Monday, July 29, 2013

Are You Salt or Tofu?

I don't consider myself a salt-aholic but there are certain things I have to have salt on, like tomatoes and chicken. It wasn't until I was put on a “no salt” diet in the hospital that I began to grasp the importance of salt! The diet technitians brought me beautiful menus with scruptious sounding meals on them but they were all missing one important guessed it, salt! No matter how much I tried to force the food down, it was still tasteless!

The bible calls “us” “Christians” the salt of the earth. In other words, our message is what gives the world its flavor. Have you ever thought of yourself as the seasoning to the world around you? The bible says we should be, just that. But all too often, instead of a good taste, I am afraid we leave a sour taste in the mouth of people we want to win to the Lord or even worse, no flavor at all.

I am told that tofu is tasteless and bland but takes on the flavor of whatever foods it is cooked with. Am I tofu instead of salt? Do I become so bland that I take on the flavors of the world around me instead of my own unique flavor?

We should be people of integrity and depth, compassion and generosity. We should not be gossiper or liars, or cheat on our taxes.  We should not be rude or unkind.  In Matthew 5 we are told that salt that has lost its flavor is useless.

You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. Matthew 5:13

As I live my life I don't want to be useless or worthless in God's economy. I want to spread His love and flavor my surroundings with His wonderful Grace. But can I do this in my own strength? No! It is only God working in me that could ever dare to make a difference in our world.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  2 Corinthians 12:9

As you crunch on a salty chip or take a bite of a salty pickle think of how we are supposed to enhance the flavor of our world. Are we the salt of the earth or are we the tofu of the world taking on the flavors around us?  But don't be overwhelmed by such a task, remember from whom we receive our “saltiness”!

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