Saturday, August 15, 2020



One of the trees that grace our yard is a FRAUD. FAKE, and PHONY!  It sprawls beautifully across the side yard, gracefully decorating the landscape where it stands so stately and proud.  When it blossoms it is breathtaking with soft white flowers that bring the promise of fruit as lovely as its fragrance.  When we first moved here almost twenty years ago, not knowing even what kind of tree it was, I was sure we would have a bumper crop of some kind of fruit judging by the abundance of beautiful white blooms.  As I waited, little round objects grew from its blossoms but they did not grow any bigger than a good-sized pea.  It was then that I found out it was an ornamental pear tree.  In the dictionary, ornament means something pretty but not useful or practical.  So for a time, this tree is useful only in the temporary beauty that it displays in the spring.  Its fruit is inedible.  As I think about that tree, I think of myself and the fruit I produce.  Do I strive to look like a Christian and speak like a Christian, only to produce no fruit?  I hope not but I must always strive to have fellowship with the Lord and seek to please Him with my life in order to keep myself authentic. I like a humorous but true quote that gives a glimpse into such a life.

God save us all from wives who are angels in the street, saints in the church, and devils at home!  Charles Spurgeon

 For us to be able to be authentic, we must be filled with God’s Spirit.  The Bible says that if we have God’s Spirit living in us we should produce good fruit that is useful and beneficial to ourselves as well as others. Galatians 5 tells us that the Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control which are the Fruits of the Spirit. As we live our lives these fruits or qualities should be exemplified in us.  I like the example I have shared many times.  If an orange is squeezed, what should come out of it?  Orange juice, right?  In life, we are squeezed regularly, like when a co-worker talks behind your back, when the boss is unfair, or when someone pulls out in front of you almost causing an accident.  Is it love, patience, or kindness that comes out?  Do you think gentle, kind, and good thoughts and react accordingly or does something else emerge?  Producing good fruit is not just a one-time event in our lives but can only be accomplished with an ongoing relationship with our Lord.  It is praying without ceasing, it is reading His precious God-breathed, Word, and a coming together with like believers to be strengthened and loved.  Is your life about loving God with all of your heart and your neighbor as yourself?  Lord, help me not to be  A FRAUD, A FAKE, or A PHONY, but genuine, bearing much good fruit.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Wipe Out


Wipe Out!

Wipe Out!  This was a song popular in ancient times, the 60’s!  The single hit the charts in 1963 and was by the Surfaris.  It was an instrumental with an occasional shrill voice saying “Wipe Out”!  

I think we are all subject to spiritual wipe out.  Some might call it spiritual burn out but it requires a spiritual restoration.  In the bible, one of the best stories of restoration is Elijah under the broom tree.  

Elijah was afraid and fled for his life. He went to Beersheba, a town in Judah, and he left his servant there. Then he went on alone into the wilderness, traveling all day. He sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors who have already died.” Then he lay down and slept under the broom tree. But as he was sleeping, an angel touched him and told him, “Get up and eat!” He looked around and there beside his head was some bread baked on hot stones and a jar of water! So he ate and drank and lay down again. Then the angel of the Lord came again and touched him and said, “Get up and eat some more or the journey ahead will be too much for you.”
1 Kings 19:3‭-‬7 NLT

How many of you are burdened by cares that are weighing you down?  How many have fought the good fight for a long time, but now you are in need of restoration?  Elijah was no different.  He had been God’s man in a battle against sin and had brought glory to God.  He had been brave and courageous fighting evil with God’s help but afterward found himself frightened and fleeing for his life at the threat from Jezabel the queen.  Our passage picks up as he runs alone into the wilderness as a beaten and exhausted man.  In 1 Kings we are told that he even prayed to die.  “I have had enough, Lord,” he said.  I can almost feel the prophet’s weariness, can’t you?  Today in this upside-down world I have found myself saying, “That’s it I have heard enough, seen enough and like Elijah, I’m searching for that broom tree to fall under.  Precious “caretakers” have you exhausted your physical, emotional, and spiritual energy?  Does the broom tree look appealing to you?  Has financial upheaval taken your last ounce of strength?  Are you empty, tired, and spent?  Have you had enough?  Are you wiped out from the burdens you carry?  Like Elijah of old, let the Lord nourish your body and soul.  Taste of his goodness in his word, drink from the cup of his grace.  I love what the angel of the Lord said to him after he had slept, “Get up and eat some more or the journey ahead will be too much for you”.  Can you feel the shade from the broom tree as you rest in his loving arms?  Lay back and be restored or the journey ahead will be too much for you.   From “Wipe Out” to Restoration as we rest under God’s broom tree.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Harper’s Face

Written 2016

We have a new granddaughter, her name is Harper Kensleigh and she is beautiful.  She lives in New York so I have yet to hold her but I seen her face a short time after she was born thanks to a wonderful feature on my iphone, called Facetime.  We were actually able to see her Daddy holding her. As tears came to his eyes  he introduced us to this little miracle of God.   All we could see was her little face peeking out of her cocoon of blankets.  Oh, how I longed to kiss that tiny face, and will in a few days.

