Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Not One of them Missing

Photo by Allison Smith

I love pre-lit Christmas trees! What’s not to love? You pull them out of the box and WOW instant light. No untangling strings of lights, or wrapping miles of lights round and round the tree. They are always perfectly positioned each branch evenly lit. They are great…. until those lights burn out and that is where I am this year. I got one of my tree up, plugged it in waited to see the perfectly lit tree only to find it was only partially lit up. I tried and tried to find the bad light that kept the others from lighting. Evidently peer pressure is rampant in Christmas lights, one does it and the crowd follows. I even bought a tester gun to make it easier. With my husband and I testing everything that didn’t twinkle, a little red tester gun, and new lights to change out the bad lights we worked steadily for two hours and tested 1000 lights. Each light that we replaced we waited for it to be the one that would cause our tree to explode with light but with each light we were more and more frustrated. Finally, we had tested every light with no success, I felt like a failure. One little light and with all my powers I could not find it. As I pined for my perfect tree I remembered a scripture that I just loved. It was Isaiah 40:25-26.

“To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One. Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one is missing. Isaiah 40:26

I love this scripture for many reasons but I love the part that says “not one is missing”. I think God was driving his point with a little humor. Don’t you love it?
I couldn’t help but contrast myself, who couldn’t find one lost light less than and inch long with He who created the starry hosts and called each one by name without even one missing. How often do I forget how powerful our creator really is and how often do I try, in my frailty, to do things on my own without trusting Him who has “great power and mighty strength.

My pre-lit tree is now adorned with old fashion strings of lights, the branches are not perfect but it is still twinkling beautifully reminding me of the starry host that our wonderful Lord brings out one by one with not one missing.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Right Under My Nose!

Have you ever looked for something for hours and have it right under your nose? That just happened to me. It was a gift I had wrapped for myself to open this month. I carefully wrapped it in pretty Christmas wrapping and put it away for safe keeping, which usually means it will be so safe I will never find it again. This morning I looked everywhere, I looked in the Christmas decorations that have been brought in to assemble in their traditional places, I looked in closets, storage areas and even under the beds. I tried to remember if I had given it to someone, but since it was so special, I wouldn‘t think so. I was almost ready to give up when I decided to pray about it. I went to a closet that is in the guest bedroom and looked again but my eyes were not seeing it. Finally I found it, I had looked at it so often through the year that I had stopped seeing it or appreciating it. I tugged and pulled until it was out. The Christmas wrapping looked as beautiful as the day I hid it away. I tore open the package as if I didn’t know what was in there but I did know. It was my favorite Nativity set. I always wrap it in Christmas wrapping to remember that God gave us the gift of his son to be our savior. Why had I not seen it in there? After I put it in there I began to over look the wrapping that was so beautiful, I forgot what was in the box, I piled other things on top of it, I took the gift for granted until I drug it out for Christmas. Oh, Lord may I never take your gift of salvation for granted. May I never fail to recognize the beauty that comes from you, help me never forget how much I appreciate my family, may I always give thanks for what we celebrate at Christmas and never let me be tempted to hide your gift of salvation away to bring out only at Christmas time. Let me tell the world the good news of your coming! Joy to the World the Lord has come!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"The King of Caulk"

I don’t mean to boast but I just saw the king! I see him every fall! He shows up with his loaded gun blazing and with a determination in his eyes. Who is he? He is who I lovingly call the “King of Caulk” (my husband). He inspects every inch of this house for cracks, crevices and holes that cold air could possibly get through. With blood in his eye he pulls his gun out and shoots those holes full of Caulk! Menards is his favorite place to buy his ammunition. When they see him coming, they hide the women, children and the caulk because the man can clean the shelves in a matter of minutes. If we were invaded with caulk-loving aliens from space and all the caulk was pulled from our house, I am sure it would fall to the ground in a heap. But….I don’t mind the caulk because the cold doesn’t gets into our house when the winds howl and the snow blows. So I look forward to these annual “King of Caulk” sightings.

Just like this drafty old house, doubts can creep in through holes and crevices in my spiritual life. I pray and pray for something or someone but no answer, in blows doubt that my prayers will ever be answered. I prayed for healing, but I am still sick, “where are you, God?” I ask for strength, or peace or even hope to no avail, swoosh can you feel the cold air of disappointment? How can we head off these doubts and feelings of disappointment? With spiritual “Caulk” the word of God, TRUTH! The truth will not only set you free but will plug those holes that lets doubt come in. Shout them out as the devil tries to whisper “it’s no use”. As his icy finger points to you and says “you aren’t worth God’s time” give him a shot of “caulk” like “God so loves the world (me) that he gave his Son to die for me and loved me though I was unworthy. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” try that one! Gather truth as ammunition against the icy winds of doubt. Fill those holes with His truth and let Christ keep you warm as those winter winds blow. The King of Kings can fill you with peace, hope and even joy.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

As I sit here in our warm home I am thankful for the love of my life and“King of Caulk” with his mighty caulk gun but I am more thankful for the King of Kings and His might word that fills those holes of doubt and gives me hope.
Praise the Lord God Almighty!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

He Served

He was a farm boy from McLean, Illinois. When I hear stories about his childhood he reminds me of a young Tom Sawyer character. They tell of his love of fishing that continued through out his whole life. He had more fish tales than anyone I know and most was true. He had a sling shot that he fashioned himself and became so good at flinging the little rocks he picked up, that the whole town talked about it. As he sat with a few old fellows that was hanging out in front of the country store, one of them bet him a nickel that he couldn’t shoot the hat off the guy walking on the other side of the street. He drew back his little sling shot, squinted one eye and let go. The hat went flying and he came home with a nickel in his pocket. He told how he was playing with the barn cats that was forbidden by his father because the cats hung around the back door if they got even a slight invite. As he heard his Dad coming home, he tried to shoo the cats back to the barn with no success. He had to think quick, so he decided to take drastic measures. He grabbed a dull ax and hit each of the cats on the tail and sent them howling back to the barn. It was always a puzzle to his Dad that all of the cats had tails that were perfectly straight accept for the tip that seemed to dangle like a flag waving from a pole.

