One Christmas Eve, it came my lot, so to speak, to work that 2nd shift. My mind was on the activities going on at home, the traditional things that happens each year except, sadly, I wasn't there. The evening had been pretty quiet since patients were sent home, if at all possible, the day before Christmas. Only emergency surgeries would take place for the next couple of days, only the very sick would spend their Christmas in the hospital. As I was pondering all I was missing at home, my pager went off and I was called to the emergency department. As I made my way down to the emergency room, I wondered what it could be since even this area had been slow all night. I was instructed to give a breathing treatment to an older woman sitting upright in the bed not looking at all like she was in distress. In fact she was dressed brightly and wore bright makeup and Christmas earrings. I assessed her breath sounds, which sounded clear, asked the normal questions concerning her reason for coming to ER but received only vague answers until we began to talk about Christmas. We chatted mostly about cheery things and how bad it was that we both were in this place on this special night. Doubting the doctors orders a bit, I prepared the treatment, which the lady readily took. I then wished her a Merry Christmas and was out of there. As per protocol, I reported to the nurse my assessment of the patients condition. Out of earshot of the patient, I shared my opinion that the patient seemed perfectly fine to me. "Oh, she's one of our regulars at Christmas time" she said in a matter of fact voice. "Regulars"? I asked. "Yeah, Gladys lives alone and has no one at Christmas time so she usually shows up here, we think, just to be with people". "We could have as many as three or four this evening". "Gladys is just one of many", her voice now lower and sadder.
My heart sank as I thought of my complaining. I at least had a family to share Christmas with this year. Christmas Day would be full of laughter, love and sharing of gifts. How much I had taken for granted.
As I recalled that Christmas Eve several years ago, I thought of what Jesus read from the Scroll in the synagogue at the beginning of His earthly ministry. He read from the Book of Isaiah which foretold His coming.
Our beloved Savior stood as he read from the scroll.
God's Spirit is on me; he's chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, To set the burdened and battered free, to announce, "This is God's year to act!" (Luke 4:18, 19 MSG)
... "You've just heard Scripture make history. It came true just now in this place." (Luke 4:21 MSG)
Have you ever needed good news? Have you ever felt poor if not monetarily, poor in spirit? Have you ever felt like a prisoner to horrible circumstances or maybe blind to what God can do for you, if you only ask? How many at this time of the year feel battered and bruised or burdened by life's heaviness?
The good news is this is the year! God is ready to act in your life, Jesus is ready to come to where you are this Christmas season!
You may be lonely like Gladys, or you may be surrounded by people yet still lonely! Last year may have been your worst yet but grab the hand of the Messiah he alone has the Good News!
Sent from Jeanie!
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