Friday, May 29, 2020



 Renewal! Sound appealing?  It does to me.  How many times have I been in a situation or a season of life that begs for “renewal”.

At least three times a day I get an offer in my email that decares, “Renewal by Anderson”.  Of course, that is an advertisement for new windows but the word “renewal” caught my attention and my mind went to well-known verses in Isaiah.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:29‭-‬31 NIV

Did you catch it?  It was not Anderson but “hope in the Lord that will renew our strength”.  Not even with Anderson’s special offer can they or anything else compare with this promise.  Though they boast of a great deal,  they quickly add that it is for a limited time.  I have found that there is no time limit on God’s renewal plan.  He is the same today, tomorrow, and forever.  Just as He came alongside me as I raised my family and faced difficulties, He is with me today as I face many other difficult situations.  As my own children suffer from disease and difficulties, I still go to Him to renew me and give me strength.  I am encouraged that He gives strength to the weary and increases the power to the weak, which so aptly describes me so many times.

When I looked in the dictionary for the word “renew”, “restore” was used to define the word that originally caught my eye.  So in pursuit of truth from His word I was led to a verse that talks about restoring.

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
1 Peter 5:10 NIV

I loved this verse not just for the restoring or bringing you back but two little words that put a personal touch of love and care on it.  He “will himself” restore you.  Do you need to be strong?  Claim it!  Do you long to be firm and steadfast once again?  Ask Him!  He Himself Will give you these things because of His great love for you.

Let Us Pray
Lord, God of our strength, grant us your “renewal”!  Heal where there is sickness or brokenness.  Bring to us your peace and grace.  As we suffer in this little while we wait for you, yourself to restore and renew us so that we may soar on wings of eagles.  Amen

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Harvest

Matthew 9:37-38, Isaiah 52:7

The end of an era, I thought to myself.  Larry and I have been planting a garden every year for fifty years. This year we did not.  As I walked to the back tonight I gazed, with sadness, at the spot where our garden was usually planted, where green plants poked their heads out to reach the sunshine.  I missed the tiny tomato plants with that special fragrance that stayed on your hands forever and the spindly green bell pepper plants standing tall.  Old tomato cages lay in a pile when once they held the heavy vines of tomatoes of every variety.  I especially picked out the kind that was good for canning.  I would pick bushels on a good year. As I prepared the bright red fruit, jars were scalded and readied for the bounty of the season. They looked beautiful as they sat on the shelf waiting to be used for winter soup and chili for my big family.  Harvesting sweet corn was an especially delicious treat with butter slathered from end to end, it was the perfect side dish with bacon and tomato sandwiches.  Many times I marveled and thanked God for the harvest that our garden gave us. 

I think, more than ever, souls are ready to know the Lord of the Harvest.  I can visualize the scripture in Matthew.  I can see that now the harvest is plentiful.

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Matthew 9:37‭-‬38 NIV

I have been praying for a revival in this country in our churches for a long time, but revival will not come unless the church sees a need to be revived.  Our great need is to seek God with our whole hearts and set our eyes and our hearts to the harvesting of souls.  Unless we seek Him first and foremost revival will escape our grasp.  Today, we must ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into the harvest field.

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
Isaiah 52:7 NIV

I pray this is the beginning of a new era as we turn our eyes to the harvest.

Ponder and Pray
Oh, Lord of the harvest, send your workers into the field, that not one of your children would be lost.  Give us revival in our land as we humble ourselves and pray.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Notifications Mighty Warriors

Notifications, Mighty Warriors!

Wow!  Nine notifications on my Facebook page!  With anxious fingers I tapped the little bell at the bottom of the page. Reading every one as if my life depended on it in just a few cyber minutes.  I soon found myself woefully disappointed in the content, though it boasted great rewards.  Same ole, same ole I concluded!  Why had I put my time and trust in this weak substitute when so often it lacked what I search for….. Answers?  Peace?  Wisdom?  Truth?  My heart was soothed as I wisely turned my attention to my Bible, which beckoned me with the truth according to God Almighty.  Real "notifications" of great importance.

 In this quiet time, I was drawn to the story of Gideon found in the book of Judges.  I liked what the angel of the LORD said to Gideon.  “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior!  I was also quite amused by Gideon’s reply, “Pardon me!”

