Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happiness is Like a Butterfly!

I was asked recently if we are supposed to be happy in this life? As I asked myself this question, I was reminded of one of my favorite pictures. It is of a little Amish girl sitting on a porch with all the charm that accompanies the innocence of a child. She is barefoot, with light blue dress and a typical Amish bonnet covers her head with only wisps of hair framing her beautiful face. Just arms length away is a beautiful butterfly. The quote written on the step below where she sits is “Happiness is Like a Butterfly”. I have pondered this many times as I look at this work of art. Aren’t we all about happiness in our world today? Don’t we strive for it as our goal in life? Do we not work all week to get to the weekend so we can seek that elusive happiness. Are we not told that it is all about us and our happiness? As we listen to politicians do they not proclaim ways in which we can be more “happy”. Certainly, merchants clamor to sell us what will finally make us happy. I think from time to time we all ask “Are we supposed to be happy?”

One of the things I noticed about our little Amish girl is her eyes fixed on the beauty before her. The sparkle in her eyes, even from a side view of her face is very noticeable. Even though her eyes danced as she looks admiringly at the Monarch butterfly her arms are to her sides, her hands holding to the porch on which she sat and her little feet rest one upon another in total relaxation. There is no striving or straining but total rest as the butterfly flutters so close. Had she let go of the porch to grasp it, as per usual, it would have moved just out of her reach

One of my favorite scriptures is John 10:10, that talks of this “happiness” or what John calls the abundant life.

The thief comes only to steal, slaughter, and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10

The dictionary says that “abundant” is more than enough. I often think of how God could have given the minimum to get by but he chose to give abundantly. Did he have to color our world with blues, yellows and reds? He could have made it black and white and shades of gray but he wanted to give abundantly to those He chose to love. Are not birds, rainbows and butterflies optional? God gives generously, over and above and yes abundantly.

If I am to learn from this little Amish girl I too will hold tightly to what I can rest upon. The love of Him who was so willing to give His life so that I could have life, not just a little life but an abundant life. Happiness as some might define it is fleeting, temporary and hard to find, but happiness according to God is His promise of life abundant.


Friday, August 24, 2012


The picture at the top is my two brothers, Pat to the left and Mike right with my Mom in the middle and me in the back. The little girl below is my Mom and after you read this story you will know there is no halo sitting on her cute little head. The picture on the left is my Mom (still ornery) and me. Love you Mom!

Have you ever been really, really thirsty? Most of us can remember feeling like you could spit cotton balls or as my husband likes to say, “I’m so thirsty I could suck a mop!”. It struck me this morning before I had my coffee that I was thirsty, which is unusual first thing in the morning for me. I love coffee but this morning I needed something cold to quench my thirst. After I drank my cup of Joe, I decided a nice glass of ice tea would be great.

As I hunted for the pitcher, I recalled a story my Mom likes to tell that makes me relive a day much like those we have been experiencing this summer, HOT! The only air conditioning to be found, in those days back in the 50s, was at the S. S. Kresge store down town.

It was wash day and as usual mom had been running up the basement stairs all day to get the washing done for our family of six. Down the stairs she would go to her wringer washer, run the clothes through the wringer and then out side to hang them on the clothes lines. Back in the house to fold, then gather another load of clothes to start the whole process again. Whew! Makes me tired thinking of it. She would fix a big glass of ice tea to refresh herself, drink a few sips and down the long flight of stairs she would traipse again.

On this particular day, as the story goes, every time she would return to her iced tea it would be gone! My brothers and I would help ourselves to the sweet tea in her absence leaving her with only the empty glass. After several times, finding the glass empty this clever woman “hatched” a plan!

She called all four of us into the house, poured a giant glass of the tea and asked us if we were thirsty. To which we all replied in the positive.

“Do you want a glass of tea?”

“Yeah”, we all said in unison!”

“ Okay”, she said, "you can have it after you run up and down the stairs four times". That didn’t seem like such a big deal for our young little legs to do so we gladly agreed.

Up and down we went, one time, two times, three time and finally four times. We ran to the table where my mom sat as she was taking her last swallow of tea.

“Oh”, she explained, “you guys took so long and I was so thirsty I drank the whole thing.”

