Saturday, February 26, 2011


When I was about ten, and about this time of year, late February or early March, my dad took me fishing with him. It was cold, rainy and miserable which to my dad was perfect timing. After we started catching bull heads (catfish) which my dad described as pan sized we soon forgot the uncomfortable conditions. My dad’s bobber was the first to go down and up came the first catch of the day, a beautiful fish with a golden belly and horns that I was told not to touch. Feeling a little envious of his catch I watched my bobber or as my dad called it, my cork even closer. We didn’t sit there too long until dad and I both got a bite and I yanked for all I was worth. As my cane pole bent under the pulling of the whale on my hook, I told my dad who was busy with his own fish, “I think it’s a big one”. I pulled and pulled until my dad said something that astonished me, he said “let go”! With that I planted my little feet in firmly and pulled all the harder! Again he said “let go, you are pulling against me”! What was this? I finally get a bite and he says “let go”. He evidently doesn’t know what I know about the big fish pulling on my line. After much prompting he finally was laughing so hard he could hardly get the words out, “let go” you are pulling against me”. He was pulling one way and I the other! We had both hooked the same fish and we were both trying to pull him in. I heard that story told many times when fish stories were shared ,and it always made my dad laugh. He would always laugh and tell how I was determined that I was not going to let go and he couldn‘t convince me that in order to catch the little yellow bull head I needed to let go and let him take over! I don’t remember if he pulled it in or not, I only remember thinking that I knew best, and wondering why my Dad didn’t realize that.

Many times I hang on to things and situations while all the time my heavenly Father is saying “let go and let me take over”. And just as many times I dig my feet in and say no way this is all mine, I know best. When I have a problem I pull for all I am worth, God says give it to me “I‘ll take your burden” but I give it another yank until I am worn out from the struggle. “I’ve got this one God”, I say with my actions “thanks anyway”! Somehow I think if I worry, fret and use my own strength, I can pull it off, but finally I have to say “okay, God I give it to you. I am not accomplishing a thing with my worry, nor is my puny efforts getting me anywhere”. I will let go so you can accomplish what I cannot. Take over, Lord!

Do you have a burden so big that you are bent from the weight of it? Are you reluctant to let go for fear that God can’t really see how important it is or maybe wouldn‘t handle it the way you planned? I have been there and God still tells me LET GO, let me take over. Just as that little girl of many years ago, I some times dig my feet in and say “I want it my way and if I give it to you it might not turn out like I want”! I hear God say “it will turn out better, my child”!

May the Lord be praised! Day after day He bears our burdens; God is our salvation. Selah

Psalm 68:19

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Calm Down

It was a beautiful day here in our neck-of-the-woods so I grabbed my bible, my study books, my coffee and a few of my critters to go out to my “prayer chair”. The sun was beautiful and a Cardinal cheerfully sang “birdie, birdie, birdie”. Ahh it was so good to be out to my prayer chair! I had been out there even in the bad weather and had even kneeled in the snow to pray a few times but to actually be able to sit comfortably was wonderful. I put my things down, moved the cat that wanted to be on my lap and opened my bible. The only problem was, the thin pages of my bible did not want to stay put because of the breeze that was blowing. I didn’t really have the nerve to ask God outright to stop the wind since it was such a small thing, but I just hinted at it. “Lord, it would sure be nice if that wind stopped for a little while so I could enjoy my time with you” hint, hint! The wind seemed to whistle even harder across the pages of the bible and I was cold! I pulled the collar of my thin coat up around my ears and neck to keep them warm. “Sure is uncomfortable here, Lord” I wish the wind would die down a bit”! I may have to cut this short, I am just not comfortable even with the beautiful sun shining on me, I complained. At that moment, it was as if the Lord said to me…. Just go get your heavy coat and maybe a hat! Duh, I thought. He would not stop the wind but he was telling me to go get the things that he had provided to shelter me from the wind. Sometimes He doesn’t stop the wind but instead gives us what we need to withstand the cold blast of life. He gives us his word to encourage us, he gives us brothers and sisters to come along side us and he gives us his presence as he hides us there. But rest assured even when we don’t feel Him, when we only feel the cold winds of life, he is there! You probably have heard the saying “sometimes he doesn’t calm the storm, he calms his child”, I love that. Many times I pray for the storms of life to pass me by but the Lord seems to say “my grace is sufficient for you even in the midst of the storm”. Calm down my child, I’ll hold your hand as you go get a coat! Praise God!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


In my devotions today the question was asked “Do you feel inferior”. I had to think about that for awhile because there was a time in my youth that I can say, I felt inferior as most teenagers do at times. But as for now, I didn't think so but it didn't seem that I could get that out of my head.

Later as I read the parable of the ten virgins, I saw myself in a different light. If you remember, five virgins were wise and brought enough oil for the lamps so that it would be shining when the bridegroom came. The other five were foolish and had to go to Wal-Mart to buy more and while they were gone the bridegroom came and they were left in the dark. Guess who I identified with? You’re right if you said the five dumbbells. I started to reflect back on other things and what side I came down on. When Jesus took the disciples with him to pray, and when he returned they were sleeping, guess who was wiping the sleep from her eyes. Hey, I even understand the poor guy that was given just one talent, he, after all, was doing what he thought was best. Then I thought of poor Peter. He was quite the guy. When the soldiers came to get Jesus to crucify him, he cut the ear off of one of the soldiers, but later when people pointed to him and said “Isn’t he one of Jesus followers?” Peter denied Him three times just as the Lord had predicted. Hmmm, would that be something I would do? Like Peter, I would stand and say “Not me” but would I? Have I ever failed miserably after feeling so proud of myself? I certainly have. But what I like about Peter’s story is what I read in Luke 22:31-32. This is what Jesus told Peter at the Last Supper of our Lord.

Jesus said:

Simon, Simon Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And WHEN you have turned back, strengthen your brothers. Luke 22:31-32

Hey, there is hope for me because every time WHEN I came back, my heart was softened toward my brothers and sisters. Then I could tell them, “I know what you mean” I forgotten to get oil for my lamp, I have been asleep as Satan sneaked up on me and I closed my eyes to the power of God. To be on the safe side, I have hidden my talent for fear of being rejected. It seemed right at the time! Dear Sisters and Brothers I have failed my Lord more times than I can count but he tells me that WHEN I turn back he has a job for me to do. May the Lord help us to strengthen our Brothers!