Six Little Words!
You won’t be going home, Mrs. Nihiser, the x-ray technician told me glumly. Not until your doctor talks to you on the phone.” As I sat down in the waiting room, I wondered what could be the problem. They had just done a scan on my lungs because of the terrible pain I was experiencing, but I was baffled by the attention this was getting. When my doctor finally called, she told me I had blood clots in both lungs and would be staying in the intermediate care unit for a few days so off they took me in the rickety wheelchair that made a squeaky noise as it bumped along causing more pain in my chest. On that day many things came into perspective and as I discovered the danger of these blood clots and even worse if they had landed somewhere else, I began to thank God and to see what was important in life and how frail, yet valuable life was to me. Days matter, weeks matter, months matter, and oh how these years matter. As I climb into bed each night I sigh to think, “another one down”. Did I accomplish anything worthwhile for the Lord or for anyone? Many times I would have to say, no! Did I tell anyone I loved them? Did I tell anyone about Jesus? I hope I have through my writing but is that enough? Was I the salt and light of the earth or did I hide my light under a bushel, as I shelter in place, is my salt rendered tasteless? I might not have time for “ the powers to be” to decide when I can get out of my house. Time is valuable to me, as it is to us all but while I am in that group that .they consider “at-risk”, I am also in that group that has more time behind me than in front o me. Since that day I was wheeled into that hospital room with monitors, buzzing machines, and concerned doctors I have decided to live my life to the full even if it be shortened by disease or even coronavirus’. As Paul said, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”.
I went to a church. Sunday that decided to open its door in defiance of the governor’s orders. It was wonderful to be in the presence of the Lord in that way. The only thing missing was my own church family who make my life fuller and richer but God could be felt in that service. Though many say and it is true, the church is not just a building, there was a lot of praising and worshipping going on in His temple made of bricks and mortar. Some might not need this kind of worship but I found my soul hungry just to be in His House. Nonessential?
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Hebrews 10:23-25 NLT
I don’t know if I will be alive at Christ’s appearing or meet him at my death but I do know that either way I will see him face to face. At that time I will long for those six precious words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
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