Thursday, May 21, 2020


Daniel 6:1-10


Headlines; Pastor arrested for holding church service against governor’s orders.!  Headlines;  Cars towed because congregants attend church!  Headlines; Churches will be closed indefinitely, governor proclaims!  Headlines;  Parishioners fined $500 for sitting in their cars in the church parking lot listening to religious service.  Where does this put Christians today?  As we endure these unprecedented times of the COVID pandemic where should we come down amid falsehoods, exaggerations, and somewhere in there…. truth.  We like sheep tried to be good citizens because we were told we would kill people if we didn’t go by the rules.  According to the power-hungry government leaders, churches were the biggest problems while definitely being “nonessential”.

Daniel, after being brought from Jerusalem as a captive to Babylon became well known, liked, and trusted by King Darius, because of that he was promoted to a high position in the king’s government.  Some evil men tricked the king into making a law to throw anyone to the lions who prayed to anyone other than to King Darius.  Upon hearing this, Daniel did as he always did, he went home opened his windows knelt down, and prayed giving thanks three times a day to his God.  Those who were against Daniel found him praying and asking God for help so they reported this to the king.  The king, being deeply troubled eventually gave orders to have Daniel thrown into the lion’s den, but the king said to him, “May your God, whom you serve so faithfully, rescue you”.

Through the years, we the church have acted like we were “nonessential”.  We became like the world in too many ways, being afraid to speak out against evil because of political correctness.  Fear of being accused of hate crimes has kept us dumbed down instead of declaring that either the bible is wholly correct or it is nothing.  I think that somewhere in the mix, we the salt have lost our flavor.  I believe God has given us this time to rise up, kneel down with our windows opened toward the world, and wait for a great awakening of the church the way God intended for us to be, leaders not followers. May we be the light in the darkness.  We have hidden our light under a bushel for too long.

Daniel was rescued by his God whom he faithfully served and was brought up out of the den without even a scratch.  Daniel was ready to be martyred for his beliefs shouldn’t we be ready and willing to get criticism from those who do not agree?  Awaken, Christians, including myself, and wait for our God to do amazing things.

Reflect and Pray

Dear Lord, God of Daniel give us courage and strength.  May we be THE CHURCH!  Grant us another chance to be your “peculiar people”, the light and the salt of the earth.  Give us a Great Revival in this country!  Help us be in the habit of raising our voices to the only true God.

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