Sunday, May 30, 2010

Carrying Jesus Down The Road

This is a picture of one of my “Grands” this is my grand-donkey Ruby Lulu she belongs to Mendy and Dan!

As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them. “Go to the village ahead of you and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away. Matthew 21:1-3

I read this scripture today and one of the things that stuck out to me was vs. 3. I had always wondered how the owner of these donkeys felt when they saw the disciples walking away with them. I wondered if he was thrilled, or mad or was it such a wonderful thing that he watched in awe as something of his was used for the Lord? This would be the equivalent to someone coming to me and saying “I need your car”. In this day and age I would immediately grab my pepper spray, take a karate stance and call 911, but this man apparently did as Jesus stated he would, he sent the donkeys with them right away. It had to be a divine moment for all concerned. They needed the donkey to carry Jesus down the road!

I felt that these words were for me. At times, as I write this blog, I feel, even though I love doing it, that my inadequacies are many. I place commas when ever I feel like it, I am probably the queen of “run-on sentences and I bet I would be an English teacher’s worse nightmare. As I reread my writings sometimes, I wonder if anyone could get anything from my simple thoughts.

I thought of how Jesus could have sent the disciples for a grand chariot or a beautiful stead to carry the King of Kings into Jerusalem but he chose a lowly donkey. The disciples were sent to a simple man who was asked to give his all so that Jesus could be carried into the hearts of the world. So here I am writing again, placing those commas in crazy places and running those sentences for miles but my prayer is that I carry the King of Kings into a few hearts. Thank you Jesus!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Funky Feet in the Dark!

Have you ever been in the dark? I don’t mean when you turn off the lights in your house and the glow from street light streams through the window, I mean true darkness. If you think of it, how many times have we seen true darkness. I mean so dark that, as they say, you can’t see your hand in front of your face. I remember going down into a cave with a group of people and the guide saying “in a minute we will turn off the lights and you will see, perhaps for the first time, real darkness” Before the lights went out we were admiring the beauty of the cave structures, we could see people all around us and find our way with the lights that were man placed in that area, God’s beauty was all around, but above all we could see the guide who knew how to get us out of there. Once the lights went out we could see nothing, not even if we tried, no amount of squinting or adjusting our eyes helped us, I could not even see the end of my nose. I found myself in a bit of a panic until I heard the tour guide’s voice. I was tempted to go toward his voice and grab him by the ankles and hang on for dear life. Are you beginning to see the darkness?

Today I read Psalm 134 which is the last of the Psalms of Ascent only three verses.

1.Now praise the LORD all you servants of the LORD who stand in the Lord’s house at night!
2.Lift up your hands in the holy place, and praise the Lord!
3.May the LORD, Maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.

I have gone through times in my life where the darkness of the burdens I carried kept me from seeing the light. When sadness was a dark, dark veil. Have you ever seen that kind of darkness? Have you noticed that satan has a way of blocking our memory of things praise worthy when we are in the dark? I have, in those times, tried to think of blessings I have received, only to see more darkness? I have found that in those times as the Psalmist says in vs. 2, I have to lift my hands in praise anyway.

As I sat one day in a very dark hour I tried to lift my hands in praise but they would not go up because I could only see darkness. The eyes of my heart darted back and for something praiseworthy but the darkness blinded me. I sat there in that moment and all I could see were my ugly feet and there is nothing praise worthy there. In my desperation, I began to praise God for my feet. I understand that without toes it is hard to keep our balance so I began to thank him for all of my toes. My mind quickly headed back to the darkness when I saw the imperfections of my funky toenails but I continued to my ankles. First thing that came to my mind was “thick” and thick isn’t good but I praised Him anyway. I continued until my hands were in the air even in the dark. As vs. 3 states by then “the Lord, maker of heaven and earth blessed my heart in Zion“. I could see the flicker of light in my dark world. Sometimes we just need to start somewhere and praise even the simple things, even the funny things.

