This is a picture of one of my “Grands” this is my grand-donkey Ruby Lulu she belongs to Mendy and Dan!
As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them. “Go to the village ahead of you and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away. Matthew 21:1-3
I read this scripture today and one of the things that stuck out to me was vs. 3. I had always wondered how the owner of these donkeys felt when they saw the disciples walking away with them. I wondered if he was thrilled, or mad or was it such a wonderful thing that he watched in awe as something of his was used for the Lord? This would be the equivalent to someone coming to me and saying “I need your car”. In this day and age I would immediately grab my pepper spray, take a karate stance and call 911, but this man apparently did as Jesus stated he would, he sent the donkeys with them right away. It had to be a divine moment for all concerned. They needed the donkey to carry Jesus down the road!
I felt that these words were for me. At times, as I write this blog, I feel, even though I love doing it, that my inadequacies are many. I place commas when ever I feel like it, I am probably the queen of “run-on sentences and I bet I would be an English teacher’s worse nightmare. As I reread my writings sometimes, I wonder if anyone could get anything from my simple thoughts.
I thought of how Jesus could have sent the disciples for a grand chariot or a beautiful stead to carry the King of Kings into Jerusalem but he chose a lowly donkey. The disciples were sent to a simple man who was asked to give his all so that Jesus could be carried into the hearts of the world. So here I am writing again, placing those commas in crazy places and running those sentences for miles but my prayer is that I carry the King of Kings into a few hearts. Thank you Jesus!