Saturday, December 21, 2013

Too Old?

Missy, Jenna and I sat glued to the little portable DVD player in the back seat of my daughters car while we searched for a restraunt. Jenna spends most of the twelve hour trip home watching this nifty little gadget play her favorite films. This particular evening we were watching “Small One”, a story originally written by Charles Tazewell but of course Disney had made it into a delightful little cartoon. A tear jerker none the less!

The story took place near the little town of Nazareth and it was about a little donkey named “Small One” who had become old and weak and could not carry his load anymore. He was loved by a little boy who had spent many days, throughout his life, playing with Small One. One day the father of the little boy decided that the donkey could not work hard anymore but cost money to feed him so he would have to go. Understanding his father’s dilemma, the little boy agreed to take the little donkey into town himself to find him a good home. With great hope the little boy set out for town.

Have you ever felt too old and weak, to be of any worth? Or perhaps old age isn’t what makes you feel worthless, maybe you are too young, too sick or too insignificant to feel worthy. I think all of us have been there at least a few times or maybe you are going through a season of feeling this way.

The boy optimistically went to town looking for a kind master that would take Small One and treat him well. But as he searched throughout the town not one person wanted the old donkey except the tanner who wanted to kill him for his hide. Knowing he could not go home with his friend, he was saying his last goodbyes before taking him to the tanner. As he wept (and as I wept) over the old donkey, a hand touched boy’s shoulder and he looked into the loving eyes of a man who wanted to buy the gentle donkey to carry his pregnant wife for a great distance.

Isn’t God merciful? Just as we feel we are ready for the scrap heap or the tanner, he sends us someone who lovingly reminds us of our worth. As I grow older, and as I listen to those who are even older than I am, I realize that it is the devils trick to have us give up. The author of lies, would have us believe we are worthless to everyone including God. How clever of Satan, since the gray hair on our heads usually indicates years of doing life and the wisdom that brings. Worthless? 

Fortunately, the bible says no such thing! Many who were of advancing age were called to do great things. Even as we read about the birth of Jesus we are introduced to an old woman, a widow, who stays at the temple day and night, praying and fasting, and about an old man named Simeon who was promised that he would not die before seeing the savior. Both of these “seniors” were there in the temple, by God’s design and will to see the baby and recognize Him as the long awaited Messiah.

As the little movie comes to an end you see the beautiful silhouette of Joseph leading the donkey on which Mary, the mother of Jesus, sits. Though this was a very simple story it rings true in my heart, God does not give up on us so why should we give up on what God can accomplish through us at any age or station in life. Small One, though old and weak carried the Savior to the world and so can we.

Even when I am old and gray,
do not forsake me, my God,
till I declare your power to the next generation,
your mighty acts to all who are to come.
Psalm 71:18

Thursday, December 19, 2013

For God So Loved....

As I dusted my Nativity set today, I took special notice of the shepherd figurine. While Mary and Joseph wear veils of gold and the “Three Kings” wear exotic beaded robes, the shepherd, even in the perfect scene, wears a fur vest with a nap sack slung over his shoulder. Though he stands out from the others, his gaze, like theirs, is on the new born baby.

As I look at the little group huddled together on top of my desk, I am again reminded of these simple people who make up the scene. I look at Joseph an ordinary carpenter, his hands rough from hard work, Mary just a young, innocent girl, shivering in the cold, and then there is the Shepherd. Shepherds had one of the worse jobs there was at that time and got no respect from anyone for it. It is said that they were not even able to testify in court because of their lowly station in society. Yet, God chose the shepherds to be the first to hear the “good news” that Jesus had been born.

That night started out to be like all the other nights for the motley crew, but then, the bible tells us, an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them. Then as they stared dumb founded into the sky, a great company of heavenly host appeared singing “Glory to God in the highest heaven”. The eyes that were heavy with the lack of sleep were wide open now as they watched with wonder this amazing scene. Did you ever think that maybe it would have been more beneficial for the angel to appear to theologians of that day or some big wig, high up in the government? Maybe it should have taken place in Jerusalem, so many important people would see. But there is was, on a hillside with society's so-called “loosers”. Does this not show our God's love for even these?

God in His glorious brilliance, wanted us to know that our station in life does not matter as long as we accept Him and the Good News that was brought that night. The gospel belongs to us all from the lowly to the lofty.  The bible says we all have sinned and need a Savior which is Jesus Christ. Scripture tells us that if we accept the Messiah, that the angels sang about, we can have eternal life.

For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Saturday, December 14, 2013

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day!

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day!

"I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along
The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Till, ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime
A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
"For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead; nor doth he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men!"

I have heard this song many times without knowing it's author or the story behind the words. The entries into a journal was penned during the Civil War era and after a tragic fire took Longfellow's wife.

 The year after Fanny's death he wrote in his journal "a Merry Christmas say the children, but that is no more for me.". By the next Christmas his oldest child Charles was severely wounded in the horrible war between the states. The Christmas of that year, 1863, Longfellow made no entry into his journal, thinking it was better to keep silent.  It was Christmas day of 1864 that he wrote the words we now sing.

I am reminded today, of the horrific tragedy in Connecticut that took place a year ago, and of those who would say, with the next to last stanza, "and in despair I bow my head", declaring that death does not take a holiday. Hardships do not lessen and in our midst there are those who hurt so badly they proclaim with Longfellow, "There is no peace on earth, for hate is strong and mocks the song, of peace on earth good will to men". My heart is encouraged by the last stanza which proclaims "God is not dead nor does he sleep" "the wrong shall fail, the right prevail with peace on earth good will to men!"

Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep" (Psalm 121:4).

Lord, give peace to the broken hearted, give rest to the weary because I know you care about those who hurt today! Amen!

Sent from Jeanie!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Rest In His Sanctuary!

