Friday, November 2, 2012

God Don't Make Junk

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good
works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ... Ephesians 2:10
Today for my devotion time, instead of a formal study, I read devotionals that come to my email box every morning. As happens many times, there was a reoccurring theme in the devotions that I read. The theme was that God made you and me and He likes what He made.
At the beginning of Creation, we’re told “God saw all he had made, and it was very good” (Gen. 1:31).
While reading, I was reminded of something I did back in the seventies that I probably couldn’t do these days in our public schools. I presented a story to the kids in my daughter’s class entitled “You Were Created by God and God Don’t Make Junk” As I told the students about how special they were to God I wanted them to always remember that no matter how they think they look, no matter how smart or dumb they think they are or how rich or poor they are God loves them and created them to be just who they are. And I added “God don’t make no junk”! (Sorry you English teachers out there)
As I would hope that some thirty-something adult from that class would remember that lesson, many times that truth escapes me as I bemoan who I am, what I have done in life and how perfection has not been mine. The devil would have me to believe that God in his wisdom decided to create a "mistake". That on the day He thought of creating me He decided to make “JUNK”!
As I harshly critique myself, I am reminded that the bible says we are God’s workmanship, actually created in Christ Jesus. Just as I should not walk up to an artist and belittle his work, neither should I so mercilessly criticize God’s creation……me! Who am I, the Clay, to tell the Potter how I should look or act. The Potter has a purpose for each of our lives, just the way He created us and….Praise His name, God don’t make no junk!
Let us start this November out by being thankful for who God made us to be!

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