Only slightly winded, and sorely disappointed we listen as my mom gave us another chance to "win" a glass of that amber liquid that made the ice cubes dance as it rushed into the big glass.

With the glass filled again, she told us if we could make three more trips up and down the stairs and out to the back yard where the clothes lines were she would have the tea waiting. Again we began our counting! One time, two times, three times and then out to the clothes lines!

Running back to the kitchen on our tired little legs, to collect our reward, again we found our mother tipping the glass and then rattling the cubes to show us that unfortunately the tea was gone again. This time our small group groaned as we collapse to the floor, not at all hiding our disappointment.

“You guys look so tired and thirsty she taunted, I bet you were really looking forward to that drink weren’t you?”

“Yes”, we moaned!

“Have you noticed how many times Mommy has gone up and down those stairs today?”


“Can you imagine how thirsty I am when I get back to the kitchen?”

“Pining over our own situation, we reply,"Yeah”, still not seeing the connection!

“I bet you have noticed that I usually have a glass of cool, sweet, ice tea waiting for me."

Now with “deer in the headlights look” uh huh!

“Did you all enjoy my tea?"

Each head nodded not knowing that we had just entered our guilty plea.

As she poured each of a glass of cold, sweet tea there was no need to explain, the lesson had been learned. Thanks Mom!

Have you ever been thirsty for God? Since my physical thirst was on my mind, I began to think of my spiritual thirst and all of the times “thirst” is in the bible. A term we can all understand and have felt at times in our lives. But as I looked through my old hymnal today I came across a song that caught my eye, Ho! Every One That Is Thirsty . (Who starts a sentence with Ho!?) There are great words, and to us oldies we can also remember the melody.

REFRAIN:“I will pour water on him that is thirsty; I will pour floods upon the dry ground. Open your heart for the gift I am bringing, while ye are seeking Me. I will be found.”

A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah. O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1

Now where did I put that pitcher? Oh, Mom my psychiatrist said Hi!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

"He Giveth the Ticket"

Corrie ten Boom, author of The Hiding Place, tells the story of a conversation she had with her father when she was a child. She confided in her father that she was afraid of death and was quite sure she did not have the strength to be a martyr. Corrie’s father reminded her of the train ride to Amsterdam. “"When you take a train trip to Amsterdam, when do I give you the money for the ticket? Three weeks before?"

"No, Daddy, you give me the money for the ticket just before we get on the train."

"That is right," her father said, "and so it is with God's strength. Our Father in Heaven knows when you will need the strength . . . He will supply all you need just in time."

Corrie's father and sister were indeed martyred and Corrie some years later, was released from the prison camp due to a "mistake" in documents. A few days after she left, women her age were all murdered at that camp. Corrie got her ticket just in time.

I have quoted the story above many times as people I know face the unknown. "What if I lose my job and cannot provide for my family?", "What if the lump is cancer?" or "How could I ever handle the loss of a family member?". Or on a somewhat less urgent note: “What will I do when my oldest child leaves me to go to college or preschool! What if my child choose to marry someone I don't approve of or who will I turn to when I move away from my family to another state! If all this sounds familiar, that’s because it is! As they say "life happens"! And I, for one don't like it sometimes! As I tell others this amazing story that illustrates the grace and strength of our Father, I also have to remind myself daily of his presence. The "what ifs" can suck the joy right out of us if we don't rely on Him who holds the "ticket"!

As I painted my kitchen yesterday, I carried my old hymnal with me so I could sing as I rolled on, appropriately, "My Inner Sanctum" (name of the paint). I came across a hymn that I have always loved but as I get older it rings even more true. This hymn title is rightly located in the section labeled "assurance". "He Giveth More Grace", though not sung as often in our churches today, captures those "Life happens" moments.

He give-eth more grace when the burdens grow greater.
He send-eth more strength when the labors increase.
To added affliction He add-eth His mercy.
To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance.
When our strength has failed and our day is half done.
When we reach the end of our of our hoarded resources,
Our Father's full giving is only begun.


His love has no limits; His GRACE has no measure; His power has no boundary know unto men. For out of his infinite riches in Jesus, He Giveth and Giveth and Giveth again.

