“Wait until the potato salad is gone!” That’s what I heard myself saying today as I reached for the giant bowl of homemade potato salad we had for dinner yesterday. It tasted good yesterday but you know how potato salad is, it tastes better the next day. It’s Monday and I usually like to start my diet AGAIN on this day of the week. I have stuffed myself all weekend and was determined to eat good, starting Monday but Monday is here and when I spied the potato salad, I decided to WAIT once again! I told myself that it would be better if I started another time when that tempting potato salad was out of sight. And besides I want to enjoy myself as I eat every morsel. As you might have guessed this is an every Monday ritual for me. WAIT WAIT WAIT!
Does that sound familiar to anybody but me? I am a procrastinator by nature so the potato salad plan strikes me as a sound plan! But....
*One day, Satan called all the demons together to come up with some good ideas to keep the lost from being saved. The Prince of Darkness was concerned that the gospel was being accepted all over the world. One of the devilish demons raised his hand and stated his plan with glee. He said “I think we should temp them all with all manor of sin, like sexual sin, drugs and of course greed.” “Yeah,” another said agreeing with the first demon. The next demon stood and went to the front of the room to pitch his plan. “I think we should attack the clergy and those who would bring the plan of salvation to the lost. You know how the flock scatters when the shepherd falls into sin?” With that the demons all stood and applauded this great plan, with their hideous, mocking laughter shaking the whole room. The third demon stood and congratulated the others for their ingeniously, evil plans but I have the best plan of all. At this Satan’s attention was piqued, “Now what would that be" he asked the confident demon? “Tell them that salvation is the best thing in the world, in fact it is the only way to get to heaven. Remind that they will find peace and love in knowing Christ.” he said as he sat down and crossed arms across his chest. At this the demons were covering their faces, booing and hissing at the replies of the third demon. “How can you say that?” “Do you not know this is just the opposite of what these people need to know?” Satan was also up on his feet waiting for an explanation from the diluted demon. “Please, sit down, you haven’t heard my whole plan yet.” the third demon screeched at the hysterical crowd. With a nod from the evil head of Satan the demons were seated to hear the rest of the story. “It’s simple”, the third demon proclaimed! You tell them the truth, you tell them about the wonderful things that would come about if they just asked Jesus into their heart but then you tell them……but don’t do it now you have plenty of time. Wait! Just wait!”
Wait until the potato salad is gone!
*This story was adapted from a story I heard years ago.
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