Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fish Tales

Several years ago my husband and my dad went on a fishing trip to Canada together. My dad was just beginning to feel the effects of COPD which would eventually take his life. He was easily winded and had to rest often but enjoyed himself completely.

My husband tells of a time when he found my dad hanging on to the fishing pole for dear life. Dad had been fighting a very large Northern and was completely spent. When Larry came up to my dad, he asked him to take the pole for awhile and he did. The big fish, according to my husband, made giant circles and then would jump entirely out of the water, exposing his grand size. After a brief rest, my dad asked for the pole back and again started to fight the big fish. As before the Northern made his grand rounds, jumping up out of the water in all his splendor. It seemed the grand fish was tiring when he made one more round and again came out of the water with great force but this time he ceremonially spit the hook out of his mouth right in front of my weary dad. I'm sure this was a big disappointment for my dad but this is a favorite story that my husband fondly tells. My dad even enjoyed hearing the tale over and over again.

This year Dad has been gone twenty five years but his fish tales still linger and are told often. Before he died he accepted the Lord as his savior so I know that he is fishing on bank of a river somewhere in heaven today.

Happy Father's Day to my Dad in heaven and my dear husband.


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