More than seventy-two years ago my life hung in the balance. At that time my mother found herself pregnant at a time that people were many times ostracized for being an unwed mother. She was encouraged to get an abortion and solve the "problem". My mother would not hear of it and carried me to full term. Today many would say that babies are better off not to be born than to come into a difficult life as if difficulties somehow produce misfits if that were the criteria many would not have been spared and done great things in this world. They sight poverty, child abuse, or poor living conditions as a reason to terminate a pregnancy. Some now say it is best for the environment if they kill the unborn. What kind of society kills their babies the most vulnerable among us? My childhood was not ideal, some might think they could even say I would have been better off not to be born. But, I beg to differ! I think of my life and the lives of my children and grandchildren that would not have been born. I think of the void that would have been left in this world without us or any human being that God has sent into this world. I am not bragging of great accomplishments or fame but just the contributions that were made to mankind. I think of Sunday School lessons that were taught where Christ was brought to hungry hearts, teen activities in the church that would have been minus one who loved them, and prayers said on behalf of a weary sojourner. My mind tries to think of who would have led a dying alcoholic to the Lord? I wonder if anyone would have held the hand of the elderly woman dying without anyone to comfort her. Who would have adopted a little baby who's mother was a drug addict? Who would have testified to the goodness of God even in the midst of fighting her own battle with cancer? Many ease their consciences by believing that the world is a better place without unwanted children. They believe this little life is a "choice" and not a human being. Some might wonder why I am so passionate about the unborn, so now you know. I have enjoyed a wonderful marriage of fifty years, my joy has been made complete with my children and grandchildren and even great-grandson. I have been blessed to know Jesus and the peace that He brings. I love my life and my mother for choosing life for me. If we could ask these millions who have died at the hand of an abortionist, they would want the opportunity to contribute to the world.
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5 NLT
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
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