Corrie ten Boom, author of The Hiding Place, tells the story of a conversation she had with her father when she was a child. She confided in her father that she was afraid of death and was quite sure she did not have the strength to be a martyr. Corrie’s father reminded her of the train ride to Amsterdam. “"When you take a train trip to Amsterdam, when do I give you the money for the ticket? Three weeks before?"
"No, Daddy, you give me the money for the ticket just before we get on the train."
"That is right," her father said, "and so it is with God's strength. Our Father in Heaven knows when you will need the strength . . . He will supply all you need just in time."
Corrie's father and sister were indeed martyred and Corrie some years later, was released from the prison camp due to a "mistake" in documents. A few days after she left, women her age were all murdered at that camp. Corrie got her ticket just in time.
I have quoted the story above many times as people I know face the unknown. "What if I lose my job and cannot provide for my family?", "What if the lump is cancer?" or "How could I ever handle the loss of a family member?". Or on a somewhat less urgent note: “What will I do when my oldest child leaves me to go to college or preschool! What if my child choose to marry someone I don't approve of or who will I turn to when I move away from my family to another state! If all this sounds familiar, that’s because it is! As they say "life happens"! And I, for one don't like it sometimes! As I tell others this amazing story that illustrates the grace and strength of our Father, I also have to remind myself daily of his presence. The "what ifs" can suck the joy right out of us if we don't rely on Him who holds the "ticket"!
As I painted my kitchen yesterday, I carried my old hymnal with me so I could sing as I rolled on, appropriately, "My Inner Sanctum" (name of the paint). I came across a hymn that I have always loved but as I get older it rings even more true. This hymn title is rightly located in the section labeled "assurance". "He Giveth More Grace", though not sung as often in our churches today, captures those "Life happens" moments.
He give-eth more grace when the burdens grow greater.
He send-eth more strength when the labors increase.
To added affliction He add-eth His mercy.
To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.
When we have exhausted our store of endurance.
When our strength has failed and our day is half done.
When we reach the end of our of our hoarded resources,
Our Father's full giving is only begun.
His love has no limits; His GRACE has no measure; His power has no boundary know unto men. For out of his infinite riches in Jesus, He Giveth and Giveth and Giveth again.
If we can get over the old style language of this great work, we can find great truth! His love is limitless and His grace cannot be measured. He holds the "Ticket" no matter how big or small your burden. He Giveth and Giveth and Giveth again! Hallelujah!
Sent from Jeanie!
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