This little boy grew to be a man and was called up to go to war. It was during WW2 that he left his little country home to fight in a foreign land. This war torn country once could have resembled his home in Illinois but now there was only destruction. He was captured in the Battle of Tunisia in Africa and was a prisoner of war in Germany. This broad shouldered man of large stature dropped to 135 pounds as he ate soup made of greens and who knows what else. During his twenty six month captivity his mother and father both passed away and two brothers suffered from shell shock.
He was considered missing in action for months but was finally freed after the war and was shipped home. His family was gone, the family farm had been lost and he was left to start his life anew.

He became a Railroader working for the Illinois Central Railroad. He loved fishing and hunting and was even known to make a few sling shots. He married Verna Camp and raised three sons and a daughter, that daughter is me. He was my Dad and I honor him today for fighting and suffering to keep this country free. God Bless America and those who gave their all to their country.

He found the Lord later in life and attended church as long as his health allowed. He now is at home in heaven and I am sure he has a fishing pole in his hand and maybe even a sling shot.

Jeanie (Tyson) Nihiser
Daughter of Thomas Marion Tyson

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Crazy Charlie

Charlie, to be honest, was always a yolk short of being an egg! He got his start as sort of project. At the time, my daughter Christa worked in a home for Developmentally Disabled adults and decided to take an egg from one of our hens to incubate. They all watched in amazement as the egg slowly hatched and out popped Charlie! He was cute and cuddly for awhile, but Charlie soon turned into an unruly rooster and was brought back to us to live with his own kind. The only problem was Charlie didn’t fit in. He was always mad and would flog anything that didn’t run from him. I once seen him flog a sponge that we were using to wash the car, the concrete duck frequently was the object of his wrath, not to mention anyone who dared to turn their back on him. After awhile his name was changed to “Crazy Charlie” which fit perfectly. Crazy Charlie didn’t go by rules, Charlie assumed that he knew best and wouldn’t go in at night with the rest of the chickens. I would often find him huddled in the dark and would have to pick him up and put him in the coop with the others. Charlie thought he knew best but what Charlie didn’t see was the danger that lingers in the dark. You see, coyotes roam around here looking for such prideful chickens as our Crazy Charlie. One night I forgot to put him away as was our nightly ritual. I was relieved to hear him crow before dawn that morning. Charlie had his own timing, so he would always crow before daylight just to let the world know he was up and was still mad. I went back to sleep, glad that Charlie had made it through another night. Evidently a hungry coyote heard Charlie crowing and took that prideful crow as a call to supper. Poor Charlie was never to crow again. I wish I could have warned Charlie of the dangers out there, if I could get it through to this “dumb cluck” that I was only thinking about his good. Since I didn’t speak chicken I was helpless. If only I could become a chicken for just a minute I could explain to this hard headed “bird brain” how to keep himself from becoming dinner for some hungry coyote. But Charlie thought he knew best.

I think we all have a little Charlie in us. We strut around in our own pride, in our own strength daring anyone to tell us that there is another way. We crouch in our own darkness becoming a ‘sitting duck” for the enemy. The Bible says the devil roams around like a hungry lion searching for whom he can devour. What better prey than someone who tries to do everything on their own and sit in the darkness of their own pride. Jesus became man so he could talk with us. He wanted us to know that we didn’t have to do everything in our own strength. We don’t have to be in the darkness but He said “I am the light” He came so that none of us would perish but have life eternal. He loved us so much , even us “dumb clucks” that he came to be one of us so he could warn us of the devils plans and bringing us into the new light of His salvation. Thank God He didn’t give up on this “chick”.

Poor Crazy Charlie, I will never hear a rooster crow that I won’t think of him and tell the tale of this angry, tough old rooster who knew it all, who wanted his own way and paid a dear price. May the Charlie in all of us rest in peace!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Got the Keys!

I just received news that a dear Christian lady who went to our church years ago was soon to be taken off of life support and was expected to die. Surgery went well but a blood clot caused a massive stroke that left her in a coma. Since she was near my age, “young”, I thought about how she had much still to give to her family and the world around her. There will be weddings she will miss, graduations she will not attend and at holidays celebrations she will be present as a sweet memory.

As my heart was breaking for this family and the pain they are going through because of the loss of this dear mother, I remembered what my daughter posted on Facebook this morning. It said “Got the keys to our new home, we will be moving in sooner than we thought”. Hallelujah! One day this “old house” we live in now will be traded for a brand new house. Jesus tells us he is going on ahead of us to get it ready for that day. We never know when we will be moving in, it might be sooner than we think. Enjoy your new home my sister in Christ, you got to move in sooner than we thought! How brief is our lives, how quickly the years go by but sooner or later, if we love the Lord. we will too get the keys to our new heavenly home!

Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and my life is fleeing away. Psalm 39:4

I am here on earth for just a little while Psalm 119:19