I think I love this tree because it was on “death row” for so long. When we first even considered buying this house we were sure that this tree had to go. It was with other trees that had overgrown and hidden the house. After all it was a funny looking thing it was too close to the house and hung over the porch and dropped twigs with every little breeze. It seemed to be stunted because of the other trees crowding it out. It looked like a pine tree but it’s limbs drooped down in a very unattractive way and left much to be desired. It was seemingly unworthy to be saved. The only thing that kept it from meeting it’s end that year was too many trees and not enough time. It would receive a stay of execution until the next spring.In my world, I have been there where this tree stood. If I tried to be saved by my merit, I lacked so much. I wasn’t as beautiful as some, as educated as some and it seemed that I was lost in the crowd. I am unworthy in so many ways. Why would the Lord care about me? Would I be as wise as Solomon or as brave as David? The answer would be no. The bible says: You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book. Psalm 139:16 and The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me. Psalm 138:8a. Could it be that the creator of this earth would find me worthy to fulfill his purpose?Spring came and as we cleared the crowd of trees around this tree, it’s beauty began to shine out. We loved it’s drooping limbs, it’s green needles were beautiful and it even shaded the porch at different times of the day. This little tree was “saved”. Today, ten years later, this tree stands as a reminder that all of God’s creation has purpose. We might not feel that we have purpose because of what we lack or for what we have done in our life but we still have purpose! This little tree even has a name it is a Weeping Norwegian Pine and she still stands reaching skyward to the one who sees her purpose.
Posted by Jeanie at 5:27 PM
I finally added the picture of my Weeping Norwegian Pine that I talk about in this story.