lesson, I began to feel lightheaded, dizzy and finally all was black.  I remember my friend, Michelle on one side talking in calming tones reassuring me everything was going to be okay, while my husband, Larry on the other side never stopped rubbing my hair and kissing my forehead.  Though my eyes were closed I vaguely heard my husband tell someone to call the ambulance.  In my muddled mind I wondered what all the fuss was about.  As I think back,  I wondered why I didn’t pray or become frightened of death.  I think those around me wondered if I would make it.  I remember the EMT on the ambulance drive, trying to get an IV in and had to stick me several times.  He tried to make me laugh with corny jokes and stories.  I remember trying to smile but my face just would not move and my mouth never made it to a smile!  Of course, when we got to the hospital the action began.  One test after another, even a drug test.  As I became more alert I realized they thought I had had a stroke.  Every test they had to look at my brain.  They were on a quest to find out what had gone wrong.  Next was a drug-induced stress test to then check out my heart.  I was placed in an open scanner and told it was important that I keep my arms above my head.  A technician held my arms in this awkward position for what seemed like hours as the scanning machine made one pass after another over my chest as they injected the drugs.  By then I didn’t need drugs to make me stressed!  As I lay there my arms became tired and sore and they begged to return to a more comfortable place.  Ever faithful was the technician in her nicely pressed scrubs keeping my arms over my head.

I thought of this today as I read from Exodus about Moses, Aaron and Hur.  The Amalekites attacked the Israelites at Rephidim.  Moses promised them if they fought he would stand on the top of the hill with the staff of God in his hands.  When his arms were up Joshua was winning the battle but when Moses hands grew tired and came down, Joshua was losing.  Aaron, Moses’ brother and Hur his brother-in-law looked for a rock and told Moses to sit down and with one on each side they held his arms up until the battle was won!

I liked a few things about this story.  First I like it that they found a rock for Moses to sit down on.  I think of the battles I have gone through in my life where someone found a place for me to rest in while they held me up in prayer.  My arms weary from trying to handle it on my own, we’re pulled up by people on each side lifting me to the throne.  I have felt the burden become lighter as family and friends come along side of us to steady us all the while reminding us to rest in His promises until the battle is won.  Lord, give me a heart to hold others up  until their war is won.

Besides a big hospital bill, everything came out ok.  I’ll never know for sure what happened to me that St Patrick’s Day last year but those who held my arms up then , still do.  They gave me a Rock to sit on and lifted me to the Father!

Friday, January 17, 2020

My Honeys

Tonight I shared with one of my daughters something I had not thought of for a long time.  I remember meeting an old friend when the kids and I were at a store.  After we had talked and caught up on each other's lives we parted.  After she had gone one of the girls asked, "How many honeys does that lady have?"  Not understanding exactly what she meant, I asked her to repeat the question.  After a repeat, I knew what she meant.  Since I always called her "Honey", she didn't think of herself as a kid or a child but a "Honey".  I laughed and cherished that thought.  I was glad they were my honeys!

I thought of my Heavenly Father who, the Bible says, calls me by name.  I smiled at the thought of being called His "Honey".

In Isaiah 49:16 the Bible says I have written your name on the palms of my hands.  Think about it!  God has you and me tattooed on His hands so our name is always before Him.  We are always on His mind.  He sees our hurts, our weariness or even our betrayal as sometimes we turn away from His love.

Psalm 116:2 says:
Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath.

In my mind's eye, I see Him bend down and whisper, "Honey, I am here"!

Praise His beautiful name, I'm His Honey!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Blue Glass

I wrapped it carefully in the clothes I had in my carry-on bag.  My thought was that it would be safer if I kept it with me as we traveled to San Diego to visit with my daughter and her family.  I had even rehearsed what I would say to my daughter when I presented it to her.  I would say this is from Grandma and me.  It was a piece of the beautiful blue glass that my mom had collected for years and I had inherited it when she passed away three years ago.  It was precious to her so therefore was precious to me.  I didn't mind giving it to my daughters because what is a gift if it doesn't cost you anything.  I want them all to have a piece of my Mom and of me.  As soon as my bags were brought in, I went to my bag to get the beautiful gift I had brought across the country.  I unzipped the gym bag I had used for my carry-on luggage and reached for my treasure.  I took hold of the handle of the blue basket and only the handle came out.  Looking further, my hope was I could glue it together, but no such luck the thing was broken into many small pieces that could never be repaired.  As I looked down at the rubble of blue my heart sank and my eyes filled with tears.  The priceless gift was in a million pieces it seemed.

Isn't this just like us?  We plan our life, we wrap it in the things of the world and feel that if it is in our care and control nothing can hurt us.  "Why do we need God, we think?  As long as our life is in our care it will be safe."

As life takes its toll on our lives, we become more and more broken.  Sometimes our broken life still shines to the world but piece by piece it begins to break.  Lifestyles and addictions take our health.  Sin takes our peace of mind and also takes our good conscience.  Poor decisions can take our wealth or even our marriages.  We look at the broken pieces of our life that once was beautiful and shiny and find it unrecognizable.  We hope there is a glue that can put it back together again.  We think, maybe a new relationship or a new job will do it.  Nothing seems to work, there are just too many pieces.