If we can get over the old style language of this great work, we can find great truth! His love is limitless and His grace cannot be measured. He holds the "Ticket" no matter how big or small your burden. He Giveth and Giveth and Giveth again! Hallelujah!

Sent from Jeanie!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Big Fishin' Shoes!

A few days ago I got a text from Nicholas. The first text said “Do you guys want to go fishing with me today?” I explained that Dad couldn’t and fully expected that the prospect of taking a GIRL, especially an old GIRL would bring these plans to a screeching halt. But instead, I got “Pick you up in a little while, wear old shoes”. As I hunted for my old shoes I thought about those times I took he and his brother Garrick fishing when they were just little guys. I remember packing PB sandwiches and heading out for the bait shop. Usually they were more interested in the minnows in the big tank and the fancy lures in the showcase window than some boring old worms. I fretted over them at times when they got too close to the water and it seemed I spent a good bit of time putting worms and minnows on the hook as well as replacing hooks that got tangled in the brush. Often I would tell them where to throw in because I had seen a lot of jumping fish in that area or I had been getting bites there. All in all it was worth the trouble to see their faces as they pulled a fish out the water usually flinging it so far we had to look for it in the brush. I would laugh and applaud and brag on their catch even if it was just a couple of inches long. I remember once being surprised as applause broke out in chorus, as those fishing along the bank near us, encouraged these two little fishermen and applauded their success. Hmmm? What did I do with my old fishing shoes?

As promised my “fishin’ buddy” was there in a little while and we were off. This time it was he who grabbed the bait and put it in the back of his pickup with all the other gear. When we got to a little lake in Charleston, Illinois, we had to park a ways from where we were fishing so this strong twenty five year old tried to carry EVERYTHING. I was surprised that he didn’t fling me over his shoulder (well, maybe he's not that strong). He hung a chair over one shoulder, grabbed buckets, our poles and only after I begged would he let me carry the tackle box. His reasoning was that the hill was steep and he was afraid I would lose my balance. “Hmmmf, You’d think I was old and feeble” I grumbled to myself. I soon found out why the caution as I made my way down the steep bank to our fishing place. I too could imagine the worse! Did you ever see an old lady run down a hill, TOTALLY, UNINTENTIONALLY? “Be careful” he warned “Don’t get too close to the water, it‘s slippery down here!”. Hmmm, where had I heard that before? “Oh, and watch where you step there are snakes around here!” he cautioned as he began to unfold my comfy chair. The sun was hot that day but there was a wonderful breeze that kept us cool. We talked the hours away, mostly me telling “fish tales” of the past. He was as excited as I was when I caught my first fish al be it very small. And guess what? I flung it so hard I had to go look for it in the bush behind me. We both laughed. I applauded him when he caught a nice sized catfish. Not wanting to let the day end, I tried to hide the fact that I was getting tired. “Whenever you are ready to go, we can go” he asked. “I’m fine” I would assure him. But after a long time with no bites, we grabbed our stuff and headed out. I was red, I was tire and I had worm guts on my hands but I was happy! We got a bite to eat (after I washed my hands!) and he took me home.

As I drifted off to sleep I thought about the circle that I had just been apart of that day. I thought of how it seemed urgent to me to share my “fish tales” to this wonderful young man. Many times in the bible we read about passing our heritage to the next generation. As we shared “fish tales”, I hope I passed on to Nicholas my love and God’s love for him. The desire of my heart is to leave foot prints for those who come after me. Even though my old fishin’ shoes are pretty big and leave a big print, I hope all who come after may see!

I love you Nicholas Drew, thank you for a wonderful day! I am so proud of the wonderful man you have become!

Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God. Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me. Psalm 71:18

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The dictionary states that a coincidence is a chance happening: something that happens by chance in a surprising or remarkable way. A happening without planning. Having identical features:

“Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.”
― Albert Einstein, The World as I See It

When I think of coincident I always think of my daughter, Missy and the “totally Missy” way she conveyed a wonderful truth one winter afternoon. She came in talking a mile a minute, telling me about her trip home on the bus. As Missy explains "Mom, you know the big hill over by Country Club road?" "yeah" I said noticing that her voice was two octaves higher than usual. “We were going down the hill just like normal, FAST, except it was really slippery and the bus driver couldn't stop the bus! We were about to hit cars on Country Club road when the bus driver took his hands off the wheel and yelled "GOD! help us!" "What happened then?" I asked with concern. "The bus stopped right at the corner"! Amazed and grateful I stared at my, now smiling, Missy as she continued, " A CO-WINKIE-DINK? I DON'T THINK SO!"

