Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happiness is Like a Butterfly!

I was asked recently if we are supposed to be happy in this life? As I asked myself this question, I was reminded of one of my favorite pictures. It is of a little Amish girl sitting on a porch with all the charm that accompanies the innocence of a child. She is barefoot, with light blue dress and a typical Amish bonnet covers her head with only wisps of hair framing her beautiful face. Just arms length away is a beautiful butterfly. The quote written on the step below where she sits is “Happiness is Like a Butterfly”. I have pondered this many times as I look at this work of art. Aren’t we all about happiness in our world today? Don’t we strive for it as our goal in life? Do we not work all week to get to the weekend so we can seek that elusive happiness. Are we not told that it is all about us and our happiness? As we listen to politicians do they not proclaim ways in which we can be more “happy”. Certainly, merchants clamor to sell us what will finally make us happy. I think from time to time we all ask “Are we supposed to be happy?”

One of the things I noticed about our little Amish girl is her eyes fixed on the beauty before her. The sparkle in her eyes, even from a side view of her face is very noticeable. Even though her eyes danced as she looks admiringly at the Monarch butterfly her arms are to her sides, her hands holding to the porch on which she sat and her little feet rest one upon another in total relaxation. There is no striving or straining but total rest as the butterfly flutters so close. Had she let go of the porch to grasp it, as per usual, it would have moved just out of her reach

One of my favorite scriptures is John 10:10, that talks of this “happiness” or what John calls the abundant life.

The thief comes only to steal, slaughter, and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10

The dictionary says that “abundant” is more than enough. I often think of how God could have given the minimum to get by but he chose to give abundantly. Did he have to color our world with blues, yellows and reds? He could have made it black and white and shades of gray but he wanted to give abundantly to those He chose to love. Are not birds, rainbows and butterflies optional? God gives generously, over and above and yes abundantly.

If I am to learn from this little Amish girl I too will hold tightly to what I can rest upon. The love of Him who was so willing to give His life so that I could have life, not just a little life but an abundant life. Happiness as some might define it is fleeting, temporary and hard to find, but happiness according to God is His promise of life abundant.


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