   By this time in the history of the Israelites, the whole nation, as well as Gideon, was hiding from the Midianites in the clefts of the mountains.  This formidable enemy had been severely oppressing them, actually systematically starving them to death by destroying their crops.  These fickle people
 were complaining that God had not performed miracles on their behalf as he had at the Red Sea.
 God reminded them that they had left him to worship other gods and had stopped listening to him.
 I can see myself in these hard-headed people, can you?  I want God to perform miracles when I
need them, REALLY BAD but depend on the world to meet my needs until it can’t.  In the stillness of my heart,  God greeted me and called me to be a mighty warrior in his army and I say with Gideon, “Pardon me”.  “You have the wrong girl for this great battle.”  I remind the LORD of all creation, including me, that I am the least of all people in the world. Why me?  I argue, “Who am I to bring
Jesus to the broken?  It can't be me who is to remind his children that to find peace they must come to him who gives perfect peace?  Could it be possible that instead of hiding behind my insecurities in the cleft of doubt, God wants me to introduce this shattered world to the eternal Rock and bring the fearful to meet the One who gives a steadfast mind if we trust in him?   Help me, Lord to be your Mighty Warrior as I fight the battle for lost souls.

 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.  Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself is the Rock eternal.
Isaiah 26:3‭-‬4 NIV

Black Hole In Black And White

Matthew 6:34, Matthew 6:9-13

 When I was a little girl I watched a movie on our old black and white TV that was about a little boy that rolled over in bed and fell into a hole and into another world.  Hearing his screams, of course, the parents looked with all their might for the little guy but they couldn’t get to him as they frantically reached their hands into the dark hole.  He had gone into the future and could not be rescued by the desperate parents.  For months I couldn’t sleep because I was afraid of rolling off of my bed into the dark hole.  I can’t even tell you how the story ended, probably because it was too scary for me to finish watching it.  Surely he was rescued from this terrible plight!  Unfortunately, I find myself often reaching into the future, the dark hole of my imagination and fears.  I may be enjoying a beautiful day with no problems or burdens in sight, but I find myself, without warning, searching deep into the pit of foreboding thoughts.  My trembling hands reach for the “what ifs” of tomorrow.  When I draw them back, they are covered in dread and fear instead of faith. I like a popular saying, “Worry about tomorrow sucks the joy out of today” and that is so true.  Our God, knowing we are a worrying people, addresses this in many places of the bible, even in Our Lord’s Prayer in Matthew’s gospel.  In verse, 11, He says “Give us our daily bread”.   I looked at many translations on this verse to get a clearer understanding of it. The Amplified Bible says instead of “daily bread”, he gives us “the essentials of life”.  What a great promise!  The Message with its modern terminology says he will supply us with  “three square meals daily”!  I liked that one too!  My favorite was how “The Passion Translations” put it, “We acknowledge you as  Provider of all our needs”.  Another glorious description of our Father!  So why should we worry?  Why reach into tomorrow’s black hole, when we have plenty to contend with in today?  I guess Matthew 6:34 says it best!

“.Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time.  Tomorrow will take care of itself.”

Out of my window, I see the blue sky, I see birds clamoring for breakfast on our feeders, I see flutters of yellow as Gold Finches display their beauty,  I see the hope of another day the Lord has made!  May I not roll off the bed into the black hole of worry!

Let Us Pray
Father God, Provider of our needs, protect us from worry.  Surround us with your love as we rest beneath your wings of love.  

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Daniel 6:1-10


Headlines; Pastor arrested for holding church service against governor’s orders.!  Headlines;  Cars towed because congregants attend church!  Headlines; Churches will be closed indefinitely, governor proclaims!  Headlines;  Parishioners fined $500 for sitting in their cars in the church parking lot listening to religious service.  Where does this put Christians today?  As we endure these unprecedented times of the COVID pandemic where should we come down amid falsehoods, exaggerations, and somewhere in there…. truth.  We like sheep tried to be good citizens because we were told we would kill people if we didn’t go by the rules.  According to the power-hungry government leaders, churches were the biggest problems while definitely being “nonessential”.