With less than two weeks until Christmas, I can almost hear the gears shifting into high. There are gifts to be bought, baking still to do, and programs to attend. Don't forget the shut-in to be visited, the church service to go to, and the gifts to wrap. With all that comes a haried Christmas instead of a Merry Christmas. Instead of beholding the babe in the manger, we often just see the blure of it all. Our strength, our patence and our worshiping heart has been replaced with a heart overloaded with glitter and glow instead of the Star that leads us to Christ.

But as I struggle to find the strength and the time to do it all, I know that there is a God who sees me and loves me in spite of my over zealous approach to this wonderful time. He knows my heart and that I want to make things perfect for those I love. I read this scripture from the Psalms that gave me hope for this crazy time of the year.

"You, God, are awesome in your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God!" Psalm 68:35 (NIV)

Take time from your busy schedule to rest in this promise, take time to reside in His sanctuary and wait for the power and strength that God wants to give His people. Behold the babe in the manger and remember the cross of Calvery! And have a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Gabriel! You Say What?

I love the story of John the Baptist, especially as I grow older and can appreciate this dear couple, Zacharias and Elizabeth, who the bible says were of advanced age. The angel of the Lord said to Zacharias, "Your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son". Do you think that maybe ole Zack wanted to say, "did my mail get lost I sent that petition 40 years ago, when Elizabeth and I were young!"? He finally did get up enough courage to remind the angel that he and his wife were advanced in years and he wasn't certain how all this could happen. Did you ever ask God for something only to come back to Him with a "I'm not certain how this will all happen?" The angel, Gabriel did not take kindly to this question as scripture points out. Zacharias was immediately unable to speak because he did not believe this "one" who, in no uncertain terms, told Zacharias that he was from God and this was the "good news" God himself has sent to him. I wonder sometimes if Zacharias was unable to speak because the angel knew that his muteness might keep him from having to explain to Elizabeth that she was soon to be pregnant at her age.
If Zacharias did get up the courage to warn Elizabeth by writing on a tablet, I hope he told her everything the angel said. "You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at this birth". And how about, "he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother's womb". And get this…. the angel shared that her son would be the forerunner to the long awaited Messiah! What assurance was given that day to the sovereignty of God.

"And he will turn many of the sons of Israel back to the Lord their God. "It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS BACK TO THE CHILDREN, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
Luke 1:16-17

Six months later, an angel tells Mary that she will become pregnant even though she is a virgin. He tells the bewildered Mary that her cousin Elizabeth who has been barren all of her life is with child in her old age. Then the angel told Mary something that we today can still claim, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!
I could almost "shout" with the way the hand of God reaches down into common everyday lives to do His will in the lives of His people. Are you always certain as to how it will all happen?
Not only was this promise for Mary, but is also meant for us today "Nothing is impossible with God! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! This is the GOOD NEWS God Himself sends us today!

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Great With Child!

In December of 1979 I was feeling every syllable of "GREAT WITH CHILD"! I was slightly overdue with my fifth child and longing for this baby to finally be born. I read with great empathy the story told of the birth of Jesus. I could feel each bump that Mary, the mother of our Savor, felt as she rode along on the back of the donkey, on her way to be registered for a census. I just knew that her ankles were swollen as they dangled at the sides of little donkey. I could hear the urgency in her voice as, for the hundredth time she begged Joseph to stop long enough for her to get some RELIEF! I knew she felt every mile of their eighty mile trip to Bethlehem.

But every mile and everyday brought her closer to the much anticipated birth of this child she carried. No amount of misery could diminish the joy of this glorious thought for Mary or me, for that matter.

Mary's day came in a stable in Bethlehem because there was no room for them in the Inn. Her son Jesus our Savior was born and she lay Him in a manger. She forgot the miseries of the eighty mile trip she had just been on, she forgot the pain of birth and even forgot about the smell of the stable. She remembered the Angel telling her that her son would be the Messiah but for this night He was her beloved baby boy and the bible says she pondered all these things.

My day came December 10, 1979 when my sweet baby girl, Melinda Jill was born. The pure joy of that occasion made me forget those last few weeks and the miseries of pregnancy. The soft coo of my sweet baby girl brought sheer contentment! She was my joy! That day, as today, I ponder all these things.

Happy Birthday Mendy Jill!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Pass Me A Red Napkin Please!

Every day it seems, there is a story of a Nativity scene that has been forbidden to be put up or a school that has declared they are having “Winter Solstice” instead of Christmas. I heard of a school that was only allowed to have white napkins because the traditional green and red might indicate a leaning toward our Christian holiday. A “war on Christmas” declares one broadcaster and I tend to believe it, as stores forbid cashier to say anything but “Happy Holidays”. Our times are frustrating if not downright dismal.

As I thought of this today, I thought of Cherry Shride a dear lady in our church. I always loved to hear her Wednesday testimony because it always ended with “these are great times to serve the Lord”. I wonder if she were alive today if she would still share that sentiment. I think she would!

My friend Cherry didn’t say “this is easy times to serve the Lord”, she said “these are great times to serve the Lord“. I didn’t understand completely what this meant back when this pillar of our church said these words, but I know now that as back then it is a great time to serve the Lord.

As I am revisiting the Book of Esther I found a verse that describes this thought to a tee. Esther, through a series of events that some might call “coincidences”, rose from a commoner to the position of Queen of Persia. We learn in scripture, that her position and influence saved the Israeli people from certain annihilation. If you have never read Esther, you are in for a book that reads like a novel a Cinderella story, if you will, but with the hand of God glaringly obvious though His name is not mentioned! In chapter 4, Mordecai, her older cousin who raised her, appeals to her on behalf of himself and fellow Jews, “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”. The “such a time as this” was the time in which Esther, lived. What a great time to serve the Lord? Easy? No! Queen Esther would have risk her own life in order to serve the Lord but even in this dire situation, she did indeed serve the Lord and saved the whole nation of Israelites from certain death.

