Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Delightful Weed!

Years back, on our way to work, we were surprised to see a giant weed growing out of the median decorated with one Christmas bulb. Of course it brought a smile to our faces as well as our fellow travelers. The thought that someone would have the imagination and take the initiative to place the colorful ornament on this left-over weed was amazing. As the days and weeks before Christmas went by, more and more things were added to the little “tree”. As Christmas neared the tree was decorated with garland, lights and even had presents under it’s funny branches. With each addition, the more this glorious scene thrilled my heart and I wasn’t the only one, this tree and it’s story made the local paper.

As I was out a few days ago, I went by that median that had brought so much joy and remembered the light that these branches brought into those dreary winter days. A scripture that I had just read came to my mind.

Isaiah 11:1-2 which says:
A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse, from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him---the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.

Jesse was the father of David and, as you may know, Jesus comes from the family of David. Jesus is the Branch Isaiah prophesizes about in this scripture. I relish the thought of the Branch that came from Jesse! This One who was born of Mary and laid in a manger who was Immanuel (God with Us)brings Joy to me. I see the ornaments on this Branch, wisdom in shiny reds, understanding in beautiful greens, I see power in brilliant purple and I see the garland of the Lord resting on Him. I see ornaments that proclaim Hope, Joy, and Forgiveness. Then I must thank the Lord for this light that still shines in this weary heart of mine and remember how Jesus came into our world so many years ago to save us and give us everlasting life. He was the Light as well as a Delight!

I will never forget the amazing weed that became a delight to all who traveled by it and certainly as I think of it I will be reminded of The Branch of Jesse and the eternal delight He brings

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