Friday, March 17, 2023

Tutu Wearing Angel

 Tutu Wearing Angel 


This is my second day home from South Carolina where my daughter lives and I have done nothing but rest. Keeping up with a young family takes a toll on an old woman like me. We stayed up one night until 2:00 am watching a movie. I haven't seen that time unless it’s when my old lady clock in my head goes off that says it’s time to get up.


  We were there to help with the house they moved into that needed some sprucing up. Our pregnant daughter, Missy, was to get some much needed rest and watch after our granddaughter Jenna. Did I say rest and Jenna in the same sentence? Oh, my mistake! This little girl, at three years old, is a live wire! She is in constant motion and nonstop "WHY"! But for Larry and me, she was nonstop "DELIGHT"!


  One thing that we loved was, when she entered a room, we never knew what she would be wearing. Usually, a tutu was a part of her outfit and a hat. She normally avoided wearing a top, but considered something around her neck just as good. The problem came when Jenna had to get dressed in something more suitable for going out. On those occasions, I will have to admit, she was..... shall I say, less than cooperative! In fact, the word carnal comes to mind. My daughter, who has wisely learned with this delightfully independent child to pick her battles. She often said, "Jenna, if you choose to disobey there will be consequences!". At that, my beautiful little granddaughter would cross her little arms over her chest and state, "I don't want no consequences!". She wasn't saying she was ready to obey, she was saying she wanted to disobey with no consequences. Somehow, I see myself many times taking this childish stance with my Heavenly Father. I can recall those times I knew what was right but chose my own way. I folded my arms and said I want my own way, forgetting the possible adverse consequences. Have you been there? Did you ever get your "tutu" in a bunch and refuse to mind God?


Larry and I are still talking about our Jenna, not only her bouts with carnality, but her sweetness, her charming smile that lit up a room and her love for her grandma and grandpa that gave us so much joy!

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