Daniel, after being brought from Jerusalem as a captive to Babylon became well known, liked, and trusted by King Darius, because of that he was promoted to a high position in the king’s government.  Some evil men tricked the king into making a law to throw anyone to the lions who prayed to anyone other than to King Darius.  Upon hearing this, Daniel did as he always did, he went home opened his windows knelt down, and prayed giving thanks three times a day to his God.  Those who were against Daniel found him praying and asking God for help so they reported this to the king.  The king, being deeply troubled eventually gave orders to have Daniel thrown into the lion’s den, but the king said to him, “May your God, whom you serve so faithfully, rescue you”.

Through the years, we the church have acted like we were “nonessential”.  We became like the world in too many ways, being afraid to speak out against evil because of political correctness.  Fear of being accused of hate crimes has kept us dumbed down instead of declaring that either the bible is wholly correct or it is nothing.  I think that somewhere in the mix, we the salt have lost our flavor.  I believe God has given us this time to rise up, kneel down with our windows opened toward the world, and wait for a great awakening of the church the way God intended for us to be, leaders not followers. May we be the light in the darkness.  We have hidden our light under a bushel for too long.

Daniel was rescued by his God whom he faithfully served and was brought up out of the den without even a scratch.  Daniel was ready to be martyred for his beliefs shouldn’t we be ready and willing to get criticism from those who do not agree?  Awaken, Christians, including myself, and wait for our God to do amazing things.

Reflect and Pray

Dear Lord, God of Daniel give us courage and strength.  May we be THE CHURCH!  Grant us another chance to be your “peculiar people”, the light and the salt of the earth.  Give us a Great Revival in this country!  Help us be in the habit of raising our voices to the only true God.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Cats and Flagpoles

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:10, James 1:5

Cats and Flagpoles

Whenever I hear the words dull ax, I think of cats and flagpoles.  There is a story told about a time when my dad who lived on a farm was doing a forbidden thing.  He had coaxed the barn kittens away from the barn and was playing with them at the back screen door.  In my mind, I can picture my dad as a young boy, barefoot, and freckled with dirty hands from playing in his favorite mud hole. I see that old screen door and the long lane to the main road which was visible from my dad’s perch on the old stoop. It is said, that his play was interrupted by the sound of his dad’s car coming up that lane.  Knowing a licking would follow his disobedience, he began frantically to shoo the cats away but his efforts were in vain.  They had gotten a taste of the “good life” and didn’t want to budge.  He looked around and found an old dull ax and began to hit each of his feline playmates on the tip of their tail.  Of course, they gave out a big yowl and headed back to the barn in a hurry, dragging their sore tails behind them.  The day was saved and there would be no trip behind the barn that day for this wee boy, but his dad would always wonder why the tips of the cat’s tails waved like a flag on a flagpole in the wind.  

Today in my studies I came across a scripture that speaks of dull axes.  Wisdom is the theme of the verse and I’m sure my dad, young Tom Tyson, used only childlike wisdom to accomplish what he had to do.  The interesting verse I speak of is found in Ecclesiastes. 

Using a dull ax requires great strength, so sharpen the blade. That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed.
Ecclesiastes 10:10 NLT

I also like the Message translation of that same verse.

Remember: The duller the ax the harder the work; Use your head: The more brains, the less muscle.
Ecclesiastes 10:10 MSG

In these days of rampant confusion, I pray for wisdom which is encouraged in scripture.  Wisdom according to Webster, is knowledge and the capacity to use it.  We can have all kinds of knowledge but if we don’t have the common sense or wisdom to apply it we labor in vain.  The words wisdom or wise are used over 700 times in the bible.

When we try to do things on our own without the wisdom of God we are like that dull ax my dad used in this whimsical story, it accomplished SOMETHING but was it the right thing?  With God-given wisdom we cut right to the truth so what is done is right according to God’s word and His will.  

Who do we believe?  Which mask do we use or do we use one at all?  Do we stay in or go out?  Do we use and believe the dull ax of the world or sharpen our blade with the wisdom God offers His believers.  The bible tells us to seek wisdom “if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who will give generously” according to James.  Solomon asked for wisdom above all, shouldn’t we also?

Reflect:  Have we pursued wisdom?

