If I want to recall a very humbling experience for me I think of the time I was asked to speak at a Mother’s Day banquet for another Nazarene church in Springfield, Il. I had not done this before so it was all new to me. I felt like a “special speaker”. I got my little talk ready and felt it was something that the Lord would have me say to these ladies. My daughters came home to attend this meeting as well as my mom and my sisters-in-law. My daughters practiced a beautiful song, that they were to sing, all the way to Springfield and it sounded like heaven with all those sister voices blending together. I was in heaven! I was introduced and then I began to introduce my daughters. It had sort of a “the price is right” feel to it like “come on down”. As I highlighted each one, my head growing bigger and bigger. I told about the ministries that they were involve in and what “Nazarene’ university that they attended. I, all of the sudden had become super mom as well as super Nazarene. It was not pretty! After the extravagant introduction of my daughters I am sure the meal that these ladies had just eaten was not setting too well. Now it was time for them to sing, I couldn’t wait to here those beautiful sounds come from their perfect mouths. The music started, going great until someone got tickled, then another and another until the whole group was laughing. They didn’t even get through the song and there I stood with my halo sliding off my head, my super mom cape shredded, my Nazarene flag at half staff. I went on to do my talk and the ladies seemed to enjoy it. Afterwards they were very kind and seemed to have forgotten my pride and my big head but believe me I never will forget it. We all laughed hysterically all the way home but for me it was a lesson well learned. I could imagine that the Lord got a smile out of it as well.
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Matthew 23:12
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