Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hand Me That "Thingamajig"!

This is Riley saying her nightly prayers under the stars!

In the same way the spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Romans 8:26

Do you ever try to tell God what to do? I, at times, have certainly tried to orchestrate things. I say “God if you could take this step, then this step and make this person do this and that then I think we have the problem solved”! I can imagine God saying “thank you Jeanie, I didn’t think of that”. I do think that at times we need to pray very specific prayers but I don’t really think He needs blow by blow every time we pray. If He can set all of the stars in place, I am sure he can solve my small problems.

There have been times that I have been speechless, plan-less and felt the frustration of not knowing what to pray. I had no suggestions for God only hurt and “groaning”. At times I have opened my hands and said "here it is Lord I don’t even know what to pray". Many times I knew that even if I was guaranteed a yes from God, I didn’t know which way I should pray. That is why I have always loved this scripture in Romans. What inspires me most is one little word “himself”. The scripture says that the spirit himself will intercede on my behalf. Can you imagine the creator of everything taking time to intercede and translate my confusion for me.

As I have been writing today, I have been interrupted several times by Larry my dear husband. He has a project going on in the basement that has needed my help. As he holds “thousands” of pound (to hear him tell it) he has been asking me to get him certain tools. “Over there in the case that holds a thingamajig, there is a do-hicky that I need” or at least that’s what I thought he said. I search for the thing only to bring him the wrong thing, grimacing, he explains again in a more annoyed voice what he needs. With eyes straining to see what he is talking about I try again only to let him down again. Right about now he needs someone to intercede and speak in a language that I can comprehend. Poor guy, he needs someone that knows exactly what he needs and knows where to find it.

Fortunately, the spirit himself, also knows what I need and where to find it. I talk in circles, I ramble, I do not make sense sometimes when I petition God, but I am glad that there is no language barrier when it comes to God. Hallelujah, “the spirit himself intercedes”!

I hear a voice from the basement asking me for channel locks and needle nose something or other so got to go!

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