As I studied Esther of the bible, I found myself disappointed since The Book of Esther is often called the "Godless" book. God's name is not mentioned for reasons that are not completely understood but it is thought by many scholars that maybe since it was written in Persia, it was not allowed by the Persian government. To put it in today's terms, it was not "politically correct" to talk of just "ONE" God! Bible commentators also site that this group of Jews that stayed in Persia, had so integrated themselves into that world that they had lost their identity with Jehovah. So instead of outright speaking of God, they wrote in code as not to offend anyone. Sound familiar? The Persians read it one way but the Jews living in Persia read it another way. Have you ever had a conversation in code? Has your audience ever proclaimed how “lucky” you were to have all those things coincide with one another? Me too!

In this Book you find the beautiful Jewish girl Esther, “coincidently” finding favor with all who knew her including King Xerxes! In fact, a "Coincidence" theme runs rampant throughout this writing of Jewish history. Amazingly this Jewish girl, turned Queen of the Persian Empire, "coincidently" saved the Jewish nation from being destroyed.

If you want to read a book in the bible that reads like a mini-series, read Esther!

My favorite scripture comes as Mortecai who raised the orphan, Esther, appealed to her to save her people from destruction. I can imagine Morticai shrugging his shoulders as he said;

…And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14 NIV)

Most of us will never wear the crown of the queen or be call upon to save a nation of people but never forget not one of us are here by accident. It is not a coincidence that you know the people you know, and love the people you love. You did not just happen to end up in this world at his time in history. YOU are not unplanned or a surprise to God. You were put into your royal position, for such a time as this! A CO-WINKIE-DINK? I DON’T THINK SO!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Cease Striving"

Not very many days past that I don't go back to my childhood memories of my Aunt Wanda and Uncle Merle. My brothers and I loved to stay at their house during the summer or any time we got a chance. My Aunt liked to feed us, which always included desert and my Uncle liked to entertain us. I remember going full throttle down a country road and having my Uncle slam his brakes on , skid to a stop only to watch a wooly worm slowly make his way across the road. I could never forget hunting "snipe" as Uncle Merle lead the pack of us wide eyed followers through the dark. If you have never hunted snipe, come on out, I would love to oblige your curiosity. After any of these activities we would always end up at the root beer stand for a cold drink or an ice cream.

Today I thought fondly of ornery Uncle Merle as I read one of my favorite scriptures in Psalms 46.

Our summer visits were never complete without going swimming. We would make our way to a creek to swim the hot day away. As we splashed, jumped from the bank and played in the sand we would eventually notice our uncle stretched out, hands behind his head, hat over his eyes and "sleeping" seemingly, on the water as if it were on the best mattress in town. It was like a magic act to us. I remember trying and trying to mimic the dozing trickster only to sink like a rock instead of floating. I recall my frustration and his too I'm sure, when he tried to teach me how to float. He positioned me on top of the water and said "now relax!". I could do that until the water would slap against my face and then I would begin to sink. "You don't need to do anything, just relax!" he would say.

Today as trouble pushes it's way into my mind, as those waves of doubt slapped against my face, I can here the same thing from the Lord, "just relax you don't need to do a thing" he says "I will take care of everything!".

"Cease striving and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10 NASB)

Another version of that scripture says "Be still and know that I am God". Lord, thank you that you still come to me in the midst of the waves and problems and say "Cease striving" just relax and float on my promises! What peace can come when I am still!

I still remember in later years, while staying with this dear couple, awaking to the voice of Uncle Merle reading scripture aloud to my Aunt. I know that striving is no more for them as they are in heaven, and this delightfully, mischievious man could very well be floating on the still waters of God's grace right now. Amen

Sent from Jeanie!

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Day I Became a Mom!

