Friday, April 26, 2013

Loosen Your Grip!

I remember one summer afternoon painting the trim on our house and coming to a standstill because I came to a place that I couldn't reach. It was the last eighteen inches of the trim that went up to the peak of the roof. Being the bright woman that I am (?), I decided that the only way I was going to be able to finish my painting that day was to climb onto the roof. So up I went, confidently scaling the roof until I reached the peak of the house. I positioned myself right at the top so that I could dangle myself over to finish my painting. Feeling rather proud of myself, I lifted my head to check out the view. What I saw made my stomach do a flip-flop! It was the great distance between me and the ground! I had reached the peak alright but now I was paralyzed and hanging on with all my fingers and toes! I closed my eyes and tried to think what to do, since I was home alone. I could just imagine the fire department coming to fetch me, with sirens blaring! I knew that first they would have to pry my white knuckled fingers from the roof because at this point I was trusting no one.

Alas I heard voices! It was the neighbor boy going out to play but should I dare holler at him? I was so embarrassed by this time, but finally, I got the courage to call his name and ask him to get his mother. I have often wondered what she thought of me as I lay on the roof motionless, afraid to move and afraid to breathe! She wisely brought the ladder closer and climbed up so that she could talk to me. Her voice was reassuring but could I trust her? What experience had she had in getting people off of roofs....SAFELY? Then she said something that was absolutely crazy! “Let go, Jeanie! Trust me, you can do it!” I had no choice! Slowly, I began to relax my steel grip on the roof and crawled down from my perch, ever so cautiously. Besides thank you, I don't remember what all I said to my neighbor and I still get red in the face when I think of that awful experience. I do know that the neighbor moved shortly after that day.

I thought of this as I struggled to trust God with a situation that seemed impossible to me! I have encouraged people plenty of times to trust God but now,I was having difficulty trusting him myself.  I heard his encouraging voice through scripture and as I prayed but could I loosen my steal grip and trust him to handle it His way instead of mine?  Did I have the courage to say, "Okay, your will be done, Lord!  Finally, he whispered to my soul, “Let go and trust Me”! I did let go and again peace was mine.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
P.S. I have never been on a roof since that day!

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