Tuesday, December 31, 2019

20/20 in 2020!

Well, it is almost 2020 and all I can think of when I see that number is the eye doctor.  I think of my vision!  The term 20/20 is to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured from 20 feet.  What is your visual acuity?

I think of how my eyes need to be opened this year of 2020!  I need to see my Lord more clearly.  Spending more time reading the bible will make me more aware of who he is.  I need to see how much He loves me.  So much that He would send His Son into this world as a little baby who would grow to be a man and die on a cross for my sins.

Lord, help me see your power!  May I see that fear doesn't come from you but according to
2 Timothy 1:7 power, love and self-discipline do.

Paul writes:
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you.  The riches of His glorious inheritance in his holy people.  Ephesians 1:18

I want to see God in a more purposeful prayer life.  May a prayer always be on my lips and may I spend more time talking to my God.

When I think of the eye doctor I think of a time in our granddaughter, Catherine's life.  It was a time, when she was little, that several girls in her class got glasses.  She then began to complain to her parents that she could not see well, so they made an appointment with the optometrist.  When she was asked to read the eye chart, she squinted and hesitated and said she couldn't see the letters.  The doctor left the room and came back with a cute little pair of pink glasses and put them on Catherine and asked her again to read the chart.  Without hesitation, she read every letter.  Proudly looking at the wise doctor she was surprised when he put his fingers through the eyes of the glasses and touched her eyes.  The glasses had no lenses.  I laugh when I think about this little story which I have told many times, but sometimes I think I need special eyes to see God's plan for my life when all of the time He is saying, I know the plans I have for you, you need no special lenses to see them.  I will lead you through the storm if you just hold my hand.

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