Friday, September 16, 2011


I have always been a daydreamer! Today they would probably call it ADD (attention deficit disorder) and medicate me heavily! I remember even as a little girl, it was best that I not be seated by a window because out the window would go my mind, like a fluttering butterfly.

Though it has been over fifty years, I remember this day in glowing detail! I was excited about playing that game about going on a trip. You know the one “I am going on a trip and I am taking…..! The object of the game was to name something you would take with you that started with a letter of the alphabet. Naming what you would take was not the hard part, remembering what everyone before you was taking was the kicker! I must have been one of the last ones to take my turn because after listening and trying to remember for so long my mind took me somewhere else. I began to daydream!

I was brought to reality when the teacher asked me what I would take on my trip. I started “I am going on a trip and I am taking an APPLE, a BARRETT, a COOKIE and ummm, at that time I wished with all my heart that I had been listening. With an ugly face and major stink eye, the teacher blurted out "daydreaming AGAIN I see"! As you can imagine, most of my report cards said I a bad habit of "Daydreaming"! Usually DAYDREAMING was written in capital letters!

I carried this into my adult life and always had a plan, project or a dream rattling around in my head. I would think of what I would teach the kids in my Sunday School class, and imagined planting seeds that would bring them to know Christ or how I could witness to someone, I knew, who didn't know the Lord. I dreamed of how I could make my home sweeter for my family and anyone else who would come into our home. I could make a to-do list as long as my arm as I dreamed!

As I thought about this today, I realized that lately I seldom daydream. When I start to dream about something, the thought comes that it is too expensive, I'm too old or that's just a silly dream, who wants to listen to me anyway? Bam! The wet blanket of what I call "reality" promptly suffocates that dream! I write this because I think many of us are there and that the Lord is calling us out of that pit. I realized that pits are not only pits of sin but anything that the devil can use to keep us down and keep us from dreaming! Satan chides us when we pray for a lost soul, or for the revival of a lost nation " "not even in your dreams will your prayers be answered he hisses. You are dreaming of the impossible, he says!". With my feet sinking into despair, the miry clay of doubt caused me not to look up but to stare at the dark walls of the slimy pit! I had tried to climb out only to slide back down. Today I look up from this pit to my God who encourages me to daydream about the "impossible"! The God who tells us that nothing is impossible with Him! The God who waits for us to call on Him, to cry out to Him!

Read what God has said about pits from Psalm 40.

I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:1-3

I say Praise the Lord! I will dare to dream!

Once you have gotten out of the PIT and as you stand on the Rock, you are allowed to “daydream” about all He has for you! Even DAYDREAMS are possible with Him!

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