Thursday, November 4, 2010

Got the Keys!

I just received news that a dear Christian lady who went to our church years ago was soon to be taken off of life support and was expected to die. Surgery went well but a blood clot caused a massive stroke that left her in a coma. Since she was near my age, “young”, I thought about how she had much still to give to her family and the world around her. There will be weddings she will miss, graduations she will not attend and at holidays celebrations she will be present as a sweet memory.

As my heart was breaking for this family and the pain they are going through because of the loss of this dear mother, I remembered what my daughter posted on Facebook this morning. It said “Got the keys to our new home, we will be moving in sooner than we thought”. Hallelujah! One day this “old house” we live in now will be traded for a brand new house. Jesus tells us he is going on ahead of us to get it ready for that day. We never know when we will be moving in, it might be sooner than we think. Enjoy your new home my sister in Christ, you got to move in sooner than we thought! How brief is our lives, how quickly the years go by but sooner or later, if we love the Lord. we will too get the keys to our new heavenly home!

Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and my life is fleeing away. Psalm 39:4

I am here on earth for just a little while Psalm 119:19

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