My burdens were still there but I could hear the voice of the “GUIDE” and I was able to give praise even in that dark hour. I knew my GUIDE knew the way out of my darkness and I listen for his voice. Praise the Lord! Start praising God right now for even your funky feet.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Suit

A couple of weeks ago I washed my curtains and today I put them up. Just like every time I put curtains up I think of my mom putting wax paper on the end of the curtain rod so it slips through easier. From my dad it was probably the fact that it took me two weeks to get the curtains back up, I am my father’s daughter!

Many years ago I was pondering about how I had such a bent toward God even when I was a little girl. I had always loved going to church and I can’t remember a time I didn’t pray. I thought of how my mom would call us into the house every time Billy Graham was on TV. I don’t remember that there was a fuss about that at all, we all just sat down and watched the Crusade and a man called Billie. I can’t say that I remember much about what he had to say but the fact that my mom thought it was important spoke volumes to me.

With my dad, I remember like it was yesterday, standing in the back seat of our old car and listening to my mom and dad talk. I remember my dad saying “I need to get a suit so we can go to church someday”. I knew that going to church was important by just those few words. It would be years before my dad went to church but by that statement I knew I should strive toward spiritual things and that church was a good thing.

As I thought of these things and the words I heard my dad say, I wrote a poem on the back of a bank deposit slip that I still have today. These words, I felt, came from God so I wrote as fast as I could. I put these words away for right then, but a friend asked me to do something for Father’s Day in our church that year, so I pulled the poem out to read. My dad, mom and brothers and their families were there when I read “The Suit” and it was a special time for us all. I distinctly remember my brother wiping his eyes with his tie. When I finished reading it, my dad who was not normally an affectionate man rose to his feet to hug me as I came back to my seat. Not too long after that my dad asked the Lord into his heart and continued to come to church until his health kept him from it. God had my dad in mind when he gave me these words and I am so glad that my ears were open to hear them. My brother got bunches of copies made and I still have most of them. There was never a great demand for them but to our family these words I was given that day were very special. This poem was read at his funeral and will always mean so much to me. I look forward to seeing my dad in his “New Suit” when I get to heaven.

The Suit
In the spring of life I heard him say
Gonna get me a suit and go to church someday.
He worked so hard and time went by
Times are hard I heard him sigh.

In the summer of life I heard him say
Gonna get me a suit and go to church some day.
Thing were better but time went by
Don’t have time I heard him sigh

In the fall of life I heard him say
Got me a suit goin’ to church some day.
The time is now my dearest Dad
The Lord waits for you with outstretched hand.

He loves you Dad, I hear Him sayYou’ve got your suit, today’s the day.

I love you, Dad
Your Daughter

This verse was written to read at his funeral.

I got my suit of white, I here him say
Gonna walk those streets of gold this day.
Jesus awaits with outstretched hands
Rest in the arms of the Lord my dearest Dad

See you soon!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Here Kitty, Kitty!

“Here kitty, kitty” I hollered, in that voice, you know the one if you have cats! It’s that high pitched voice that breaks windows, and makes small children hold their ears. I seen her running, ducking, weaving and in a panic because she was being attacked by several birds. She ran this way then that way but had a hard time focusing on which way to go. She must have come upon a baby bird that was the center of those angry mama bird’s attention.

This is a hard time of the year for our bird friends because of those babies falling out of their nests or being pushed out by their parents. Many times these babies are in mortal danger as they cling to tiny twigs or sit atop a fragile flower. Most of the time these babies are clueless of their fate which is probably good. I am sure they wish with all of their little birdie heart that they were back in the nest with their mama bird protecting them and feeding them. As a mother I know that these mama birds feel the same way. Baby birds sit quietly for the most part until danger comes near them and then they wail at the top of their little birdie voice which starts a flurry of activity in the trees because mother bird and all her friends are waiting to come to her aid.

