Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Grand Puzzle!

Today I plan to shop for a perfect Christmas puzzle, an annual event at our house! It is very relaxing to me to sit down and find where each piece goes. My husband on the other hand lasts about a minute and then he is done. He always threatens to get a hammer and a chisel and force the pieces into place. I find a hammer very distracting when I am trying to relax. Some of my kids and grandkids are like me and can sit for hours working to make the picture come to life.

The bible is a great puzzle with all the pieces, waiting for us to place into it’s proper place. I have been reading the bible since I became a Christian, over forty years ago but in the past two years I have put more effort into placing each piece of the puzzle. My heart is blessed every day as the picture becomes more and more alive to me. When one more piece slips easily into it’s proper place (without a hammer mind you). For many years I was reluctant to read too much in the Old Testament because I was sure OLD meant OLD and wondered if I could find much there other than a great scripture that I would pull out from time to time. As I put my heart and mind to the task of deliberately putting the pieces together, there are not words to describe the blessing I have received from seeing the whole picture fall into place. More precious is the thought that I, in my life time, will never find all the pieces until I go to heaven and then I will see in whole what I can only see in part now.

Just think about a puzzle for a minute. When I start putting a puzzle together, I look for all the pieces with a flat side, these pieces are for the frame around the puzzle. That is the way the bible is, so let’s imagine that we place the flat side pieces completely around both the old and new testaments. Now, let’s go to work!

Even as I study the Christmas story there is so much that was foretold in the old testament like John the Baptist for instance!

As odd as John might seem to us with his clothes made of camel hair, his meals of locust and wild honey and home in the desert he was spoken of in Isaiah 40!

“A voice of one calling in the desert, prepare the way for the Lord make straight paths for him”. Isaiah 40:3

John is a piece of the glorious story told at this time of the year and fits perfectly into the puzzle! Remember, even his birth was a miracle as found in Luke 1. An angel went to an old priest named Zechariah, and told him his wife Elizabeth, who was barren and way past childbearing age, would have a son. He was to be called John, according to the angel Gabriel who would say about the pregnancy “With God nothing is impossible”.

My prayer is, that I find more and more pieces to this glorious puzzle as I celebrate this season glorifying our wonderful Lord!

I hope to get my puzzle and finish it before Christmas hopefully without a hammer or chisel! I’m thinking of a 1000 piece-er this year! Join me in my search for the perfect pieces to the grand “Puzzle” this year!



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