Sunday, January 17, 2021

Men of Galilee


Men Of Galilee


When I was a young Christian and raised my kids, I dodged all talk about the return of Jesus. I almost refused to think of the “tribulation” and the world coming to an end. After all, I wanted to raise my family and grow old with my husband. As can happen, I have grown up and grown old in the Lord and look at life through different lenses. I am no longer afraid to read in Daniel a great book of prophecy, and I often flip to the back of my bible to read the God-inspired words given to John the Revelator in the book of Revelations. I wince no more at the mention of the “Rapture”, Jesus’ return, or the anti-Christ, but stand amazed as I behold God’s plan.


Prophecy is being fulfilled as things become more evil in our world. My heart breaks for babies killed in the womb, deception and untruth prevail in our land, and the government strips Christian symbols from the American landscape. I have heard Isaiah 5:20 quoted many times during the last several months because the world has indeed been upside down.

What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, the dark is light, and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. Isaiah 5:20 

While the book of Isaiah speaks the truth and we see these scriptures coming past right before our eyes, John’s gospel gives us instruction as to how we should function as we wait. Jesus said to feed His lambs.

As the disciples watched Jesus ascend into heaven, they could not take their eyes off of Him, but two men dressed in white stood beside them, “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky?”


I’m afraid I am guilty of gazing into the sky. I have said many times, I hope the Lord takes us out of here. Christian friends and I have been found longing for Jesus to come again with a trumpet blast. Maybe this is our time to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations described in the Great Commission given by Jesus. Though we should be ready to fly, and I believe I am, the work assigned to me before I was born is not finished until that time. Go into all the world and make disciples in all nations, must be carried out, even to our last breath.


Men of Galilee, you can keep one eye to the sky, but we still have work to do!


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