Friday, November 1, 2013

Dust Bunnies!

As I sit here this morning, with the sun behind me, I see several bunnies scurrying around. Not the furry kind that play outside but the dust bunnies that huddle on my dining room floor. Oh, how the light makes a difference. In the dark these little nuisances were not visible so I didn't have to think about them, but in the morning light, there they are. I thought about how many times the light of the Lord has shed understanding into my life. Those times when wrong thinking huddled silently causing unrest in my soul.

Recently, on such an occassion, as I was praying, I realized that though I was asking the Lord for solutions, in the back of my mind I was plotting how I could help the situation in my own way or feeling guilty that all I could do was pray. How many times do we in frustration say, “All we can do now is pray”, as if that were the last resort. How much better off would I be to turn to prayer first and let God work? The bible says for all who are weary to come to Him! It doesn't say all who are weary come to him with your solutions or suggestions, He just says come and find rest.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

With the Lord's help, because He loves me enough to shine a light on those pesky “dust bunnies” even in my prayer life, I will trust Him to take my burdens on Himself! And I will rest!

I love a line from a song that says, “The One who knows me best loves me most”! I am also so glad I can say with Hagar from the bible, “I have seen the One who knows me.” ElRoi!

Now, where is that dust mop?

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