Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Rose by Any Other Name....

Photo by Jeanie Nihiser

Back in the days when it was rare to find nonsmoking sections in restaurants, we went to a new diner that was just opening and was politely asked "smoking or nonsmoking?". We jumped at the chance to try out the new nonsmoking section. As we were led to the section that was labeled "no smoking" it was apparent they were not expecting many customers to take them up on this new feature because there was only two tables that were only a few feet from the "smoking" section which was the rest of the restaurant. As we sat down, got our food and as usual thanked God for his blessings, we noticed that the table next to us was blowing smoke at us. I could hardly believe it, the rudeness of these people. Though we ignored this attack, I am sure smoke was coming from my ears as well.

As we left the restaurant, I reeked of smoke, an unpleasant reminder of the mean spirited people who chose to make some kind of statement with their rudeness. I thought of that incident today, though I hadn't thought of it in years. In 2 Corinthians I read that we should spread everywhere we go, the fragrance of the knowledge of him. According to the dictionary a fragrance is a sweet delicate aroma. The first thing that come to mind was the fragrance and simplicity of a rose not over powering or obnoxious but delecate and beautiful! The smell of the smoke had hung on me because of the hour I had spent there in the "nonsmoking" section eating our meal. Does the sweet, delicate aroma of the knowledge of God hang on me also as I spend time reading his word to gain in knowledge of him. Do I carry that aroma out into the world as Christ's ambassador?

I wonder sometimes when we as Christians go to restaurants, stores or other places of business if our aroma is always sweet and delicate. Can the waitress or clerk tell by your patience and kindness that we are the bearers of the knowledge of God or do they smell the putrid smell of disrespect and rudeness? Can the smell of a judgmental attitude hang in the air like smoke as we interact with others.

I wish I could say my aroma is always sweet and delicate but while I strive for this, I don't always accomplish it. I am so glad that God doesn't kick me out of school but waves me back into his classroom for more instruction, so I can gain more knowledge of Him. My prayer is that I am to God an aroma of Christ......a fragrance of life.

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? (2 Corinthians 2:14-16 NIV84)

Sent from Jeanie!

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