I remember opening my eyes early in the morning on this day over 40 years ago and realizing that I was a mother! I had delivered my first daughter in the wee hours of the morning and as was common back then, "baby" was shuffled off to the nursery so the new mother could sleep and sleep I did. About the time I was thinking of getting up to go see my baby, in came the nurse pushing a cart with a little pink miracle wrapped so tightly that she could hardly move. The nurse was no more in the room than she was summoned by another nurse to lend a hand in another room. I lay there, hearing those newborn noises that for awhile were quiet and soft but eventually grew to a full lung cry. At that, every cell in my body stood to attention as motherhood coursed through my veins. I got to my feet, feeling woozy but I was not to be stopped. My baby needed me! I took the little bundle in my arms and a sound came from my lips that I had not heard before,

it was the sounds of a mother. My body swayed and jiggled this little one until she was quiet, like I had been doing it all my life. How right she felt in my arms, how close to heaven I felt as I held her. Where did this love come from I wondered? How could this little being so quickly be such a part of me? As my eyes filled with tears I turned my eyes upward to the Author and Creator of love and thanked him for my little Christa Leigh! That would only be the first of many times motherhood would course through my veins at the sound of her cry. My heart would reach out to my child in need and break as her heart was broken. Many times I would look upward to petition the Lord on her behalf but more often I would thank him for blessing me so abundantly with this child. Happy Birthday Christa!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Voice!

My daughter wrote this on her Facebook page about our place in the political process. I tend to be too timid in my approach remembering the old saying: "Never talk about politics or religion". But I believe that in this time in our history, we as Christians, are called to do more. Kelly wrote some very wise thoughts on this subject. Did I mention how proud I am of Kelly? She is the writer that I wish I could be and she knows how to put her thoughts in ways that bring understanding. Yey, Kel! I love you so much

I am a firm believer that people, and dare I say all people, should discuss and engage in political conversations about the important issues of our day. One of my biggest disappointments is when I hear Christians say that God is in control, “so just pray.” I lobby in local, state, and federal government and see first-hand how policy has a powerful impact on our daily lives. So discussion is, from my view, important. Discussing or debating means you are listening and deliberating and talking about the merit of your views as well as opposing points.

But I have observed that the following are the fastest ways for people to dismiss your views and shut down conversation:
1. When you blindly stick by your party/party leaders on every issue, making overly-simplistic statements designed to target your opposition. Those usually come in the form of one-liners or memes. Let’s be honest, no matter your political affiliation, your party doesn’t get it right every time. Not by a long-shot. If you really want to be heard, don’t pretend otherwise. It makes you look ignorant.
2. When you assume that you have the moral and biblical edge over the “other” party. Both parties are guilty of this. Let’s face it. We all vote the way we do because we believe we are morally and/or biblically justified in doing so. I have strong political views; don’t misunderstand. But, I have best friends who voted opposite me in the last election, and I have every confidence that they voted their consciences. Why? Because I have asked why they came to the conclusion that they came too. Each of us comes from different backgrounds and experiences that shaped us and cause us to place a higher value on one issue over another. It is better to keep moral superiority out of the argument and simply talk about why you believe your views are better for the country. I know; I am dreaming, but I see this as a huge contributer of problem at the moment.
3. When you make sloppy and polarizing generalizations about conservatives/liberals. I see this done every day on facebook and in the media. I recently read an incredibly irresponsible article written by a group of Christians that put believers into two camps: orange and green. It clearly meant to make one camp superior over the other. These articles only serve to cause a greater divide. You are not morally superior because of the way you vote! God will not be asking your party affiliation in heaven. Sorry to disappoint.
4. When you don’t listen! Oh some of us pretend to listen; but are we? I am not advocating for weak-minded, wishy washy beliefs, but listening, truly listening, isn’t a threat to your views. It usually makes your case stronger, and it helps you to become a more rounded individual, with the ability to see beyond your own reality and at least respect the other, even if you don't change your own views. Again, listening doesn’t mean you will change your views on the issues. It means you don’t vilify others for theirs. This is a problem equally shared by both parties. Neither seem to want to listen.
5. When you forget that a two party system is what has made this country great! We need checks and balances. I was blessed to come from a Christian home with parents whose vote cancelled out the other. They voted differently most of their married lives, though recently that has not been the case. I learned that two of the most amazing Christians I know voted opposite each other. Both cared about the country but disagreed on some of the ways it should be governed.

