Sunday, November 4, 2012

...but now I see!

As I get up most morning before the sun, I have found myself going from one place to another to find a place that I can see the print I am trying to read. Lately my bible study time has been a strain as I squint and try to read the blurry print. I move it close to me and then back again. I find myself holding it under the lamp to get more light and then going to find a brighter lamp that will shed the needed light. I have complained about the lighting in my house and even decided I need bigger light bulbs. If I could only get my hands on the old fashion kind and get about 1000 watt-er I know I could see better. As I found myself in the light bulb aisle at Sam’s club, I told Larry of my difficulties and stopped to buy a bulb with higher wattage. As delicately as he knew how he told me I was getting older and I probably needed new glasses for reading. What a man! Actually he said “Jeanie, that just comes with old age”!
Sometimes I try to envision scenes from the bible, and how I would feel being there and seeing such things. Today I read about how Jesus took Peter, James and John up on a mountain with him. Think of that alone! As they were on the mountain Jesus was transfigured and his face shone as the sun and Moses and Elijah was with him. By then I think these disciples were thinking of getting their eyes checked as soon as possible. Now imagine with me what that was like to these Jewish disciples. All their lives they had heard and read about these two giants of the heritage and now with their own eyes they were seeing them. I think they might have been tempted not to believe their eyes. But as they rubbed their eyes to get a better view a cloud surrounded them and a voice was heard “This is my Son, whom I love, with him I am well pleased. Listen to Him.” At this the men dropped face first to the ground, trembling in fear. The scripture says Jesus then touched them and told them to get up and not be afraid. When they looked up all they saw was Jesus. Can you imagine how their hearts were racing because of what their ears had heard and their eyes had seen? I can still see them trembling at what had just taken place but Matthew 17:8 says something very important. When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.
Is this not a message to us this day when we look at this world of ours? Is not this Savior we call Jesus enough for us even in these times of uncertainty? We will find when we “only” see Jesus, He is all we need to see!
I thank God for my eyesight even as it is dimming but mostly I praise Him because once I was blind but now I see!

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