Cats and Flagpoles

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:10, James 1:5

Cats and Flagpoles

Whenever I hear the words dull ax, I think of cats and flagpoles.  There is a story told about a time when my dad who lived on a farm was doing a forbidden thing.  He had coaxed the barn kittens away from the barn and was playing with them at the back screen door.  In my mind, I can picture my dad as a young boy, barefoot, and freckled with dirty hands from playing in his favorite mud hole. I see that old screen door and the long lane to the main road which was visible from my dad’s perch on the old stoop. It is said, that his play was interrupted by the sound of his dad’s car coming up that lane.  Knowing a licking would follow his disobedience, he began frantically to shoo the cats away but his efforts were in vain.  They had gotten a taste of the “good life” and didn’t want to budge.  He looked around and found an old dull ax and began to hit each of his feline playmates on the tip of their tail.  Of course, they gave out a big yowl and headed back to the barn in a hurry, dragging their sore tails behind them.  The day was saved and there would be no trip behind the barn that day for this wee boy, but his dad would always wonder why the tips of the cat’s tails waved like a flag on a flagpole in the wind.  

Today in my studies I came across a scripture that speaks of dull axes.  Wisdom is the theme of the verse and I’m sure my dad, young Tom Tyson, used only childlike wisdom to accomplish what he had to do.  The interesting verse I speak of is found in Ecclesiastes. 

Using a dull ax requires great strength, so sharpen the blade. That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed.
Ecclesiastes 10:10 NLT

I also like the Message translation of that same verse.

Remember: The duller the ax the harder the work; Use your head: The more brains, the less muscle.
Ecclesiastes 10:10 MSG

In these days of rampant confusion, I pray for wisdom which is encouraged in scripture.  Wisdom according to Webster, is knowledge and the capacity to use it.  We can have all kinds of knowledge but if we don’t have the common sense or wisdom to apply it we labor in vain.  The words wisdom or wise are used over 700 times in the bible.

When we try to do things on our own without the wisdom of God we are like that dull ax my dad used in this whimsical story, it accomplished SOMETHING but was it the right thing?  With God-given wisdom we cut right to the truth so what is done is right according to God’s word and His will.  

Who do we believe?  Which mask do we use or do we use one at all?  Do we stay in or go out?  Do we use and believe the dull ax of the world or sharpen our blade with the wisdom God offers His believers.  The bible tells us to seek wisdom “if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who will give generously” according to James.  Solomon asked for wisdom above all, shouldn’t we also?

Reflect:  Have we pursued wisdom?

Monday, May 18, 2020

Six Little Words

Six Little Words!

You won’t be going home, Mrs. Nihiser, the x-ray technician told me glumly.  Not until your doctor talks to you on the phone.”  As I sat down in the waiting room, I wondered what could be the problem.  They had just done a scan on my lungs because of the terrible pain I was experiencing, but I was baffled by the attention this was getting.  When my doctor finally called, she told me I had blood clots in both lungs and would be staying in the intermediate care unit for a few days so off they took me in the rickety wheelchair that made a squeaky noise as it bumped along causing more pain in my chest.  On that day many things came into perspective and as I discovered the danger of these blood clots and even worse if they had landed somewhere else, I began to thank God and to see what was important in life and how frail, yet valuable life was to me.  Days matter, weeks matter, months matter, and oh how these years matter.  As I climb into bed each night I sigh to think, “another one down”.  Did I accomplish anything worthwhile for the Lord or for anyone?  Many times I would have to say, no!  Did I tell anyone I loved them?   Did I tell anyone about Jesus?  I hope I have through my writing but is that enough?  Was I the salt and light of the earth or did I hide my light under a bushel, as I shelter in place, is my salt rendered tasteless?  I might not have time for “ the powers to be” to decide when I can get out of my house.  Time is valuable to me, as it is to us all but while I am in that group that .they consider “at-risk”, I am also in that group that has more time behind me than in front o me.  Since that day I was wheeled into that hospital room with monitors, buzzing machines, and concerned doctors I have decided to live my life to the full even if it be shortened by disease or even coronavirus’.  As Paul said, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”.

I went to a church. Sunday that decided to open its door in defiance of the governor’s orders.  It was wonderful to be in the presence of the Lord in that way.  The only thing missing was my own church family who make my life fuller and richer but God could be felt in that service.  Though many say and it is true, the church is not just a building, there was a lot of praising and worshipping going on in His temple made of bricks and mortar.  Some might not need this kind of worship but I found my soul hungry just to be in His House.  Nonessential? 

