As I read from Luke chapter 7 about the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet, I began to take issue with part of it. It had to do with the “immoral woman” who began to anoint the feet of Jesus while he was at the house of a pharisee named Simon. As they sat down to eat, this woman began crying and wiping her tears from his feet with her hair and anointing him with expensive perfume. Simon, in his mind, thought “why is he letting this sinful woman even touch him”? Jesus, being able to read his thoughts, asked him a question.. Jesus began to tell a story of two men both owed money to a certain man but neither could pay. One man owed 500 pieces of silver the other only 50 pieces of silver. The man who had loaned the money pardoned them both from the loans. Jesus then asked Simon, which man would love him most? Simon answered, “I suppose the one who owed the most”. That’s right, Jesus said. Then He said to the immoral woman, “You are forgiven”.
Many times as I tell “my story” as to how I came to Jesus I would say things like, “I was not deep in sin or I wasn’t into drugs, alcohol or wild living”. While that is true, I still didn’t want to believe that I didn’t love Jesus as much as some who owed a greater debt. The other day while I was pondering this, I felt a nudging from the Holy Spirit. I was reminded of many of the sins that I had in my life before I was a believer and even now I continually have to work on my spiritual life and fight, as we all do, the temptations the devil throws at us. And then I was reminded of the pride that was present in my life as I proclaimed my, according to myself, somewhat sinless past. I had a “Ya ain’t all that” moment. My eyes were opened to the scripture and realized that my sins, and they are many, have been forgiven. As we come to the Good Friday, the day Jesus hung on the cross, I see my sins there as they pounded the nails. I feel the shame as they mocked him, It was my transgressions that plunged the sword into His side. I deserve to be there not the sinless Son of God!
My forgiven debt has given me great love for my Jesus!
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