Thursday, October 25, 2012

Leave Your Porch Light On!

Picture of Jenna with yellow fall flowers "strewn" in her hair!
I love to decorate my house with  beautiful fall colors as well as those things I have packed away for this special season! I dig out my gold and orange leaves and strew them with abandon! Those fall candles will be lit with fragrances such as "pumpkin pie" or "apple crisp" which will serve only to make me hungry, which means the recipes for fall yummies will have to be found also! I love it all from wiener roasts to caramel apples and isn't there just something wonderful about the crisp air and the chill of that first frost? Not to mention, by months end, we we have the fun of Halloween! Bonfires, Jack-o-lanterns and of course, those Tricker Treaters!

I remember one year that I was the only house on our side of the street to turn our porch light on! So, as you can imagine, little princesses, super heroes and devils in red suits all made a bee line to our door with their little bags in hand. Again and again we filled our candy bowl and finally ran completely out of everything! The only thing left to do was turn off our light (and hide)!

Today as I praised God for all He is doing with my writings, I was suddenly aware that I had just flipped on the porch light! The devil made a bee line for me! I suddenly felt inadequate and Satan seemed to say "Who do you think you are? Do you really think those "hokey" posts on your blog makes any difference?" Along with those nagging doubts, I also felt a chill as I remembered so many people saying that when they began touching lives for Jesus, the devil laid every manner of trouble on them! The "suggestion" came to me to reevaluated and see if the insignificant things that I might be able to do would be worth the battle that Satan would wage against me.

My first response was to turn out the porch light and HIDE!

But as I opened my bible I came across a man called Gideon! Gideon had turned out the porch light and was hiding when the angel of the Lord came to him and said that he was chosen to go out against the Midianites who had oppressed his people for many years! The angel of the Lord said to Gideon "the Lord is with you mighty warrior! But the first words out of Gideon's mouth was "pardon me Lord" but...........! I've been there haven't you? The Lord then turned to Gideon and said, "Am I not sending you?". Again Gideon replied, "pardon me my Lord" but did you happen to remember that I am really a nobody as well as my family!

The Lord answered, "I WILL BE WITH YOU, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive." (Judges 6:16 NIV

You see, anytime you or I do something to help build the Kingdom, even if we think it is insignificant, Satan gets scared and does everything he can think of to make us turn out our porch light and hide but, "pardon me" didn't the Lord say "am I not sending you, Mighty Warrior?". I WILL BE WITH YOU!

If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay posts of our ordinary lives. That's to prevent anyone from confusing God's incomparable power with us. 2 Corinthians 4:7 Message

So take that devil, my porch light is still on!
Excerpts from an earlier post.

Sent from Jeanie!

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