Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stiff Necked? Me?

Photo by Mendy Smith Mendy's little gem Ruby Lulu and her mother!

Have you ever had an argument before church, have you ever gotten up on the wrong side of the bed and slid into every manner of irritations? I just had one of those Sunday's. My hair didn't do well, I had bags under my eyes that would have taken cement instead of make up to cover it and besides that my husband Larry and I had issues! Neither of us were singing #147 in our hymnal "This Is The Day The Day Lord Has Made",even if He had!

You have to know my husband, he remembered to turn out the lights in the labor room before he left on the day he was born! He always puts things away after using them. It just comes natural to him, how creepy is that? According to him, he NEVER forgets to put new toilet paper on the roller! Precious, isn't it? Well, to make a, not so happy morning, worse, he decided to give me more reason to be cranky! He summoned me to let me know he was going to show me how to do something...... Are you seeing where this going? Yes, he had decided it was time I learned to put the toilet paper in it's proper place! Uhuh, you can guess howTHATwent!

For all that "it comes natural" about him, nothing comes natural to me but the stubbornness to ignore that man when I am RIGHT! To top it all off I had to go into the church with a smile and sit next to Mr Right! I love the magnet I have on my frig that says "when I married Mr Right, I didn't know his first name was ALWAYS! Is that scriptural?

Luckily, when we got to church I was delighted to see the preacher was speaking about marriage, I was hoping he would learn something!

After the sermon, I was sure my husband and the preacher was in cahoots. Mr Right even had the nerve to give him a thumbs up a couple of times! Okay, let's see how he likes the silent treatment on the way home. Can you all say wth me? "When Mama Ain't Happy Ain't Nobody Happy!". I surely need a magnet that says that. As I carried out Larry's "punishment" something came to my mind that I tried to shut out. It was a church sign, that said "A stiff neck usually holds up an empty head"! Whoa, Lord, don't forget his snarky attitude when he "showed" me how to put toilet paper on the roll, like ye ole perfect one does it! Let's see what other magnets can I place..........? Huh? Not me Lord I have NEVER been stiff necked.........stiff necked means stubborn and that's just not me! If any one........ Okay, Lord maybe I have been like those ole Israelites who complained all the time and worshipped the almighty magnet......... I mean Golden Calf! Self-pity Lord? I guess that could be me too, but, but, ........!

Hey, Honey I love you and.....and we probably should stop by the store, we're out of toilet paper probably those out on the ground aren't any good anymore!

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