Monday, August 3, 2020

The Eyes Say It All

Do you ever feel that you have entered another dimension when you go to the store, the doctor’s office, or even church?  Settled right below the eyes of fellow human beings you’ll find a blue, yellow, or various whimsical characters hiding half of the face.  If anything is covered, I am glad it is the mouth and not the eyes but we are not viewed as unique beings with our own unique characteristics that are found in one’s face.  I think that the “powers to be” whether intentional or unintentional want us to lose our uniqueness that our creator gave us as people and Americans.  The eyes have been called the “windows of the soul” or in Matthew 6, the eyes are called the light of the whole body.  I am disheartened by the eyes that dart away rather than making eye contact, the eyes that never laugh, or the eyes that hide hurt and weariness.  Covid 19 or not we are a hurting world and country that needs God.  We have pushed him out of our country as the Israelites did centuries ago and they lived to regret it when God, as they wished, took his almighty hand off of that sinful nation.  They were left defenseless against disease and famine and nation after nation invaded and defeated them.  Who or what has invaded America? A virus that disrupts everything we stand for as a country, the violence that keeps us locked in our homes, or the lawlessness that has caused destruction and loss of life just to name a few?  Yes, the eyes say it all.  By Jeanie Nihiser

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