Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mice Are Such Encouragers!

Lord, thank you for mice, they are such encouragers! Can you believe I actually said that? I can’t either but it is part of my new attitude adjustment.

Today I had to, again clear my cabinets and drawers and begin the arduous task of washing everything, just in case one of those dirty , I mean encouraging, rodents had walked on, ran on or anything else on them. In the country I am used to field mice coming for a visit but we have been "blessed" more this year than ever before. Lord, I said, “just when I decided that I needed a better attitude and was making the effort to be thankful, I am being tested to see how serious I really am.” “So Lord, what can I say about these mice?” I grumbled. I tried to think of how I should be grateful for these critters. I had to somehow think of them in a good way as one of God's creation but my heart wasn't in that either as I grew weary from my task. Finally I had it! I am thankful for being encouraged to clean my kitchen even if it is a member of the rodent family who encourages me. Wow, am I good or what?

After getting that out of the way, I had a long list of things I was thankful for like the beautiful day and cool breezes coming through my window this morning and it goes without saying my wonderful husband and my family! Okay! So far so good! And how about depression? “Okay Lord, can we talk about the mice some more? How could I ever be thankful for depression?” I questioned. I had just been through a few weeks of dealing with that “thorn in my side” and I find it impossible to be thankful for this thing that takes so much from me. That thing which robs me of days I should be living my life to the fullest? Days I could be doing something for the Lord? Days wasted with a dark cloud that follows me everywhere I go? Days when my husband tries to find something that will cheer me (and he is pretty funny). Days when sleep is my friend. “Okay Lord, I give!” I said out loud.

Then the thought that came to me was a scripture that I had read many times, one of my favorites from Psalms.

I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven the earth. Psalms 121:1-2

Thank you Lord, I needed that! My help does come from you! Though you don’t ask me to be thankful for depression, you ask me to be thankful IN it because you work everything for my good. Praise God, my help does come from you.

“Now go strengthen your bretheren” Oh, now I get it! Thank you, precious Lord, you are brilliant!

And thank you for my furry encouragers, may they rest in peace, I mean may they feel peaceful!

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