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Hebrews 10:23‭-‬25 NLT

I don’t know if I will be alive at Christ’s appearing or meet him at my death but I do know that either way I will see him face to face.  At that time I will long for those six precious words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Notifications, Mighty Warriors!

Wow!  Nine notifications on my Facebook page!  With anxious fingers I tapped the little bell at the bottom of the page. Reading every one as if my life depended on it in just a few cyber minutes. I soon found myself woefully disappointed in the content, though it boasted great rewards.  Same ole, same ole I concluded!  Why had I put my time and trust in this weak substitute when so often it lacked what I search for….. Answers?  Peace?  Wisdom?  Truth?  My heart was soothed as I wisely turned my attention to my Bible, which beckoned me with the truth according to God Almighty
. Real "notifications" of great importance.

In this quiet time, I was drawn to the story of Gideon found in the book of Numbers.  I liked what the angel of the LORD said to Gideon.  “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior! I was also quite amused by Gideon’s reply, “Pardon me!”

  By this time in the history of the Israelites, the whole nation, as well as Gideon, was hiding from the Midianites in the clefts of the mountains. This formidable enemy had been severely oppressing them, actually systematically starving them to death by destroying their crops.  These fickle people
were complaining that God had not performed miracles on their behalf as he had at the Red Sea.
God reminded them that they had left him to worship other gods and had stopped listening to him. 
I can see myself in these hard-headed people, can you?  I want God to perform miracles when I 
need them, REALLY BAD but depend on the world to meet my needs until it can’t. In the stillness of my heart,  God greeted me and called me to be a mighty warrior in his army and I say with Gideon, “Pardon me”.  “You have the wrong girl for this great battle.”  I remind the LORD of all creation, including me, that I am the least of all people in the world. Why me? I argue, “Who am I to bring 
Jesus to the broken?  It can't be me who is to remind his children that to find peace they must come to him who gives perfect peace?  Could it be possible that instead of hiding behind my insecurities in the cleft of doubt, God wants me to introduce this shattered world to the eternal Rock and bring the fearful to meet the One who gives a steadfast mind if we trust in him?  Help me, Lord to be your Mighty Warrior as I fight the battle for lost souls.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.  Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself is the Rock eternal.
Isaiah 26:3‭-‬4 NIV

Wow!  Nine notifications on my Facebook page!  With anxious fingers I tapped the little bell at the bottom of the page. Reading every one as if my life depended on it, but in a few cyber minutes, I found myself woefully disappointed in the content, though it boasted great rewards.  Same ole, same ole I decided!  Why had I put my trust in this weak substitute when so often it lacked what I search for….. Answers?  Peace?  Wisdom?  Truth?  But how can you tell the difference between truth and lies?  I should have gone first to the real truth. The Word of God!

I was drawn this morning to the story of Gideon found in the book of Numbers chapters 6-8.  I liked what the angel of the LORD said to Gideon.  “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior, and I was equally amused by Gideon’s reply, “Pardon me!”

  By this time in the account, the Israelites, including Gideon, were hiding from the Midianites who had been severely oppressing them, actually systematically starving them.  They were complaining that God had not performed miracles on their behalf as he had at the Red Sea, but God reminded them that they had left him to worship other gods and had stopped listening to him.  I can see myself in these hard-headed people, can you?  I want God to perform miracles when I need them, really bad, but depend on the world to meet my needs until it can’t.  God greets me and calls me to be a mighty warrior in his army and I say with Gideon, “Pardon me”.  “You have the wrong girl for this great battle.”  I remind the LORD of all creations, including me, that I am the least of all people.  “Who am I to bring Jesus to the broken?  Who am I to remind his children that to find peace they must come to him who gives perfect peace?  Could it be possible that instead of hiding behind my insecurities, God wants me to lead this shattered world to the eternal Rock, bring the fearful to meet the One who gives a steadfast mind if we trust in him?  May I build an altar to the LORD in my heart and call it “The LORD of Peace”.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.  Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself is the Rock eternal.
Isaiah 26:3‭-‬4 NIV

So Gideon built an altar to the Lord there and called it The Lord Is Peace.
Judges 6:24 NIV

Notification, Mighty Warrior!

