The dictionary states that a coincidence is a chance happening: something that happens by chance in a surprising or remarkable way. A happening without planning. Having identical features:
“Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.”
― Albert Einstein, The World as I See It
When I think of coincident I always think of my daughter, Missy and the “totally Missy” way she conveyed a wonderful truth one winter afternoon. She came in talking a mile a minute, telling me about her trip home on the bus. As Missy explains "Mom, you know the big hill over by Country Club road?" "yeah" I said noticing that her voice was two octaves higher than usual. “We were going down the hill just like normal, FAST, except it was really slippery and the bus driver couldn't stop the bus! We were about to hit cars on Country Club road when the bus driver took his hands off the wheel and yelled "GOD! help us!" "What happened then?" I asked with concern. "The bus stopped right at the corner"! Amazed and grateful I stared at my, now smiling, Missy as she continued, " A CO-WINKIE-DINK? I DON'T THINK SO!"
As I studied Esther of the bible, I found myself disappointed since The Book of Esther is often called the "Godless" book. God's name is not mentioned for reasons that are not completely understood but it is thought by many scholars that maybe since it was written in Persia, it was not allowed by the Persian government. To put it in today's terms, it was not "politically correct" to talk of just "ONE" God! Bible commentators also site that this group of Jews that stayed in Persia, had so integrated themselves into that world that they had lost their identity with Jehovah. So instead of outright speaking of God, they wrote in code as not to offend anyone. Sound familiar? The Persians read it one way but the Jews living in Persia read it another way. Have you ever had a conversation in code? Has your audience ever proclaimed how “lucky” you were to have all those things coincide with one another? Me too!
In this Book you find the beautiful Jewish girl Esther, “coincidently” finding favor with all who knew her including King Xerxes! In fact, a "Coincidence" theme runs rampant throughout this writing of Jewish history. Amazingly this Jewish girl, turned Queen of the Persian Empire, "coincidently" saved the Jewish nation from being destroyed.
If you want to read a book in the bible that reads like a mini-series, read Esther!
My favorite scripture comes as Mortecai who raised the orphan, Esther, appealed to her to save her people from destruction. I can imagine Morticai shrugging his shoulders as he said;
…And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14 NIV)
Most of us will never wear the crown of the queen or be call upon to save a nation of people but never forget not one of us are here by accident. It is not a coincidence that you know the people you know, and love the people you love. You did not just happen to end up in this world at his time in history. YOU are not unplanned or a surprise to God. You were put into your royal position, for such a time as this! A CO-WINKIE-DINK? I DON’T THINK SO!
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