Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hang On To Your Jewelry!

Jesse: (enters breathless) Hey, Elizabeth! Where is your nice gold earrings?

Elizabeth: In the special box they came in, remember, you got them for my birthday! Why?

Jesse: Well, you know how we have been waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain, and....well....we have decided we need something to worship so we are making a "Golden calf" to worship. So I need your earrings to throw into the melting pot.

Elizabeth: Now, just what kind of crazy is that? Because the people are tired of waiting for God they are going to fashion their own image to worship? NONSENSE!

Jesse: That's about it I guess!

Elizabeth: well, you just leave my part of the cow here and I will be looking in the mirror at my own image with my earrings on.

Can you imagine this scene? In the bible that is exactly what happen! Well,......maybe not exactly but it could have. Moses went up the mountain to talk to God and while he was there the people decided to make there own God. So they talked Aaron into building a golden calf to worship.

Whew! I'm glad those days are more image building right? But then I shouldn't have a problem with that anyway after all I am a bible lovin', Holy Ghost believing‘, bible carryin’, born again Christian. I spent my time teaching Sunday school, children's church and even worked in the nursery on many occasion. Oh, and I attend any bible study I can find and...and....and!

Do I ever get up in the morning and not feel like studying God's word? Why....why no I already told you I LOVE studying the word? Me, discouraged? No, not me.... just read the above description of myself! Do I ever get mad, get grumpy or get even? Okay, maybe but….after all I write a "blog" that is supposed to be uplifting and encouraging, I have to protect my IMAGE you know! What would the readers think if they saw my weaknesses?

Did I just drop a gold earring into the melting pot?

Lord, help me to stop building my own image of myself for others to see. May I only be who You made me to be, nothing more but nothing less. May my weaknesses only make Your strength shine with a shine that will never tarnish.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27


1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know~I really do enjoy your posts! Gets me to thinkin'!
