Friday, October 2, 2015

On Call

Awhile back I had a horrible, terrible throbbing toothache.  It felt like the roots of that thing was buried somewhere deep in my feet.  I felt twinges of slight pain all day but nothing I couldn't live with.  Unfortunately  after office hours, of course, the pain took a turn for the the worse.  In fact, if it hadn't been for the pain that just opening my mouth brought, I might have screamed!  I could barely concentrate on the phone book as I dialed the dentist's number.  As I expected, the answering service picked up the phone and asked, "what's you problem?"  Not being in the best frame of mind, I almost wanted to tell her my big toe ached, WHAT DID SHE THINK?  "I'll have someone call you right back," she said hurriedly, maybe noting the desperation in my voice.  As I waited "patiently" for the phone to ring, I thought probably that the dentist on call wouldn't even know me but surprisingly, my own dentist called back.  I was happy to hear a familiar voice, and especially of one who knew me.  Fortunately, he was not sleeping but was on call to hear my woes!

I thought of this today as I read one of my favorite passages.  Psalm 121 verses 3-4 reminds us that our God, the maker of heaven and earth, is always on call to hear about my fears, hurts and pain.  He never sleeps.  He knows me!  Jesus knows me this I love!

“He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭121:3-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Try to read Psalm 121 today, it will bless your heart.

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