I hate to use the term evaluate but I think all of us need to look often at that which most of us hold most dear, our marriages. February is the month of my birthday so, as a good way to remember to get my physical check up, I make my appointment in February and unfortunately, my appointment often falls on my birthday (makes for a fun day!). The doctor checks my breathing, my heart, my skin and my old bones. I think this "Month of Love" might be a good time to check up on our marriages.
Today I read a scripture that would never be found on a Valentine card but was used to describe some marriages
Then he [God] said to me [Ezekiel], "Prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD!' This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD,'" (Ezekiel 37:4-6 NIV).
As I start to think about my husband and my marriage, I am going to start reading the devotional that contained this scripture from Girlfriends in God. Entitled "God Can Resurrect Your Marriage From the Ashes Part 1"http://www.girlfriendsingod.com/
Oh, don't be put off by the "from ashes" thing, we could all improve ourselves. I might just describe my morning. I got up put the coffee on, settled into my nice comfy chair and started to read my bible. Not a bad thing right? The only thing was, my hair was so inflicted with the dreaded "bed head" it could not be combed down, my old robe was stained in the front with coffee and when my husband started to kiss me goodbye before running errands, I had to turn my head slightly and hold my breath so the "morning coffee breath" would not cause him to faint! Have you been there? Maybe a spruce up wouldn't hurt me or my marriage!
It doesn't matter what you choose to read, just start now to think about your marriage and how YOU can improve it, not what HE should improve. Enjoy this journey of the heart.
Sent from Jeanie!
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