Face!  Have you ever thought about how many ways we use the word face?  How will we face tomorrow, she put a happy face on the situation or he needs to face up. The bible is also full of references to "face".   The face of God or the presence of God is used, multiple times, like Numbers 6:25-26.

The LORD make His face shine on you.  And be gracious to you; 

The LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace
And Psalm 31:16 says;
Make Your face to shine upon Your servant; Save me in Your loving kindness.

  Everyone knows someone who has a perpetual sour face.  The kind of face that looks like they just sucked on a lemon.  On the other end of the spectrum we know people who exhibit nonstop joy on their face.  I prefer the joyful face myself.

After being in the presence of God on Mount Sinai, Moses'  face was radiant, the bible tells us in Exodus.  It shined so bright that Aaron, his brother, and all the Israelites were afraid of him until he spoke to them. The bible says that each time Moses was with the LORD his face again would be radiant.   I could do without the glowing face but I hope that my face and my life reflect the peace that comes from talking with God the Father and Jesus Christ each morning.  Unfortunately my "glow" sometimes leaves me as I face the crazy world we live in and the problems of just living.  Again, as Moses, I must go to God to receive His light.

O LORD God of hosts, restore us; Cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved. 
Psalm 80:19

As I kiss the face of my sweet Harper Kensleigh, my prayer is that someday she will seek the face of God and that the God of her parents and grandparents will "Make His face shine upon her and save her with His loving kindness.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Bronze Shoes In The Desert


When our kids first began to walk, as was common in that day, we went to a shoe store and bought them high top baby shoes in brilliant white. There were no NIKE shoes back then, but any good shoe store carried these special baby shoes. The shoe salesman carefully fitted them just right using a tiny foot measuring tool to uniquely fit that child so that those first steps would be supported properly by the white leather shoes. I remember vividly those little fat feet plopped onto the numbered instrument.  These precious feet that were to carry these who we loved so much for a lifetime. As those first steps became many, the shoes were scuffed and had to be polished with liquid polish, for us that was a Sunday morning ritual.  Many of that day got those first baby shoes, bronzed which was bronze paint sprayed on so they could be kept as a keepsake.  Occasionally at an antique store, I find a small well-worn pair of high top baby shoes with a bronze paint that seemed to emphasize the wrinkles and wear on them.  That time in some child’s life was reflected in those dusty bronze shoes.   A few weeks ago a friend and I talked about a scripture found in Deuteronomy that neither of us had thought about very much though we had read it before.  Isn’t it funny how we do that sometimes?  We read it once not taking note of it especially, but as that very verse is needed God brings it to you at the right time in your life.  

For forty years I led you through the wilderness, yet your clothes and sandals did not wear out.
Deuteronomy 29:5 NLT

In this verse, Moses was reminding Israelites of God’s great power and mercy.  God not only takes care of big things like parting the sea, but he also takes care of our smaller needs.  We as His children, I think, are in the desert of difficulties and sometimes despair right now.  Some have lost hope as sickness, financial decline and even oppression encircles their days while dread and fear troubles their nights.  But fortunately, we do not have to depend on politicians or wayward leaders, we have a God who causes not even our shoes to not wear out as He leads us through this desert of fear and dismay.    

But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?
Psalms 56:3‭-‬4 NLT

Monday, August 3, 2020

The Eyes Say It All

Do you ever feel that you have entered another dimension when you go to the store, the doctor’s office, or even church?  Settled right below the eyes of fellow human beings you’ll find a blue, yellow, or various whimsical characters hiding half of the face.  If anything is covered, I am glad it is the mouth and not the eyes but we are not viewed as unique beings with our own unique characteristics that are found in one’s face.  I think that the “powers to be” whether intentional or unintentional want us to lose our uniqueness that our creator gave us as people and Americans.  The eyes have been called the “windows of the soul” or in Matthew 6, the eyes are called the light of the whole body.  I am disheartened by the eyes that dart away rather than making eye contact, the eyes that never laugh, or the eyes that hide hurt and weariness.  Covid 19 or not we are a hurting world and country that needs God.  We have pushed him out of our country as the Israelites did centuries ago and they lived to regret it when God, as they wished, took his almighty hand off of that sinful nation.  They were left defenseless against disease and famine and nation after nation invaded and defeated them.  Who or what has invaded America? A virus that disrupts everything we stand for as a country, the violence that keeps us locked in our homes, or the lawlessness that has caused destruction and loss of life just to name a few?  Yes, the eyes say it all.  By Jeanie Nihiser