In my devotions today the question was asked “Do you feel inferior”. I had to think about that for awhile because there was a time in my youth that I can say, I felt inferior as most teenagers do at times. But as for now, I didn't think so but it didn't seem that I could get that out of my head.
Later as I read the parable of the ten virgins, I saw myself in a different light. If you remember, five virgins were wise and brought enough oil for the lamps so that it would be shining when the bridegroom came. The other five were foolish and had to go to Wal-Mart to buy more and while they were gone the bridegroom came and they were left in the dark. Guess who I identified with? You’re right if you said the five dumbbells. I started to reflect back on other things and what side I came down on. When Jesus took the disciples with him to pray, and when he returned they were sleeping, guess who was wiping the sleep from her eyes. Hey, I even understand the poor guy that was given just one talent, he, after all, was doing what he thought was best. Then I thought of poor Peter. He was quite the guy. When the soldiers came to get Jesus to crucify him, he cut the ear off of one of the soldiers, but later when people pointed to him and said “Isn’t he one of Jesus followers?” Peter denied Him three times just as the Lord had predicted. Hmmm, would that be something I would do? Like Peter, I would stand and say “Not me” but would I? Have I ever failed miserably after feeling so proud of myself? I certainly have. But what I like about Peter’s story is what I read in Luke 22:31-32. This is what Jesus told Peter at the Last Supper of our Lord.
Jesus said:
Simon, Simon Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And WHEN you have turned back, strengthen your brothers. Luke 22:31-32
Hey, there is hope for me because every time WHEN I came back, my heart was softened toward my brothers and sisters. Then I could tell them, “I know what you mean” I forgotten to get oil for my lamp, I have been asleep as Satan sneaked up on me and I closed my eyes to the power of God. To be on the safe side, I have hidden my talent for fear of being rejected. It seemed right at the time! Dear Sisters and Brothers I have failed my Lord more times than I can count but he tells me that WHEN I turn back he has a job for me to do. May the Lord help us to strengthen our Brothers!
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