If we find our lives broken and in pieces, there is only one place to go to be restored and that is to Jesus.  He can pull our lives together as no one or nothing else can do.  All He asks is that we come to Him with the broken pieces, confessing our sins and repenting or turning away from our old life.  I love the song "Broken Vessels" that talks about our brokenness.

All the pieces broken and scattered
In mercy gathered mended and whole.

He lays His life down to raise up our broken lives.

The song then goes into the familiar old hymn "Amazing Grace"!

Amazing grace is the glue that restores the broken life.

The bible speaks of the brokenhearted, it says "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.  Psalm 34:18

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound
That saves a wretch like me!


Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Big Mad

As soon as my feet hit the floor I felt a dark cloud surround me, one that I had kept at bay for some time.  I was MAD!  Mad at God?  No!  Mad at disease, old age and this fallen world of sin.  Mad at cancer that seems to be everywhere.  Mad that we suffer here on earth.  Mad that babies are not safe in their mother's womb.  I was even mad that I ate chocolate last night and that I always wake up with a bed head.  I wondered to myself how I could fit all these things in one MAD even my big mad but I did.

I sat down, grabbed a book I had been reading on praying God's word, thinking that I was just too mad to even get anything out of it.  But guess what verses came to my attention, what verses was written for just this day.  It was the beautiful words of the Psalmist written just for me on this morning of The Big Mad!

Why are you downcast, O my soul?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your HOPE in God, for I will praise Him, my Savior and my God.  Psalm 42:5-6

I was then led to another scripture verse that I had highlighted in my bible, that made me know God was speaking into my mad heart?

And I give you treasures hidden in the darkness---secret riches.  I will do this so you may know that I am LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.  Isaiah 45:3

Oh my!  My God, the creator of the universe took time to hide these treasure in the darkness these secret treasures in his Holy Word just for mad ole me.  When my heart was indeed downcast and disturbed within me.

As in Jeremiah 15:16, I devoured His word!

He calls me by name!  He doesn't point his finger at me and scolds me for being downcast but gives me His word as a special treasure on this day of MY BIG MAD!

Praise your name Holy Father!  Search for your treasure it is there!

Monday, January 6, 2020

But Now! But Now! But Now!

But now!  But now!  But now! he said as he emphasized the first two words of Isaiah 43!  Our Sunday School teacher then took us to the previous chapter to see why there was a "But now" there!  In that chapter, we could see how God people had sinned and had gone far from Him.  They didn't obey and worshipped idols.  It sounds like now as we worship the idols of money, fame and material things!

So, chapter 43:1 starts off with "But now!"  In verse one, it says how he created us and formed us.  He calls us by name.  There are so many wonderful promises in verses 1-19 in that chapter.  In my bible, I have verses 1-2 highlighted and the dates I have shared them with my daughters.

"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; and you are mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.

Have you had your "But now" moment?  Some of us have a time in our mind when we said yes to God.  We turned from sin.  The "But now" was when our life changed and we began a new life serving Him.

Why would we not serve a Father who loves us so much?  Verse 4 says we are precious and honored in God's sight.  He said we are chosen in verse 10.  He is our redeemer in verse 14.  In verse 19 he said, "See, I am doing a new thing".

My "But now", my "new thing" was a beautiful spring morning in 1970 when Larry and I went to an altar of prayer in our church to ask Jesus into our hearts.  We put the past behind us to walk into a "New Thing".

In this New Year read afresh, "See I am doing a new thing".  What new thing does God want to do in your life this year?  May He show me what He wants for me in 2020!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Light of Life!

It was still dark as I got out of bed one summer morning.  As I looked out the window, the sky was clear and the Lord's majesty was on display.  I grabbed my shoes and went out to see better.  Warning: If you live in town this might alarm the neighbors!  The big light that stands in our back yard was keeping me from seeing the beauty of God's work so I walked out in the back part of our property.  As I walked out further into the darkness, I was moved by His splendor.  From there, as I sat down in my prayer chair, I could see the moon and stars so clearly.  The light shone on my face as I contemplated His creation and the darkness around me disappeared.

Sometimes we cannot see the light until we are thrust into the darkness of life's burdens.  The artificial lights of our world give us a false sense of well being.  Our jobs, money, or the false security of our own abilities bolsters us and keeps us from the real Light.  Many times it is when we find ourselves in the darkness of a bad diagnosis for ourselves or our loved ones, a failed relationship or financial upheaval, that we are forced to search for light in something bigger than ourselves.

I have found myself there many times, as I have floundered in my own strength. That is when I am drawn to His word and have been brought to my knees in prayer. It is then that the Father of Light shows up and again gives me Light.  Sometimes I am given just enough light to take one more step but the light He gives lights my path.  That night the darkness illuminated the light in the sky but through the darkness in our spirit, we can also see the Great Light, Jesus Christ.  Praise the Lord!

 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  John 8:12

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him, there is no darkness at all.  1 John 1:5

 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  John 3:12