In these times of uncertainty and seemingly a time when there is a war not only on Christmas but against Christians, we are to have the courage of Esther. We are to stand and declare “these are great times to serve the Lord”, and tell everyone we meet that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the one who died on the cross to save us from our sins. And gladly proclaim MERRY CHRISTMAS!

And please pass the red napkins!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Scarf Of Gold

As I carefully place the pieces of the Nativity set in it’s traditional place atop the desk, I try to find a quiet time to think about the characters and give thanks for the part that each played on that miraculous day. I place the stable along with Mary and Joseph on a gold scarf that came with the set. Of course, I recount how Mary was told by an angel that she would have a baby and she was to call him Jesus. Next to Mary I see poor Joseph who had his world turned upside down with the news that his wife-to-be was with child. I remember scripture that tells of the angel who came to calm his fears with news that this was God’s plan. Close by I place the shepherd with a lamb in his arms who gazes at the baby. Off at a distance the three wise men make their way with their gifts. The donkey, cow and sheep lay nearby to help make the scene complete. Lastly, I place the beautiful Baby Jesus in the manger over flowing with golden hay. My heart is greatly warmed at the sight of the sweet baby who came to be our savior. As I stand back and gaze at this beautiful scene, I am suddenly checked by the Lord. I began to see the scene in a different way.

The King of Kings was born in a stable, not the one that my Nativity set portrayed on it’s glimmering, gold scarf. It was a stinky place that animals stayed in and since the inn was full so probably was the stable. This weary couple may have shivered from the cold as the winds blew through the cracks of the rickety old barn. Mary and Joseph lay down, not on a bed of clean hay but probably a hard dirt floor that was hardly a place to give birth to a baby let alone our Savior. The manger was a dirty trough that was used to feed the livestock, how Mary must have winced at laying her precious baby there. The angels didn’t go to the religious leaders of that time but sang of the good news to lowly shepherds who quickly joined this scene, not smelling all that good either.

Why? He looks so good on my gold scarf, everyone is all cleaned up and looks so good I can practically hear “Silent Night” playing in the background. Why couldn’t he at least be born inside the inn? Why not a warm cradle to lay him in? I guess if the world had been the clean, perfect world that sat upon my gold scarf, there would have been no need for Him to come. If man was perfect, there would have been no need for a Savior. Jesus was born of a lowly maiden in a dirty stable and would die to save us from our dirty sins. As Mary wrapped her new born baby in swaddling clothes she wrapped God’s plan to save the world.

Don’t worry, my Nativity still sits on the gold scarf I haven’t brought in stable “dirt” to make it look realistic but I will never look at it the same. This perfect baby came down to an imperfect world to die for our sins. Why? Because he loved us so!

Luke 2:1-7
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.(This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.)And everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

She Gave

My mother-in-law died yesterday at 95 years of age. She was a wonderfully generous women who loved her family and tried to help anyone in need. I was privileged to know her for almost 50 years. Since she liked to read my blog posts I tried to write a nice story about her but I found myself returning to the same scripture in Matthew. It tells the story of my sweet friend and mother-in-law better than I ever could. Enjoy heaven Dorothy Elizabeth Seaton, we will miss your sweet spirit!

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:34-40

Friday, November 1, 2013

Dust Bunnies!

As I sit here this morning, with the sun behind me, I see several bunnies scurrying around. Not the furry kind that play outside but the dust bunnies that huddle on my dining room floor. Oh, how the light makes a difference. In the dark these little nuisances were not visible so I didn't have to think about them, but in the morning light, there they are. I thought about how many times the light of the Lord has shed understanding into my life. Those times when wrong thinking huddled silently causing unrest in my soul.

Recently, on such an occassion, as I was praying, I realized that though I was asking the Lord for solutions, in the back of my mind I was plotting how I could help the situation in my own way or feeling guilty that all I could do was pray. How many times do we in frustration say, “All we can do now is pray”, as if that were the last resort. How much better off would I be to turn to prayer first and let God work? The bible says for all who are weary to come to Him! It doesn't say all who are weary come to him with your solutions or suggestions, He just says come and find rest.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

With the Lord's help, because He loves me enough to shine a light on those pesky “dust bunnies” even in my prayer life, I will trust Him to take my burdens on Himself! And I will rest!

I love a line from a song that says, “The One who knows me best loves me most”! I am also so glad I can say with Hagar from the bible, “I have seen the One who knows me.” ElRoi!

Now, where is that dust mop?

Friday, October 25, 2013

Gangly Pup!

Charlie, my grand-dog, came to visit today, in fact I “babysat” him for a little while. Charlie is only 5 months old but his long legs dominate his body. His long nose is into everything and his social skills surly need to be improved upon. He keeps everyone in the house on their toes, from Daisy the alpha female to Peppie the pint sized alpha male. He spends much of his time getting himself into trouble with the other dogs. He's an expert at dancing and dodging as they, in no uncertain terms, try to show him who's boss. Right now he sits at my feet, whining and has given up for the moment. I feel his pain because a few days ago I felt sorry for something I had said and I, like Charlie, sat and whined.

But.... if she hadn't said this, I wouldn't have said that. If I hadn't been tired because of my husband's restless night or if.......! It went on and on, one excuse after another. Finally, after all of the excuse making and whining, I began to beat myself up because I once again had bungled it.

My mind went back to a question in one of my bible studies. The question was something like this, “When have you said the wrong thing and felt sorry afterward?” Feeling rather self righteous, I couldn't think of the last time I had “bungled” it. “Have I arrived, I wondered to myself?” Maybe it's MY bible studying or maybe MY new journaling technique? Could it be that I am a mature Christian and this bungling at life is over? Had I moved from a baby bottle to solid food? Unfortunately pride in ME had reared its ugly head! I am sure that the Lord was not proud of me at that moment but, I'm sure He knew a time would come when I would be humbled.