As my kitty hears my voice, ever so shrill, she puts her focus on me and the porch which will offer her a safe haven. Her gait is now sure as she heads toward my voice. She bounds toward the porch and under the rocking chair with those birds now on to caring for that baby and other dangers that might come close.

I have been there where my kitty was and so have you, I’m sure. When problems come and attack like those birds did. I duck and weave and panic until I hear God’s voice speaking to me. His voice gives me direction his love gives me shelter from those things that puts panic in my heart. As this little bird, I usually don’t reach out to him until my fragile world is threatened. It’s at those times that I can hear my father above me, ready to come to my aid.

Thank you Lord that your voice is not shrill but is as gentle as a rain and comforts me like no other.

The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry; Psalm 34:15

The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles but the LORD delivers him from them all. Psalm 34:17-19

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bites on the Fly!

As I mowed the grass this week, I was so mesmerized by the barn swallows that swooped and dived in front of my mower. In late April I began to see just a few as they migrated back to this area. For us this is a sign that spring is on the way. They set up housekeeping in a barn near us but they dine on our bugs as we mow. Today I tried to take a picture but myself or my shudder speed were fast enough. I took a few pictures that looked like a speck in the sky. I thought I could get a picture because they dip so close to the mower that I could almost touch them. One of the things I read about them is that they are aerial foragers, as it sounds, they eat on the fly. There is no air show that could equal their antics as they do their acrobatics in order to get their dinner. I just went through a time that I was an aerial forager. I ate my spiritual food on the run, I talked with God constantly but when it came to reading my bible and meditating on it I was like the little barn swallow just grabbing what I could grab quickly. I collected bits and pieces that kept me from starving spiritually but I, by no means, felt full or satisfied. I was talking to God but I was not listening to him completely because I was not hearing his voice through his word. For several months now I have been feasting on his word and not foraging on the fly and my heart is well fed. My little friends will follow me all summer as I mow but as the colder winds blow we will see fewer and fewer until they are all gone. I will miss the wonders of God but will always remember the lesson I learned from their dining habits.
The picture above was taken by my sister-in-law several years ago. These little guys were in her garage. Thanks Patty!

Known in Eurasia simply as 'the swallow,' the Barn Swallow is a distinctive bird with bold plumage and a long, slender, deeply forked tail. Barn Swallows are deep blue above, with an orange-buff breast and belly. They have russet throats and forehead patches. The rest of the head is deep blue, extending in a line through the eye, giving the birds a masked appearance. Females are slightly duller and shorter-tailed than males. Juveniles look similar to adults, but have much shorter tails.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Hokey Pokey

The older I get , the more I start to think of my own death. Don’t get me wrong , I don’t have a horrible disease or I‘m not, like some say, “homesick’ for heaven, I mean everyday it becomes more of a reality to me. It is not a morbid thing but reality! I think the Lord starts to introduce this eventuality to us as we age. It was very important to my mother and my mother-in-law to make their own funeral arrangements. I’m glad it wasn’t left up to me because with my scattered brain I surely would have forgotten something. My mom tries to get me to listen to a song she wants to be sung and I can’t bear to hear it because it makes me sad. As I thought of this the other day, I decided that I was going to find the funniest picture I have of myself to sit on my casket. I have one in mind of me with a funny hat and a big smile on my face, that’s what I want people to remember. I also planned the music and among the songs was “The Hokey Pokey” yes, you read it right. I thought it could be slid in there as an ice breaker. I could imagine the smiles as people stood and put their “right hand in and their right hand out, right hand in and shake it all about, you do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around”…..that’s what it’s all about! That stopped me in my tracks and in my funeral arranging…. That’s what it’s all about? I remember reading a bumper sticker that made me laugh even though it was sad also. It said “What if the hokey pokey is what it is all about?” I am so glad that I have a hope that is beyond the Hokey Pokey. I’m glad that, though this world seems hopeless at times, I have a hope and a purpose and a promise of an eternity. I do want people to know that the Lord has blessed me with much joy in my life and since the Hokey Pokey is out I am requesting the “Chicken Dance” I hope you'll be there! Have a joyous, purposeful day and remember that “the Hokey Pokey” is not what it is all about!
The bible says :“God’s plans endure forever; his purposes last eternally” Psalm 33:11“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.” Psalm 138:8
“I have carried you since you were born; I have taken care of you from your birth. Even when you are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you. I made you and will take care of you. Isaiah 46:3-4