Wow!  Nine notifications on my Facebook page!  With anxious fingers I tapped the little bell at the bottom of the page. Reading every one as if my life depended on it, but in a few cyber minutes, I found myself woefully disappointed in the content, though it boasted great rewards.  Same ole, same ole I decided!  Why had I put my trust in this weak substitute when so often it lacks what I search for….. Answers?  Peace?  Wisdom?  Truth?  But how can you tell the difference between truth and lies?  I should have gone first to the real truth. The Word of God! His "notifications" are eternal and true.

I was drawn this morning to the story of Gideon found in the book of Numbers.  I liked what the angel of the LORD said to Gideon.  “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior, and I was equally amused by Gideon’s reply, “Pardon me!”

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


I have been working in a little workbook given to me by what’s called, Flourish Writers Academy.  I joined to improve my writing and my work toward the goal of publishing my work.  I was asked to find a verse that would represent my writing and my life.  I found Psalm 92:12-15 and liked it because it uses the word flourish which I hope to do.

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;  planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.  They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,  proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.”
Psalms 92:12‭-‬15 NIV

I read a little bit about palm trees to familiarize myself with this species of tree.  We were privileged to be able to go to my daughter’s house in San Diego where there are many palm trees and was fascinated by them.  Their trunks, as most know, grow straight and strong with no branches except at the top.  The broad leaves, called fronds, grow upwards to reach the sun.  They withstand high winds and bend almost 180 degrees. They can live up to one hundred years and bear fruit most of their lives.  I like that part.  In fact, I love the verse that says, “Even in old age, they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green”. Then the verse goes on to says “They will proclaim, “The Lord is my Rock”.  Even in old age!  Did you get that?  Sometimes my bones ache, my brain is fuzzy and my hands are weak but still this scripture, like others, says we are not to give up, bearing fruit and proclaiming his goodness!

Oh, Lord, let me, like the palm tree, bend but not break during the storms of life, may I reach for the Son and not the world, and may I proclaim the Lord to the next generation.  May I flourish and grow strong!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Letter

When was the last time you received a letter?  No, not a text or a message on Facebook or even an email, I mean a real letter that the mailman delivers to your mailbox.  Most will say it’s been a long time since a letter written by a person, in their own handwriting has come to you.  I have a few which I save in a special place, that are all heartfelt feelings from the one who wrote them.  Many have come on Mother’s Day.  I once wrote that I am glad I have forgetful children because they have forgotten the many mistakes I made while I raised them.  Maybe they see only the tremendous love I have for them, a God-given love!  

I read a verse from 2 Corinthians today that talks about a letter!  I had not read this verse before or at least it did not hit me like it did this morning.  

And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
2 Corinthians 3:3 ESV

If we are, as the scripture says, a “letter” written by the Spirit, not with ink, what does this “letter” say to our kids, grandkids?  Does this “letter” speak love to those precious souls that God has given into our care?  Most importantly does this “letter” proclaim Christ as our salvation?  Will this “letter” find a special place in the human hearts of those it touches, not because it is perfect in itself, but because of Who wrote it!

Happy Mother’s Day!  Be the “letter” written by the Spirit!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Cocoa and Toast

Cocoa and Toast

I thought, as  I always do, about my Mom as I popped the bread into the toaster and prepared my hot chocolate.  I remember watching Mom, as a kid, place a couple a dozen pieces of bread in the oven and at just the right time she would pull them out and turn them to the other side.  She prepared cocoa, as we called it, with real milk and cocoa  and, I can still see the toast piled high on the platter as a treat for us all.  Memories as wonderful and warm as the delightful, chocolatey liquid still fill my heart everytime I eat this "delecacy".

I once heard that if you are stressed or overwhelmed, you should sniff a box of crayons to take you back to those carefree, childhood days.  Cocoa and toast is my ticket back to my Mother and a time less complicated.

This Mother's Day I will think of the times, when I was raising my kids, Mom would buy me just the right gift to lift my spirits.  Many times it would be a special face cream, a fragrant bubble bath or some new perfume that would remind me that I was not only a wife and mom but a woman who needed to be pampered with such extravagancies once in awhile.  She always knew what would do that for me and I relish these fond memories as much as I still savor cocoa and toast.

At 89 years old, Mom hasn't made me toast and cocoa for awhile but she still  gives me something nearly everytime I see her to help a "girl" feel good about herself.  I love her and praise God for her, not just because she is my mom, but because she sees the needs of the "little girl" in me, who still loves cocoa and toast.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!  I love you!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Precious Rubies!