While my heart broke because of what came from my mouth, I thought of how I should never think I have arrived and especially that it was all because of MY doing. It is only through Christ that I can walk through this life without making a mess of it. It is only God who can cause me to mature as a Christian. If not for the Lord I'm just a gangly pup with long legs and a long snout getting myself into all sorts of trouble. “Don't worry, Charlie, you'll grow up someday!” And so will I with God's help!

I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready, for you are still controlled by your sinful nature. 1 Corinthians 3:1-2

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Heaven is Sweeter

In the account found in Luke's gospel, there were two thieves hanging on the cross next to Jesus. One thief mocked Jesus saying “if you are so great save yourself and us too”. But, recognizing that Jesus was who he said he was, the Messiah, the other man defended Jesus and asked him to remember him when he came into his Kingdom. There is no account of Jesus examining the “good thiefs” works. Jesus didn't say you have never been a “fisher of men” like Peter or my “beloved disciple” like John. From the lips of Christ did not come, “What church board did you sit on? What Sunday School class did you teach or how much money did you throw into the offering plate?” No, Jesus simply turned to this man and said these words, “Truely I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”.

Salvation cannot be worked for or bought with money, it is a free gift from Jesus Christ. I have never been so aware of this truth as I was a few days ago when my very sick brother accepted Jesus as his Savior. I thought that I would have time to share some beloved scripture with him and mentor him as a new Christian as the days went on but that was not to be, he was caught up into “Paradise” just a few short days later. No, he didn't have time to get to church or declare his salvation to the world he simply ask Jesus to remember him and Christ took him to himself and said, “Truely I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”!

I will miss my dear little brother but heaven is all the sweeter today because he is there!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.  John 3:16

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hidden Treasures and Riches Stored in Secret Places

As I sat in the doctor's office the other day I came across one of those pictures that you have to stare at to find a hidden message. Not so discreetly, I stared into the picture, hoping no one would notice. I even, less discreetly, put the picture to my nose trying desperately to find the hidden words that I was sure was there. Finally, the hidden words, appeared! I sat back in total satisfaction but could not help but notice the “eyes” peaking over the magazines at me.

What is it about something hidden that we desperately want to find? I remember Larry playing “I Spy” with Riley, our sweet granddaughter, when she was younger. He would pick out something in the room and say with great, grandfatherly, enthusiasm “I spy with my little eye”” Riley would gaze around the room, and with prompting from Papa, indeed, with her little eyes, find the secret object. With much happiness, she would announce her finding as if she had found a great treasure. She, as most of us, like finding what is hidden!

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3

I love this scripture because I have so many times found “hidden treasures” in the bible that met my need at just the right time. Sometimes it is a scripture that I am familiar with that reminds me of His amazing love or one that I have never read before, but talks to my soul, precisely when I need it. He always brings to my heart the truth, that He IS Lord of all situations and even better, He knows me by my name.

How blessed I am that my Heavenly Father shows me His hidden treasures, His riches stored in the Bible and I don't even have to put my nose on the page.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Two years ago my sewing machine was in full throttle, humming along, making curtains and bedding for my, yet to be born, grandson, Kellan. The theme was cowboys and horses, which I thought appropriate, as we waited for our “little Buckeroo” to be born. The stitches pulled together the horseshoes and bucking broncos to form the red and blue “cowboy” curtains. I even searched high and low for a spur to hold them back when our precious baby was not sleeping. I was “spurred” on by a statement my daughter, who lives in NY, made, “I just want something made by your hands in his room to remind me of you”!

Have you looked around lately at the handy work of our Father? Like my daughter, are you reminded of Him because of what His hands have made? The season is changing from the hot summer to the crisps days of autumn and it is wonderful. The tiny corn plants, planted this spring, has grown to over 9 feet tall and turning brown as a sign that harvesting is right around the corner. Some trees are already dropping their leaves and the birds are gathering, ready to start their journey, south. Fall is in the air, as they say! Soon brilliant colors will adorn our trees and geese will decorate the brilliant blue sky with their V formation.

It's at this time that I feel close to God because of all He has created with His hands. I feel His presence as I take in the beauty of His creation. I am reminded that He is still God and I thank Him often for His spectacular array of beauty that I behold at this time of the year. I am so glad He thought to let us enjoy these things He made with His hands, to remind us of His Holy Brilliance!

As temperatures drop, officially ushering in this Autumn, I will be reminded of my God and know that He is always with me.

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.” Rev 4:11
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Friday, September 6, 2013

God Smiles

Everybody seems to like a smile. We thrill to a baby's first smile, we are uplifted by a stranger's smile and anticipate with joy the smiles that come with good news. Some days we yearn for just anyone who wants to share a smile!

It is said of some folks, that their smile lights up a room and still others, smile from their very soul. My son-in-law, John has such a smile! His smiles seem to come from the bottom of his feet and radiate throughout his very being. I love to see John smile and his giggles bless me even more. Nothing brings a smile to this loving dad's face, quicker than the sight of his two little girls.

Have you ever thought about God smiling? Can you picture the smile on the face of Jesus when we finally see Him face to face? The bible says we were made for God's pleasure! I cannot fathom the thought that we were created for HIS pleasure! Our Father in Heaven actually delights in us! Amazing isn't it?

The steps of the Godly are directed by the Lord, He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23

He takes pleasure in those that honor Him; in those who trust in His constant love. Psalm147:11

May the Lord smile on you. Numbers 6:25

Smile on me, your servant; teach me the right way to live. Psalm 119:135

The Lord takes pleasure in his people. Psalm 149:4a

Like my son-in-law, John, nothing can bring a smile to Lord's face quicker than His children, you and I, who He loves! I just imagine that His Holy smile lights up all of heaven!

Dear Lord, smile on me, your servant and may I give you pleasure.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Do You Love Me? Yes? No? Circle one!