"Again, Papa, again"! Riley wanted Papa to do more snow angels with her! Again! Again! Again! Haven't we all heard that from our children? When we really love something we all want it to happen again. I read Psalm 126 today and that is what the Israelites said, "do it again". If you get a chance, read this little Psalm, only six verses, but it is powerful! The first three verses talk about how God had delivered them from captivity, and how they were so joyful. They sang, laughed and could not believe their good fortune. They said "God was wonderful to us; we are one happy people"! In verse 4 they say "And now, God , do it again--bring rains to our drought stricken lives". Have you been there? Have you ever been drought stricken? I have been there before also. In my study today there was a question that asked "describe a time when God did something that you could hardly believe and knew you didn't deserve it?" I thought "where to I start?" then I thought maybe the beginning would be good. Shortly after Larry and I were married we gave our hearts to the Lord. I remember for many years being in disbelief that this wonderful thing could happen to me. Even as a little girl, I had always had a hunger for God and now I had a partner to go through life with, that believed like I did. I watched Larry embrace God and strive for all of his life to give his family a Christian example. We were a "Christian family" how is it God was so good to me? Through these years I have probably taken that for granted somewhat but today it was all new to me. I remember how we laughed, sang and could not believe our blessings. I say to God today "and now God do it again" don't let me take things for granted, but remind me again and again of the blessings that I have recieved from a You! If you are in a drought stricken time in your life remember: Psalm 126:6 So those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I was so tired when I went to bed but the second my head hit the pillow my brain took off. I mauled over concerns, hurts and burdens and what "I" should do about them. After a while I decided to get up and study the word and pray. I came upon scripture that tells about how Israel continually forgot about God’s faithfulness. I have often wondered how the Israelites could forget how God had parted the sea or sent manna for them to eat. You would think that they would trust Him, but as I tossed and turned I realized that I too had forgotten how much the Lord had done for me. Psalm 77:11 says “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. John 14:26 “The Holy Spirit will remind you of everything I have said to you“. What came to my mind, among many things, was a time over thirty years ago when the doctor told me I would have to have a hysterectomy. This wasn’t a pleasant thing to think about but if it would solve my problems I would be willing to have the surgery. After all the Lord had blessed us with three beautiful daughters and that was surely a nice size family. That Sunday night we had a healing service at our church, not a common thing, I couldn't remember having a service dedicated to just healing. Many people went forward, people who I knew had cancer, heart problems and every sort of illness. I gave a thought to going but felt that my problems were minor compared to those who lined the alter. A friend who knew about my health issue came to me and encouraged me to go forward. I prayed for the Lord to heal me but mainly thought of those to the right and left of me. Pastor came to me to anoint me with oil and suddenly I felt the Lord touch my heart with his goodness. I didn’t know if I had been healed physically but I knew God had graced me with his presence for those few glorious moments. After the service three people came to me, including our pastor, and said that the Lord had impressed on them that I had been healed as I was anointed. Again, even then, it was hard to believe with so many people afflicted with illness of every kind that the Lord would choose to heal me. Monday morning I canceled my appointment with the surgeon just incase the Lord had healed me. As the days and weeks went by I knew that I was well and whole again my symptoms were gone. Not many months later I was pregnant with my Melissa Jo and again a year later with Melinda Jill. As I thought about this I had to rejoice and REMEMBER what God had done! What would life be without them? I think about how many lives would not have been touched by them. I think about how they have blessed Larry and I as well as their sisters. Now I know why God healed me that Sunday night. “I WILL REMEMBER YOUR MIRACLES OF LONG AGO“! Now, I will go back to bed and remember that the God who cared for me back then cares for me today. He is still in the miracle business and can handle any problem I might have. Good night!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We live in the country, kind of “country folk” and as most of us in the country we have a burn pile. In the country we burn branches that have fallen and we have enjoyed many a weenie roast out there also. When the burn pile was started there was one little scrawny twig of a tree that was a good ways away but we didn’t expect our burn pile to grow so much. As a result this little tree was exposed to many bond fires. Every year we look a her and think that probably she will succumb to this harshness. But still she stands. Today I looked at this little tree, as I took in the beautiful sun and enjoyed my coffee. What I noticed was the deep, deep scars from being too close fire but I also noticed the fresh new buds reaching to the sky. New life came as it reached skyward. The scars remain, the damage has healed but the scars will always be a part of this little tree. Isn’t this like us? We are exposed to the harshness of life or even sin but if we reach upward to the “Son” new life can be ours. We can always look at the scars and remember, as well we should, those hard times that brought us such pain but we can also look at how we grow and reach to our Lord and how he gives us new life. We may even be able to tell someone about our scars about how the Lord delivered us to a new day filled with sunshine. When you look at my little tree please look past the scars to see her reaching heavenward to the only one who can truly heal.

