Thursday, May 6, 2010


I was so tired when I went to bed but the second my head hit the pillow my brain took off. I mauled over concerns, hurts and burdens and what "I" should do about them. After a while I decided to get up and study the word and pray. I came upon scripture that tells about how Israel continually forgot about God’s faithfulness. I have often wondered how the Israelites could forget how God had parted the sea or sent manna for them to eat. You would think that they would trust Him, but as I tossed and turned I realized that I too had forgotten how much the Lord had done for me. Psalm 77:11 says “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. John 14:26 “The Holy Spirit will remind you of everything I have said to you“. What came to my mind, among many things, was a time over thirty years ago when the doctor told me I would have to have a hysterectomy. This wasn’t a pleasant thing to think about but if it would solve my problems I would be willing to have the surgery. After all the Lord had blessed us with three beautiful daughters and that was surely a nice size family. That Sunday night we had a healing service at our church, not a common thing, I couldn't remember having a service dedicated to just healing. Many people went forward, people who I knew had cancer, heart problems and every sort of illness. I gave a thought to going but felt that my problems were minor compared to those who lined the alter. A friend who knew about my health issue came to me and encouraged me to go forward. I prayed for the Lord to heal me but mainly thought of those to the right and left of me. Pastor came to me to anoint me with oil and suddenly I felt the Lord touch my heart with his goodness. I didn’t know if I had been healed physically but I knew God had graced me with his presence for those few glorious moments. After the service three people came to me, including our pastor, and said that the Lord had impressed on them that I had been healed as I was anointed. Again, even then, it was hard to believe with so many people afflicted with illness of every kind that the Lord would choose to heal me. Monday morning I canceled my appointment with the surgeon just incase the Lord had healed me. As the days and weeks went by I knew that I was well and whole again my symptoms were gone. Not many months later I was pregnant with my Melissa Jo and again a year later with Melinda Jill. As I thought about this I had to rejoice and REMEMBER what God had done! What would life be without them? I think about how many lives would not have been touched by them. I think about how they have blessed Larry and I as well as their sisters. Now I know why God healed me that Sunday night. “I WILL REMEMBER YOUR MIRACLES OF LONG AGO“! Now, I will go back to bed and remember that the God who cared for me back then cares for me today. He is still in the miracle business and can handle any problem I might have. Good night!


  1. What a miracle you have lived. And then two more afterward! God knew our Dan needed your Mendy. Hallelujah!

  2. Mendy certainly is a miracle because when she was 3 wks old she nearly died because of a hole in her heart, she had heart failure and her lung collapsed. The Lord indeed saved her to be Dan's wife. But God also knew that Mendy needed our sweet Dan also. God bless you.