I found a book a few days ago that was filled with love! It was a book that was only a few inches in size but the love in it could not be measured. My daughter, Nealy at age 6 scrawled how much she loved me and would miss me when I went to the hospital to have my “babby”! I was pregnant at the time with my fourth child and I am sure she was thinking of the days that I would be gone from her and her sisters. She pledged to help her dad while I was gone and to help me when I came home. And at the end she wrote “Do you love me? Yes? No? Circle one!” Of course I circled “yes”!

This morning, I hold in my hands another book filled with love! It is God's word! I hear many people say that the bible is so hard to read but when you take the time to read it you will find how much God loves us. I love to read the “love” chapter in 1 Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 it tells of a love that is patient, kind. A love that is not proud or dishonoring, not selfish, easily angered or a keeper of records of wrongs. Verse 13 says; And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

….For God is Love. 1 John 4:8

We love him, because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. Romans 8:38

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

The scriptures on “love” are too numerous to put here today but believe me they tell me that the God of the Bible is the God who is LOVE!

And God says to each of us, “Do you love me? Yes? No? Circle one!”
May God's grace be eternally upon all who love our Lord Jesus Christ.  Ephesians 6:24

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Be Careful For What You Pray!

O God, you have taught me from my earliest childhood, and I constantly tell others about the wonderful things you do. Now that I am old and gray, do not abondon me, O God. Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me. Psalm 71:17-18

Loving and making Psalm 71:17-18 my life verse, I decided several weeks ago that I needed to start praying more indepth for my grandchildren. Not that I had not prayed for them before, but I needed to be more purposeful about it. I prayed for immediate needs but also their future needs. I prayed that they would know the Lord and do His will always.

I few weeks ago my grandaughter Catherine Grace was called to be a missionary in Ecuador for over two years. Yikes! Did I pray for that? Yes, I prayed that my grandchildren do the Lord's will but forgot to mention I wanted it to happen close to home. What would we do without our sweet Cati? It all sounded good for someone elses grandaughter but not mine. Being the fair minded woman that I am I decided to pray the ole “open door” prayers. You know the one. Lord, open doors if it is your will but close them if it isn't. Only my prayers went something like, “open doors if it is your will (which I am sure it's not) but close doors if it isn't your will”. But still the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach persisted!

I even took it upon myself to spread my wisdom and tell Cati of my lingering doubts in a message. I let her know that if she didn't feel peace she could call this whole thing off! She answered me back with “I feel at peace and know that this is what God wants me to do”! She ended her message with “I love you, Mama”

Now, what's a girl to do? I started to pray in a whole new way! I praised God for the opened doors and for the dedication of my dear grandaughter. And finally I felt peace! Will I bawl my eyes out when she leave? Certainly! Will I miss her like crazy? Oh, yeah! Do I know that Cati is in the will of God? Yes! Thank you, God for the answers to my prayers for my sweet Catherine!

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct I love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Te Amo Cati!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Are You Salt or Tofu?

I don't consider myself a salt-aholic but there are certain things I have to have salt on, like tomatoes and chicken. It wasn't until I was put on a “no salt” diet in the hospital that I began to grasp the importance of salt! The diet technitians brought me beautiful menus with scruptious sounding meals on them but they were all missing one important guessed it, salt! No matter how much I tried to force the food down, it was still tasteless!

The bible calls “us” “Christians” the salt of the earth. In other words, our message is what gives the world its flavor. Have you ever thought of yourself as the seasoning to the world around you? The bible says we should be, just that. But all too often, instead of a good taste, I am afraid we leave a sour taste in the mouth of people we want to win to the Lord or even worse, no flavor at all.

I am told that tofu is tasteless and bland but takes on the flavor of whatever foods it is cooked with. Am I tofu instead of salt? Do I become so bland that I take on the flavors of the world around me instead of my own unique flavor?

We should be people of integrity and depth, compassion and generosity. We should not be gossiper or liars, or cheat on our taxes.  We should not be rude or unkind.  In Matthew 5 we are told that salt that has lost its flavor is useless.

You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. Matthew 5:13

As I live my life I don't want to be useless or worthless in God's economy. I want to spread His love and flavor my surroundings with His wonderful Grace. But can I do this in my own strength? No! It is only God working in me that could ever dare to make a difference in our world.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  2 Corinthians 12:9

As you crunch on a salty chip or take a bite of a salty pickle think of how we are supposed to enhance the flavor of our world. Are we the salt of the earth or are we the tofu of the world taking on the flavors around us?  But don't be overwhelmed by such a task, remember from whom we receive our “saltiness”!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pray Without Ceasing!

How often do most people pray? Do we pray weekly at church, when a crisis rears its ugly head, or maybe daily? The bible tells us to pray continually! We read in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to“pray without ceasing”. In other versions it says “pray continually”, “pray constantly” and “never stop praying”.

Ephesians 6:18 tells us to pray on all occassions with all kinds of requests, to be alert and always keep praying. We are told that all the disciples prayed constantly in Acts 1 and Philippians 4:6, one of my favorite verses, emplores us not to be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present our requests to God! And Romans 8:26 tells us if we are weak and do not know what to pray, the Spirit HIMSELF will pray for us. He understands our groans.

I found so many that there is not time nor space to write all the scripture here that pertained to prayer.

So because of all the scripture that makes it abundantly clear that prayer is important, if not vital to a relationship with the Lord, I thought it was definitely worth considering. Is having my prayer time in the morning not enough? According to scripture, our prayers are to be continual even after we rise from our knees in the morning. More than morning and night, more than Sunday or even Wednesday night prayer meeting we are to carry on a conversation as if He were right beside you. For He is but a breath away He lives within us.

If you thought He was that close;

Would you praise Him for the smell of fresh cut grass, the perfection of a rose or the coo of a mourning dove?

