Not very many days past that I don't go back to my childhood memories of my Aunt Wanda and Uncle Merle. My brothers and I loved to stay at their house during the summer or any time we got a chance. My Aunt liked to feed us, which always included desert and my Uncle liked to entertain us. I remember going full throttle down a country road and having my Uncle slam his brakes on , skid to a stop only to watch a wooly worm slowly make his way across the road. I could never forget hunting "snipe" as Uncle Merle lead the pack of us wide eyed followers through the dark. If you have never hunted snipe, come on out, I would love to oblige your curiosity. After any of these activities we would always end up at the root beer stand for a cold drink or an ice cream.
Today I thought fondly of ornery Uncle Merle as I read one of my favorite scriptures in Psalms 46.
Our summer visits were never complete without going swimming. We would make our way to a creek to swim the hot day away. As we splashed, jumped from the bank and played in the sand we would eventually notice our uncle stretched out, hands behind his head, hat over his eyes and "sleeping" seemingly, on the water as if it were on the best mattress in town. It was like a magic act to us. I remember trying and trying to mimic the dozing trickster only to sink like a rock instead of floating. I recall my frustration and his too I'm sure, when he tried to teach me how to float. He positioned me on top of the water and said "now relax!". I could do that until the water would slap against my face and then I would begin to sink. "You don't need to do anything, just relax!" he would say.
Today as trouble pushes it's way into my mind, as those waves of doubt slapped against my face, I can here the same thing from the Lord, "just relax you don't need to do a thing" he says "I will take care of everything!".
"Cease striving and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10 NASB)
Another version of that scripture says "Be still and know that I am God". Lord, thank you that you still come to me in the midst of the waves and problems and say "Cease striving" just relax and float on my promises! What peace can come when I am still!
Today as trouble pushes it's way into my mind, as those waves of doubt slapped against my face, I can here the same thing from the Lord, "just relax you don't need to do a thing" he says "I will take care of everything!".
"Cease striving and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10 NASB)
Another version of that scripture says "Be still and know that I am God". Lord, thank you that you still come to me in the midst of the waves and problems and say "Cease striving" just relax and float on my promises! What peace can come when I am still!
I still remember in later years, while staying with this dear couple, awaking to the voice of Uncle Merle reading scripture aloud to my Aunt. I know that striving is no more for them as they are in heaven, and this delightfully, mischievious man could very well be floating on the still waters of God's grace right now. Amen
Sent from Jeanie!
Sent from Jeanie!
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