For you shall go out with joy. And be led out with peace; The mountain and the hills shall break forth into singing before you. And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

Monday, May 3, 2010

Super Mom?

If I want to recall a very humbling experience for me I think of the time I was asked to speak at a Mother’s Day banquet for another Nazarene church in Springfield, Il. I had not done this before so it was all new to me. I felt like a “special speaker”. I got my little talk ready and felt it was something that the Lord would have me say to these ladies. My daughters came home to attend this meeting as well as my mom and my sisters-in-law. My daughters practiced a beautiful song, that they were to sing, all the way to Springfield and it sounded like heaven with all those sister voices blending together. I was in heaven! I was introduced and then I began to introduce my daughters. It had sort of a “the price is right” feel to it like “come on down”. As I highlighted each one, my head growing bigger and bigger. I told about the ministries that they were involve in and what “Nazarene’ university that they attended. I, all of the sudden had become super mom as well as super Nazarene. It was not pretty! After the extravagant introduction of my daughters I am sure the meal that these ladies had just eaten was not setting too well. Now it was time for them to sing, I couldn’t wait to here those beautiful sounds come from their perfect mouths. The music started, going great until someone got tickled, then another and another until the whole group was laughing. They didn’t even get through the song and there I stood with my halo sliding off my head, my super mom cape shredded, my Nazarene flag at half staff. I went on to do my talk and the ladies seemed to enjoy it. Afterwards they were very kind and seemed to have forgotten my pride and my big head but believe me I never will forget it. We all laughed hysterically all the way home but for me it was a lesson well learned. I could imagine that the Lord got a smile out of it as well.

For whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Matthew 23:12

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Indigo Bunting

This morning I looked out to see these two birds eating from my feeder. The one on the right is a House Finch displaying his beautiful red feathers and on the left is perhaps one of my favorite birds, the Indigo Bunting with his beautiful indigo plumage. Every spring, if we are lucky, we see these brilliant blue birds. I always remember the year that my daughter, Nealy, was here when one these birds hit the window and lay motionless on the ground. She picked it up, thinking it was dead, and took it to show my husband how beautiful and frail it was when to their surprise and enjoyment it flew right out of her hand. This little creature was down but not out. This is how our God does us sometimes. We think we are spent with no hope of recovering. We are weak and afflicted, our hearts are broken but he covers us with his hand until we are strong again. Only in our weakness are we strong in God. May we relax and rest in his strong hands.You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted, you encourage them and you hear their cries. Psalm 10:17