Would you whisper a quick thank you at hearing a child giggle or praise him for the softness of a baby's face?

Would you raise your hand in gratitude for the cool breeze on a hot summer day or the smell of rain in the air?

Would you share with Him how thrilled you were to hear your grandbaby call you Gramma?

Would you ask him what he thought of the rudeness of the waitress and would you feel checked to pray for her?

Would you praise him for the way a cool drink of water quinches your thirst or how homemade ice cream delightfully slides down your throat giving you a “brain freeze”?

Would you thank him for the love you felt when you heard your husbands voice? And praise Him for your years together?

Would you breath in the Word of God like it was an expensive perfume and quietly say with tears in your eyes, “Thank you precious Lord”?

Would you lift up that child you passed on the street with the ragged clothes and mussed up hair? Would you pray for his soul?

Would you ask God to comfort the old man who rambles the halls of the nursing home mumbling to himself?

Would you pray for your enemies?

We must learn to talk with Him continually as if He were a breath away because He is! It might take practice but start today!

PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Saturday, July 20, 2013

"See Ya at the House"!

I have been painting our house room by room for the last few weeks. As I proceeded mindlessly at my task I have had various media to keep me company. Last night I turned on my old VCR to play some Southern Gospel music. Okay, I have been found out! I love the old hymns they sing with the southern flavor.  I love the songs that belong uniquely to that genre. I have my favorite singers as well as my favorite songs. As I looked through my collection of videos, I found one entitled "Heaven". Many people in the video described what they thought heaven would be like, mostly based on scripture but some based their opinion on what a "perfect" place would look like in their mind.

One said it would be a "complete" place that included the beauty of all the seasons at once. One who sat in a wheel chair, instead of dreaming of walking, dreamed of a place of "freedom" and perfect peace.

Several thought that it was a place where, maybe after a rest, God would put us to work. I suppose if you were a carpenter you would never hit your finger with a hammer or have to recut a board. If you were a painter of pictures every color would blend together perfectly or a painter of houses would not need to clean the brushes or the spatters you accidentally dropped on the floor. Cakes would always turn our moist and rise to perfection, musicians would never hit a flat note, and gardens would have no weeds.

When my grandson Caleb, a college Sophomore, was asked some time back, what he thought heaven would be like, he told of a childhood notion that in heaven there would be a Bob Evans restaurant on every corner. When asked why he would think such a thing, he didn't really know, but when I heard this I recalled that as a little boy he called the "favorite" restaurant of Larry and I "Bob Heavens". I laughed as my granddaughter Cati told him that at least he could imagine a Starbucks on every corner instead of the big red barn that was not at all a place where teenagers would hang out.

When saying goodbye to someone he might not see again, one man would always say "See ya at the house" referring to his heavenly home. I like that! Though many varied about the details of heaven most referred to it as going home. I think that while we are young, we give heaven little thought but as we age there is a seed of homesickness that begins to grow inside each of us. Heaven becomes sweeter and the thought of death loses it's sting.

I plan to see all my grandchildren, from the oldest to the youngest, marry, have children of their own and find their place in this world as followers of Jesus. I plan to have pancakes at Bob Evans every chance I get and kiss baby heads as long as my children keep having new ones. I want to listen to Southern Gospel music until my VCR breaks down and raise my hands to "Amazing Grace" for the next thirty years but if perhaps God wants me sooner "See ya at the house"!

Taken from an earlier writing in this blog.

Sent from Jeanie!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Big Lap!

Today I trudged out to my prayer chair even though it was wet because of the rain the night before. I positioned my coffee, my bible, my journal and was ready for my devotions. I held my coffee in one hand my books on my lap and a pen handy so I could write my thoughts. Before long Lucy climbed up on my lap and tried to slip between my books and my body, making paw prints on me, my books and my bible. I adjusted all these things and finally gave up my coffee to hold my books and Lucy. It wasn't long before two cats joined Lucy and that meant that something had to go. Oh, how sweet they were, all trying to get my time and attention. I love each one of them including Daisy who lays at my feet groaning every so often. How could I decide who to get rid of? After all hadn't I come out there to be with God? I had even thanked God for these same lap invaders just a few minutes before they came. I tried to juggle everything, holding my bible up over their heads. I tried to write with my journal placed on their backs but they didn't hold still. My thoughts had been taken over by my precious friends. Finally I decided that my time with God was too valuble to spend it trying to fit him in so we adjusted things. My lap was off limits for the time being so Lucy found her place beside me. The cats grew tired of the constant maneuvering so they were content sitting on the table beside me. I again could focus on God and what he had for me today. I find myself so occupied with my surroundings, my problems, my hurts and conflicts that my lap isn't big enough for God. I sit, holding my pain, instead of setting it aside to let God come closer. While I try to concentrate on his truths other things crowd in, even good things. Lord, I clear my heart, life and lap to let you come and sit with me.

Over three years ago, I posted this, as one of my first writings.  From that day on, the Lord brought so many things to my mind that I would scrawl out and eventually post on my blog.  But lately, it seems, I have to strain to even write a word.  I have gone through "writers block" before but I have felt utterly dry in my spirit for the last few months.  I have at times written three post a week but it is very hard to squeeze just one out a week as of late. 

I love writing!  I love telling what the Lord is doing in my life as well as others but I seemed to just run out of "me"!  I have asked for forgiveness if I have been prideful or offensive in any way but found no relief.  I have asked God why, when I had more "reads" than ever would He stop the flow of my words?  Not only was I not able to write but my eyesight has declined and my ability to focus on what I am reading has diminished. 

As I went to my journal today, I came across a scripture that I had written there.  Phil 1:6.

Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.  Phil 1:6

I rejoiced over His words to me today!  No matter in what manner I will serve Him, He has promised to see me through.  I don't know if it is writing this blog or maybe something else but He will be with me forever.  Amen

I ask you, my faithful readers, to pray for me and for what the Lord has for me to do for Him because He wants to "carry me on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ"!

