Thursday, November 11, 2021

As Feathers Across The Generations

 I have a cup that says, “I’m a writer, what is your super-power?”  Sounds like a confident writer doesn’t it? Well, let me tell you, I am not always confident. Sometimes my fingers dance across the keyboard with haste and purpose, but sometimes I start cold with only a thought, an idea or scripture to lead me and I never warm up. Writing is much like carefully placing your treasure for others to see but not having the slightest idea whose eyes will see it.

Why do I do it? Because I love it and because I believe I have been called by my gracious God to write. I take no credit for the gift He has given me. Whether a million people read what I write or no one but me, I will still praise Him for His favor. And so I write!

It wasn’t until 2010 that I began to write as I sat outside in what I fondly call my prayer chair after my retirement. That is where I heard the Lord’s voice, not audible, but in my heart, as I read scripture, prayed, and sang songs to my loving heavenly Father. Many of the words fell like feathers on my soul as I waited quietly in the early morning. Words given to me by my Father were scribbled down on a yellow notepad to later be fully written as a devotional thought.

It was said among family members that my paternal grandmother, who I never met, wrote many things including spiritual songs and poems. I would love to have some of her writings even the chicken scratchings as I call my rough draft. Though I’m told my grandma Neva, short for Nevada had a hard life, working the family farm, she wrote from a heart of gratitude and praise to God. She and my grandfather Thomas died while my dad was a prisoner of war in Germany. What anguish she must have felt with three sons fighting in the war and one captured and held prisoner for twenty-six months. I’m sure her writing reflected her broken heart.

Maybe my grandmother read of the love written throughout the scriptures, as I have, and just had to write it down. Zephaniah might have bolstered her, as she was told that her God delights, even greatly delights in her. In his love, he rejoices over her with singing. It could be she knew heaven was near for her and wrote of He who sits on the throne in Paradise. Perhaps Isaiah encouraged her with the thought of increased strength for the weak. Could she see in her heart the renewing that would cause her to mount up with wings like eagles? I read a few days ago in Daniel 12:3 that those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.

 As I look deep into the night sky is my grandma Nevada shining for all to see? Did she lead many to righteousness? It will be grand to find out when I see her in heaven. A delightful thought that like a feather lands gently on my soul.

Nevada Hendren Tyson

February 24,1876-December 30,1943

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