"...He said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.'"
Mark 6:31(NIV 1984)
Many years ago we had a beautiful couple to our house for dinner! The husband was a professor at Olivet University who loved the bible, God’s people and strangely enough my husband’s collection of Avon Decanter Cars His wife was a slender lady that held tight to her husband’s arm and strained to move her eyes to the one who was talking. She was blind from the ravages of diabetes, but there was no self pity on the faces of this aging couple, only a delight in one another. As we sat down to eat the husband explained to his wife what was on her plate for dinner. “Dear” he said “The chicken is at twelve o’clock, mashed potatoes at three o’clock, your corn is at six o’clock, and a wonderful homemade roll at nine o’clock!” We watched in amazement as this beautiful woman followed her husbands directions and ate as if she were sighted. What an inspiration these two people were to us as they shared their life story and their love for God. I loved that this man was in no hurry, no checking his watch, and he exuded patience. I’m sure that, as most of us, his plate was full as we often say but he had learned the art of resting in the Lord!
I think sometimes of how our plates must look to God! We very often scoop our plates full of busyiness. Instead of 12, 3, 6 and 9 we have 12:15 work at church, 1:00 help at school, 5:00 supper and so on, you get the picture. You throw in a full time job, meetings to attend and then we have those “crisis” days thrown in and we can kiss resting goodbye! We drop into bed exhausted only to start all over again in the morning. Sound familiar?
As I talk to my daughters who work inside and outside the home, I often hear “I am so busy this week I haven’t even been able to think straight”, “I said yes when I should have said no”, or “my boss so counts on me I just couldn’t say no, now I have too much on my plate”! Hit home? It certainly does to me! Before I retired “over commitment” was a constant on my plate. But unlike many of you, I seldom got it all done, which led to disappointment in myself. One of the first things to go during those times was my time with God! If I found time, it was hard to focus on anything but all I had to do, I had one eye on the bible and one eye on my to-do list.
Now days my plate is less full like that dear lady, and I hear the Lord directing me where things are as far as importance! He directs me to the Bible at seven o’clock, Prayer at three and smell the roses at six o’clock! At nine o’clock he “suggests” to me that I clean house! Or was that Larry? Frequently, he has to scrape my plate clean of worry, frustration and the kind of burdens that all of us face.
Matthew 11:28-29, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls." (Amplified Bible)
I know that I am in a different season of life (retired) than a lot of people but the advise is still good! If you are heavy laden with things that seem impossible, give that to Him, if you are over committed give that to Him and let Him simplify what you have on your plate!
Father, Give me rest from the hassles that come into my life! Help me be refreshed with your words, let me feel your presence as I pray. Take those worries that are heavy on my shoulders and give me rest!
Praise Your Name
Thank you for allowing God to use you...this post is straight from His lips to my heart (via you, of course :). Just what I needed to here in this 5th day of my 12 day work week :)
Twelve days is such a long haul, I will certainly pray for you! Makes me tired just hearing about it! Bless your heart for sharing with me, we all get too busy, even me who swore off work 3years ago when I retired! Rest in Him, he will give you the strength!