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Mountain List

Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting. Matthew 17:20-21 NKJV

When Jesus spoke these words, he was actually rebuking his disciples for their lack of faith in the healing of a man with seizures. When the disciples were alone with Jesus, they asked why their prayers were not answered. Jesus' answer came “because of your unbelief”. Oh my, how often I pray without faith that it will happen.

Then Jesus uses the mustard seed as an example of how much faith is needed to have our prayers answered. He went on to say that we can tell a mountain to move from here to there and it will happen if only we have faith.

Wow, I got excited and decided move the “mountains” on my prayer list to what I would call “The Mountain List”. First I thought of all those I pray for who are in need of salvation, as I did I remembered how, at times, I find myself doubting that they will ever find the Lord. So much time has passed, do I still believe that relationships can be mended? How about broken marriages? But Lord....they seem so far from one another! Do I have a “mustard seed” of faith to give? Healing? But Lord, they are so sick! Lord, forgive me, I am like the disciples?

As I began to scrawl those “mountain” sized needs on to my new list I found that nearly everything I pray for on a daily basis were too big! Too big for God I asked myself? Did Jesus not say that I could ask a mountain to move from here to there and it would happen if I had just a small amount of faith? Many times I, like the disciples, have not even the faith the size of a mustard seed!

Jesus did not leave the disciples or us without hope. He went on to say that with prayer and fasting we can see our prayers answered. What would happen to our world if only we had faith? Jesus didn't say we need faith as big as a mountain to move a mustard seed but the other way around.

Jesus help my unbelief! Please give me faith to move the “mountains” on my list!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To Bring Many To Christ!

With tears in his eyes and a quiver in his voice someone very familiar to Larry and I, John Wasem, spoke of his love for us, last Sunday morning. This man in his late eighties made his way over to us just to say he appreciated us. As we hugged, we assured him that if it hadn't been for him we might not be in church at all. Little did he know, that it was we who were indebted to him.

After Larry and I were married, this man of God was one of three men who visited us in our little apartment, weekly. They talked to my young husband, who like me had grown up without church, about everything but mostly their love for Jesus and us came through. They loved us into the church. We would start by going on Sunday mornings, then within months we accepted Christ as our Savior. Our life was changed that day. We made Christ and the Church the center of our lives.

These men of God, I believe, made such a difference in our life and in our family's life. Would we have found Christ without these three men taking an interest in us? I don't know, but I do know that John Wasem, Dwight Millikan, and Steve Ward loved us into the Kingdom in those early months of our married lives. Although the list is endless of all those who have touched me through the years I know that our lives changed in those early days because of God sending His people to love us.

Over forty years have passed since that day we went forward to accept Christ as our Savior and never has there been a day we ever regretted our decision. Praise be to God!

Even though I am a free man with no master, I have become a slave to all people to bring many to Christ. 1 Corinthians 9:19
Lord, help me become a slave to all people to bring many to know Christ!

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Roll In The Dirt

One hot, summer day I watched our Blue Healer, Rocky, saunter across the field and walk into the neighbor's pond. With the sun behind him, he looked rather handsome as he emerged from the refreshing water and walked through the tall grass. As is typical of wet dogs, he shook himself, starting at his nose and ending at the very tip of his tail. Water danced in all directions with the sunlight reflecting on each drop. Then Rocky did something that ruined the serene scene. He trotted his wet self to the nearest dirt hole, lowered his shoulder, then his entire body into the dirt, and proceeded to roll from side to side not missing a square inch.

As I watched in amazement, I was reminded of myself. No, I don't roll in the dirt after a dip in the pool but there have been times I did something similar. Some of the most wonderful, refreshing times I have ever had with the Lord to my dismay have been followed with a good roll in the dirt.

I have praised God, enjoyed His presence, and found myself falling in love with Him all over again. I remember times I would come from these wonderful times only to find myself losing my temper, gossiping, or totally blowing it in some way or another. Unlike my furry friend, I didn't mean to roll in the dirt but I did. I could not understand how this could happen. But I know I am not the only one who has experienced this disappointment. Paul says in Romans that he wants to do good but he does what he hates.

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do.

Romans 7:15

I am not a theologian but I think “the enemy” the devil hates for us to enjoy the Lord's presence. He cringes as we praise Him and loves to see us innocently waltz out of the refreshing “Living Water” only to find ourselves rolling in the dirt.

I prayed with a young woman awhile back who cried as she told me how she had been so close to God but then she found herself doing what she did not want to do. My heart broke for her as well as for myself because I have been there many times in my sixty-five years.

How do we avoid the dreaded dirt hole? First, I find, I need to be ready for the attack and then remember the truth I learned. I also must remember that even though I have lowered my shoulder into the dirt I don't have to roll in it. Jesus still forgives us! He still wants to help us do what we want to do and not do what we hate! Praise God!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Phil 4:13

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Build An Ark!

One of my favorite Southern Gospel songs, is entitled “Build an Ark”. To summarize, the song is suggesting that we grab our families and hide from the “world” and its sinfulness. As I watch nonstop newscasts that spew nothing but bad news, school shootings and terrorist bombings, I wish that I could take my family and hide them in a safe place.

For the last ten days I have been blessed to have kids and grandkids in my home. We shared happy memories, hugs and kisses and many laughs but we also had serious discussions about the challenges that their families face today.

In Noah's day, he and his family faced more than challenges. The bible says, the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. God said in Genesis that He regretted that He made human beings. Can you imagine? I sometimes feel that there is so much bad in the world but then God sends someone or something into my life to remind me that there is still much good in the world. He reminds me to think on those things that are good, right and lovely. But as Noah built his ark, no such good was to be observed, he was reminded daily of the unyielding evil that plagued the earth that God had created.

