Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:10, James 1:5
Cats and Flagpoles
Whenever I hear the words dull ax, I think of cats and flagpoles. There is a story told about a time when my dad who lived on a farm was doing a forbidden thing. He had coaxed the barn kittens away from the barn and was playing with them at the back screen door. In my mind, I can picture my dad as a young boy, barefoot, and freckled with dirty hands from playing in his favorite mud hole. I see that old screen door and the long lane to the main road which was visible from my dad’s perch on the old stoop. It is said, that his play was interrupted by the sound of his dad’s car coming up that lane. Knowing a licking would follow his disobedience, he began frantically to shoo the cats away but his efforts were in vain. They had gotten a taste of the “good life” and didn’t want to budge. He looked around and found an old dull ax and began to hit each of his feline playmates on the tip of their tail. Of course, they gave out a big yowl and headed back to the barn in a hurry, dragging their sore tails behind them. The day was saved and there would be no trip behind the barn that day for this wee boy, but his dad would always wonder why the tips of the cat’s tails waved like a flag on a flagpole in the wind.
Today in my studies I came across a scripture that speaks of dull axes. Wisdom is the theme of the verse and I’m sure my dad, young Tom Tyson, used only childlike wisdom to accomplish what he had to do. The interesting verse I speak of is found in Ecclesiastes.
Using a dull ax requires great strength, so sharpen the blade. That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed.
Ecclesiastes 10:10 NLT
I also like the Message translation of that same verse.
Remember: The duller the ax the harder the work; Use your head: The more brains, the less muscle.
Ecclesiastes 10:10 MSG
In these days of rampant confusion, I pray for wisdom which is encouraged in scripture. Wisdom according to Webster, is knowledge and the capacity to use it. We can have all kinds of knowledge but if we don’t have the common sense or wisdom to apply it we labor in vain. The words wisdom or wise are used over 700 times in the bible.
When we try to do things on our own without the wisdom of God we are like that dull ax my dad used in this whimsical story, it accomplished SOMETHING but was it the right thing? With God-given wisdom we cut right to the truth so what is done is right according to God’s word and His will.
Who do we believe? Which mask do we use or do we use one at all? Do we stay in or go out? Do we use and believe the dull ax of the world or sharpen our blade with the wisdom God offers His believers. The bible tells us to seek wisdom “if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who will give generously” according to James. Solomon asked for wisdom above all, shouldn’t we also?
Reflect: Have we pursued wisdom?
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