So Christians, be active! Don’t be afraid to make your views known. Your voice is vitally important. But respect the views of others and the experiences that shaped them, so that your voice can be heard and others don’t immediately shut you down.

Around the Bend!

Years ago, Larry and I were chaperones on a teen trip, that left us sleeping in many different abodes. If my memory serves me, we slept at a hostel, in beautiful college dorms on Lake Michigan and many camp sites. But the most memorable place took us down a very long road late at night to rickety old cabins when we had been promised great accommodations. Imagine our surprise when the lights of that old church bus flashed on this place we were to sleep for the night. There was no electricity, running water or bathrooms and only mattresses on the floor to sleep on. We had no cell phone back then to call the owners to complain and it was too far to get in the bus to escape this desolation so we decided to stick it out. Some of the guys ended up in the kitchen sleeping anywhere they could throw there sleeping bags including tables, while the girls slept in the dilapidated old cabins. I ended up with some of the girls going with me, but there was no sleeping as we were not sure what could be crawling around on those old mattresses. As one could imagine, we were all glad to see morning come. While breakfast was being prepared over a camp fire, some of the guys took a tour of our “luxurious” surroundings. For one thing they found a much needed outhouse but as they went further down the road they found a beautiful new facility. We had spent a miserable night at the old one. We had stopped short of the new!

I thought of this as I read about a woman who was bemoaning her 50th Birthday. May I just say here, she is just a youngster. I have stuff in my frig older than that but I must say I felt her pain. She wondered, if that was the end for her. What could she do for the Lord at THAT ripe old age? I have wondered the same thing but as I…she could not see around the bend at what new thing God had in store for her. For right then she was fumbling around in the dark, just seeing OLD, but around the bend if she be patient, God still had plans for her. Yes, even new plans for her if she did not stop short. I see nothing in scripture that says we are washed up as we grow older. In fact I see that God used, older people many times to do His work.

I read a quote the other day that said "In order to be old and wise you must first be young and stupid", could it be that we could be called to show the Way to those fumbling in the dark?

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10 NIV)

Sent from Jeanie!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Don't Get Your Tutu in a Bunch!

This is my second day home from South Carolina where my daughter and son-in-law live and I have done nothing but rest. Keeping up with a young family takes a toll on an old woman like me. We stayed up one night until 2:00 am watching a movie. I haven't seen that time on the clock except when I'm squinting at the alarm clock as I make my nightly trek to the bathroom.

We were there to help out with the house they moved into that was in need of some sprucing up. Our pregnant daughter, Missy, was in charge of getting some much needed rest and our granddaughter Jenna. Did I say rest and Jenna in the same sentence? Oh, my mistake! This little girl at three years old, is a live wire! She is constant motion and nonstop "WHYs"! But for Larry and I she was nonstop "DELIGHT"!

To our pleasure, when Jenna entered a room, we never knew what she would be wearing. Usually a tutu was a part of her outfit as well as a hat, she normally avoided wearing a top but considered something around her neck just as good. The problem came when Jenna had to get dressed in something more suitable for going out. On those occasions, I will have to admit, she was.....shall I say less than cooperative! In fact the word carnal comes to mind. My daughter, who has wisely, learned with this delightfully independent child to pick her battles. She often said, "Jenna, if you choose to disobey there will be consequences!". At that, my beautiful little granddaughter would cross her little arms over her chest and growl "I don't want no consequences!". She wasn't saying she was ready to obey, she was saying she wanted to disobey with no consequences. Somehow I see myself many times taking this childish stance with my Heavenly Father. I can recall those times I knew what was right but chose my own way. I folded my arms and said I want my own way, forgetting the possible adverse consequences of my actions. Have you been there? Did you ever get your "tutu" in a bunch and refuse to mind God?

Larry and I are still talking about our Jenna, not only her bouts with “carnality“, but her sweetness, her charming smile that lit up our hearts and her love for her Grandma and Grandpa that gave us so much joy! Thank you Missy, John and Jenna for the laughter, love and lessons from a tutu wearin’ angel named Jenna!

"Trust and Obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to Trust and Obey!" Amen