I wondered about this character called Noah, how did he do it? How did he get up in the morning and face the world in which he lived? What kept him going when all the news was bad, when all was evil in his eyes, as well as God's eyes?

As I combed through the verses that made up the story of this man, Noah, who found favor with the Lord, I came across the answer.

This is the account of Noah and is family. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God. Genesis 6:9.

Noah was motivated by his desire to save his family and to please God. So Noah did the right things because he walked in close fellowship with God. Fellowship, according to the dictionary, means companionship. Noah knew God as his close companion. His close friend!

If we are to save our family we are called to live “righteous” lives before them as Noah did. The only way to live righteously, is to walk in close fellowship with God. Read scripture to get to know Him and pray to Him without ceasing. Walk with Him as a companion! Build an “ark” of love, soaked in prayer for your children and grandchildren.

“Build an Ark......Save your sons and your daughters!

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Hot Cup of Joe and a Pure Heart!

I love coffee, but only hot coffee. You won't see me dawdling over my “Joe” for hours because hot is the only way I like it. In fact I am not one who waves the waitress over to for a “warm up” because when she mixes the not-so-hot with hot, I still have not-so-hot! I have to remove everything from my cup so that what goes into my cup is “pure” hot coffee.

I thought of this today as I read from the Psalms.

Psalm 51:10 reads;

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

When we ask God to give us a “pure heart” we have to empty ourselves of all things that are not pure. We have to get rid of an unforgiving spirit, prejudice and anything not pleasing to God. Just like my coffee, the old has to be removed so that not even a loose “ground” of complacency can remain. Unless we are willing to get rid of the “lukewarm” our cup cannot be refreshed.

Now, how do we do that, you might ask? Not alone my friend, we need God to rid us of these things. Ask the creator of a pure heart to take them away to make room for His spirit. Do you need to forgive? Ask God! Are you struggling with prejudice or unholy thoughts or actions? Bring these to God! Without a pure heart He cannot renew in me a steadfast spirit of which we all desire as we walk through this life.

A pure heart is not a lukewarm heart but a steadfast heart! A heart filled up with all that is pure is the way that God intended, so pour out the “coffee grounds” of your heart and start afresh with an empty cup ready to be renewed.

I think a hot cup of Joe is calling my name!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Road Home

What does “Home” mean to you? Does it mean the place where your family waits for you, or that familiar place that you long for, at days end? Does it mean that place where you grew up, that home where loved ones await your visit? Possibly it means “heaven” our ultimate destination at life's end. More than likely it means all of these things to most of us.

Did you ever think of home as the place you started out from and the person you started out as? How far some of us have come from where we started. Hopefully, most of us have matured as we have ventured from the threshold of our childhood home but have you ever longed to go back to the simplicity and innocence of home? How about going back to the real “you” not the “you”, you have groomed to please others?

Many times we to go back home spiritually? That place of awe and wonder, you had as a brand new believer, back before life had squeezed the joy from your soul. Maybe you need to go back to a place of trusting and hope. God wants you to come home!

I think God put the love of home in our heart for a reason. It was not an accident that when Jesus was about to leave this earth for heaven, he said “There is more than enough room in my Father's home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?” Regardless of popular sayings, Jesus did not say “there is room for you on the Father's cloud” or “my Father's Universe”, He knew that just the word “home” strikes a chord in us all.

I thought of all these things as I hung a new picture that we bought from a local artist entitled “Road Home”. It is a scene that leads down a winding road, next to an old fence. At the end of this road there is a big welcoming house. I wonder who waits in the house for the weary traveler. Is there a grand meal prepared for this one who has come home? Is there a special room prepared for this one who has made it down that winding road?

I think of that special room that Jesus is preparing just for you and me in our Father's Home! I can almost see the light in the window that welcomes me home!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Loosen Your Grip!

I remember one summer afternoon painting the trim on our house and coming to a standstill because I came to a place that I couldn't reach. It was the last eighteen inches of the trim that went up to the peak of the roof. Being the bright woman that I am (?), I decided that the only way I was going to be able to finish my painting that day was to climb onto the roof. So up I went, confidently scaling the roof until I reached the peak of the house. I positioned myself right at the top so that I could dangle myself over to finish my painting. Feeling rather proud of myself, I lifted my head to check out the view. What I saw made my stomach do a flip-flop! It was the great distance between me and the ground! I had reached the peak alright but now I was paralyzed and hanging on with all my fingers and toes! I closed my eyes and tried to think what to do, since I was home alone. I could just imagine the fire department coming to fetch me, with sirens blaring! I knew that first they would have to pry my white knuckled fingers from the roof because at this point I was trusting no one.

Alas I heard voices! It was the neighbor boy going out to play but should I dare holler at him? I was so embarrassed by this time, but finally, I got the courage to call his name and ask him to get his mother. I have often wondered what she thought of me as I lay on the roof motionless, afraid to move and afraid to breathe! She wisely brought the ladder closer and climbed up so that she could talk to me. Her voice was reassuring but could I trust her? What experience had she had in getting people off of roofs....SAFELY? Then she said something that was absolutely crazy! “Let go, Jeanie! Trust me, you can do it!” I had no choice! Slowly, I began to relax my steel grip on the roof and crawled down from my perch, ever so cautiously. Besides thank you, I don't remember what all I said to my neighbor and I still get red in the face when I think of that awful experience. I do know that the neighbor moved shortly after that day.

I thought of this as I struggled to trust God with a situation that seemed impossible to me! I have encouraged people plenty of times to trust God but now,I was having difficulty trusting him myself.  I heard his encouraging voice through scripture and as I prayed but could I loosen my steal grip and trust him to handle it His way instead of mine?  Did I have the courage to say, "Okay, your will be done, Lord!  Finally, he whispered to my soul, “Let go and trust Me”! I did let go and again peace was mine.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
P.S. I have never been on a roof since that day!