Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sea Of Forgetfulness

My mind can still feel the sheer humiliation when I remember that day.  It was over forty years ago, when many people, as I, owned a wig that we would don when we wanted a new hairdo for the day.  On this particular day I was getting ready for a family wedding and deciding to wear my new wig, I  began to pin my own hair flat to my head so my my new flock of hair would lay down nicely.  This was a necessary thing though far from attractive.

The wedding took place in a small church where the reception was in the church basement.  As I maneuvered down the squeaky stairs to the small reception room I noticed that the door was so low that you needed stoop down as to not to hit your head.  Doing that, I had not noticed the nail sticking out of the door frame.  The obnoxious little thing caught my wig and ripped it right off my head, revealing what was underneath.  At that point I felt the blood drain to my feet as I retrieved my curly locks.  If I could ever forget this horrific incident, my husband is sure to remember and tell it once again even including the man who exclaimed with great joviality that "someone just got scalped down there"!  This I will never live down or forget as long as I live!  Most of us have things we have done that will live in our memories forever some humorous and some not so much.

Unfortunately we often remember our past failures and sins in the same way.  We find ourselves reliving our sins even if Jesus has forgiven them.  The pain we bare because we cannot release them sometimes suck the joy right from our very soul.  I'm reminded of a verses in the bible that tells of the forgetfulness of our God.

““This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the LORD: I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.” Then he says, “I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.””
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:16-17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Once again you will have compassion on us. You will trample our sins under your feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean!”
‭‭Micah‬ ‭7:19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There is a beautiful song that tells of God's forgetfulness, called, "What Sin", here are the lyrics.  I hope you enjoy and apply Hebrews 19:16-17 to your life and soak up His unfailing love.

What Sin
It happened so long ago
And I cried out for mercy back then I plead the blood of Jesus 
Begging him to forgive my sin
But still I can't forget 
It just won't go away
So I wept again, "Lord wash my sin,"
But this is all He'd say

What sin, what sin?
Well that's as far away
as the east is from the west
What sin, what sin?
It was gone the very minute you confessed
Buried in the sea of forgetfulness 

The heaviest thing you'll carry
Is a load of guilt and shame
You were never meant to bear them
So let them go in Jesus name
Our God is slow to anger
Quick to forgive our sin
So let him put them under the blood
Don't bring them up again
Cause He'll just say


Lord, please deliver me 
From my accusing memory
Nothing makes me weak this way,
Then when I hear you say