Precious Rubies!

As Mother’s Day approaches, it reminds me of the many times I dreaded it as I thought of the sermon that would most likely be delivered that day and the guilt that would arouse in me.  It seems to me that most pastors had saints for mothers.  They would speak of her with statements like, “she never spoke a word in a raised voice” or “I never heard her speak badly of another” and then, came the dreaded Proverbs 31 woman who’s virtues I could never match.  It even starts out with a negative comment.  “A wife of noble character who can find?”, so I’m wondering if this woman even existed.  But I did try to be her in my life as a mother and wife, many times doing bible studies to glean wisdom from this Proverb.   I have always said that I am a frustrated perfectionist.  I always wanted to be perfect, do everything perfectly, and make perfect decisions but found myself frustrated and defeated because I could never live up to my own standards.  Instead of being worth far more than rubies as stated in verse 10, I thought myself as cheap costume jewelry. 

Look with me at this woman, let us find what we can all identify with, within this popular reading.  It used to be that this day was dedicated entirely to Mothers in our church. There would be a potted plant for the oldest mother, the mother with most children, and a few times I was awarded the prize for the youngest child there.  How many potted plants would the Proverbs 31 woman get?  Probably all of them!  But let’s look at this a bit closer.  In verse 12 we note that she brings “good and not harm all the days of her life”.  How about you moms that feel like a failure today because your laundry is stacking up but you took time to play with your little brood today?  Who has rescued a child from the cliff of uncertainty with your soothing words?  Are there any among you who smoothed back the hair of your child to comfort them as they resisted sleep and kneeled beside their bed as they slept to ask God’s peace to surround them?  May she come forth, she who has gotten up in the middle of the night to pray for your grown children in their time of crisis or a prodigal who needs the Lord.  Are these not times of good, and not harm all the days of your life?

Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies.
Proverbs 31:10 NLT

Happy Mother’s Day, Rubies of great value!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Too Much For You!

Years ago I suffered from chronic hypoglycemia, commonly known as low blood sugar.  I would become very weak, disoriented, and confused until I would eat something.  Many times I was tempted to grab something sweet because it brought instant results but I found that a protein was a much better choice.  Sometimes there didn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason for this attack that could stop my body in its tracks but sometimes it came after a sugar high.  You know when you eat a half bag of oreo cookies on the way home from the store and then you crash into the throws of hypoglycemia.

In 1 Kings in the Old Testament of the Bible, we read a story about Elijah coming off of a “high” of sorts.  He had done great things in the name of God and now Queen Jezebel was out to kill him.  He had just witnessed God great power but now he was frightened by the threat from one woman.  Somehow, as he heard her words, the Bible says, “He ran for his life” and laid down and wanted to die.  “I have had enough, LORD!”, he declared  Have you been there?  I’ve had enough of this Covid 19 thing!  I’ve had enough of this cancer thing!  I’ve had enough of the constant pain that racks my body, it is just unbearable!  I’ve had enough of my unfair boss and his cutting words!  I’ve had enough of this unemployment!  Sound familiar?

What happened next?  How did God deal with his discouraged prophet?  Well, Elijah did what I tend to do when I am discouraged, he laid down and took a nap.  We don’t know how long of a nap he took but suddenly an angel touched him and said get up and eat.  I think Elijah suffered from a sort of low blood sugar.  He had run out of juice so to speak.  Many times we do this same thing.  We push ourselves without spiritual food or rest. Even when we are busy doing God’s work we forget to get our daily meal from the Word of God.  We fail to rest in His arms of peace but go it alone.  But, here twice God through an angel provided the nourishment that Elijah needed.  The angel said get up and eat for the journey is too much for you!  God is saying the same thing to us.  The journey through Covid is too much for you.  The cancer, the pain, the sufferings of life are too much for you.  The words that came next encourages my heart!  “After he ate he was strengthened…. and he got up!  So many times I have been encouraged by the Word of God!  So many times I have been strengthened from weakness and confusion.  Once disoriented and fearful I received power, direction, and courage to do what I know God wants me to do.  Thank You, Lord!

“Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.”

The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.””
‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭19:3-5, 7‬ ‭NIV‬‬