As soon as my feet hit the floor I felt a dark cloud surround me, one that I had kept at bay for some time. I was MAD! Mad at God? No! Mad at disease, old age and this fallen world of sin. Mad at cancer that seems to be everywhere. Mad that we suffer here on earth. Mad that babies are not safe in their mother's womb. I was even mad that I ate chocolate last night and that I always wake up with a bed head. I wondered to myself how I could fit all these things in one MAD even my big mad but I did.
I sat down, grabbed a book I had been reading on praying God's word, thinking that I was just too mad to even get anything out of it. But guess what verses came to my attention, what verses was written for just this day. It was the beautiful words of the Psalmist written just for me on this morning of The Big Mad!
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your HOPE in God, for I will praise Him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 42:5-6
I was then led to another scripture verse that I had highlighted in my bible, that made me know God was speaking into my mad heart?
And I give you treasures hidden in the darkness---secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name. Isaiah 45:3
Oh my! My God, the creator of the universe took time to hide these treasure in the darkness these secret treasures in his Holy Word just for mad ole me. When my heart was indeed downcast and disturbed within me.
As in Jeremiah 15:16, I devoured His word!
He calls me by name! He doesn't point his finger at me and scolds me for being downcast but gives me His word as a special treasure on this day of MY BIG MAD!
Praise your name Holy Father! Search for your treasure it is there!
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